Anonymous ID: cc156b April 16, 2019, 8:26 p.m. No.6206409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6427 >>6584

Just a reminder everyone!

Day 817 or some such shit.

No arrests

No disclosures

No wall

No cures

No new tech

No "unlocking the secrets of space"


Not saying he is doing a bad job, probably the best president in 50 years. But he isn't stopping the march to socialism, and he isn't the revolutionary we needed. Have a nice evening. And Q is a faggot.

Anonymous ID: cc156b April 16, 2019, 8:32 p.m. No.6206483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6638


Thanks for being reasonable yourself. The truth is, Q's fanciful bullshit is what actually needed to happen. Sadly the truth is, it didn't. Hope is fine, but prepare for what happens when Trump fails.