Anonymous ID: 0a7bab Smollett a PEDO????? April 16, 2019, 9:37 p.m. No.6207113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7127 >>7137 >>7168

Did I miss this? She said SMOLLETT was a PEDO???????

State's Attorney Kim Foxx called Jussie Smollett a 'washed up celeb who lied to cops' in texts sent just two weeks before all charges against him were dropped.


In messages sent weeks after she was said to have recused herself from the case Foxx wrote to fellow prosecutor Joe Magats and appeared to compare Smollett's charges to those leveled at another celebrity defendant, R. Kelly.


She said: 'Pedophile with 4 victims 10 counts. Washed up celeb who lied to cops, 16.'