>Please don't talk about that.
Mueller was appointed the fucking director of the FBI a mere seven days before 9/11. Are you just fucking around?
There's a difference between controlling the narrative from our end and being stupid enough to suggest he wasn't complicit somehow.
Also, that's not a new theory by any means. There's no way you can't find some even some slightly convincing source material on the subject if you spend even ten minutes looking.
This "give me sources" pouting just makes you look lazy.
that image is hardly comprehensible.
We don't need Democracy anymore.
Remember, we got Trump elected with a picture of a fucking frog…
No there is something they can do about it and they've been doing it for quite some time. Luckily, though, it looks like their efforts are wearing thin.
yeah, I dunno about that.
Just because I haven't been outside in a couple of years doesn't mean I don't know what shape sticks are.
Stop being lazy and go figure it out.
We're just letting them fuck themselves over right now, really.
Seems like a stretch but fuck how'd you even come up with that?