Anonymous ID: b87a25 April 16, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.6206893   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6925

The hearts of the French, Americans and all who witnessed the grandeur of Notre Dame Cathedral are broken today. What a tragedy, an incalculable loss. We cry together, but we will rebuild.

Anonymous ID: b87a25 April 16, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.6206918   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6990 >>7105 >>7266 >>7344 >>7405 >>7443


Hundreds of texts, emails about Jussie Smollett probe made public by State's Attorney Kim Foxx's office


Just after news broke that Jussie Smollett had been indicted on 16 felony counts, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx told her top deputy that Smollett was a “washed up celeb who lied to cops” and the number of felony counts he faced was excessive, communications obtained by the Tribune show.


“Sooo……I’m recused, but when people accuse us of overcharging cases…16 counts on a class 4 (felony) becomes exhibit A,” she sent in a text message to First Assistant Joseph Magats on March 8.


In the texts with Magats, Foxx went on to compare Smollett’s case to the office’s recent indictment of R&B singer R. Kelly on 10 charges of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.


“Pedophile with 4 victims 10 counts. Washed up celeb who lied to cops, 16 (counts),” she wrote. “… Just because we can charge something doesn’t mean we should.”


Smollett, who is African-American and openly gay, had been indicted on 16 counts of disorderly conduct on charges he staged a hate crime attack on himself, but Foxx’s office abruptly dropped all the charges less than three weeks later in a surprise decision that drew heavy criticism.


Late Tuesday, Foxx’s office made public hundreds of internal texts and emails on the Smollett case to the Chicago Tribune in response to public-records requests.


Foxx withdrew from the case in February after she had been in contact with one of Smollett's relatives in the early phases of the investigation. But Foxx’s office has since said she removed herself from the case only informally, since an actual recusal would have required her entire office to step aside and request the appointment of a special prosecutor.


The office, though, denied outright the Tribune’s request for its internal files, saying it did so because the judge presiding over the case had agreed to seal the public court file moments after prosecutors dropped all the charges. The Chicago Police Department has also denied public-records requests for its documents on the same grounds.


Smollett found himself at the center of an international media firestorm after he reported being the victim of a Jan. 29 attack by two people who shouted the slurs, hit him and wrapped a noose around his neck. Police initially treated the incident as a hate crime, but their focus turned to Smollett after two brothers who were alleged to have been his attackers told detectives that Smollett had paid them $3,500 to stage the attack, with a promise of an additional $500 later.


The move to drop charges has provoked fierce criticism. Outgoing Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s administration has sued to try to force Smollett to reimburse Chicago for its expenses investigating the alleged hoax even though all the charges against the “Empire” actor were dropped.