Wikileaks is not "his" thing?
you can't make this shit up. Did someone remind him we were at the rallies?
Wikileaks is not "his" thing?
you can't make this shit up. Did someone remind him we were at the rallies?
Fuck those 3-d bullshit theories.
Trump does what is best for trump and everyone around him is burned.
That's the way it goes, how about buy him a plane ticket, no need to for deep state fuckery.
All you do is expose his own hypocrisy along with the dems.
Trump seems intent on teaching us, even if I say trust, do not ever trust me.
20 years of afghan, it was a shithole, then and it's a shithole now.
Shitholes are expensive and serve MIC.
Too bad Americans are pussies, say what you want about the french, they will meet the government in the street.
Americans have no such balls.
Kek, again with the bullshit pysop?
nigga please, facts are facts and HRC walks, and all the 5am raids were trump supporters.
keyboard cowboys are of little value.
House of Saud has admitted working with muh sod, forming a new group muh sod/suad.
(Who's sod/saud is it anyway?)
That is the basis of isis.
Think for yourself, unless of course you do not believe in the necessary disinfo, in which case you are a fucking shill and should be hanged.
Cognitive Dissonance, It's what for breakfast.
yeah DOJ is under Congress.
oh wait a minute?
Well what interest does POTUS have in overreaching prosecution? and corruption, I mean all of that is just not my thing.