Anonymous ID: 307de9 April 17, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6212301   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Clinton scandals PROJECTED onto Trump


They took Clinton-China collusion scandal and inserted Trump/Russia


(REAL) Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung met three times with the chief of China's military intelligence , Gen. Ji Shengde, who secretly directed funds from Beijing to help reelect President Clinton in 1996




(FAKE) “The Kremlin may also have used the NRA to secretly fund Mr. Trump’s campaign.

Senate Dems say documents suggest Russia funneled money to NRA group to boost Trump campaign




(REAL) Ji conveyed to Chung the Chinese government's specific interest in supporting Clinton:

"We like your president,"




(FAKE) Why Vladimir Putin’s Russia Is Backing Donald Trump


Putin said he was rooting for Trump



(REAL) Chung testified that he was introduced to the intelligence chief by the daughter of China's retired senior military officer.




(FAKE) Papadopoulos said “Putin’s niece” and the professor had offered “to arrange a meeting between us and the Russian leadership to discuss U.S.-Russia ties under President Trump.”

Putin's Daughter Is Linked to Wilbur Ross—Another Trump-Russia Connection?



(REAL) first direct link between a senior Chinese government official and illicit foreign contributions that were funneled into Clinton's 1996 reelection effort. It is the strongest evidence to emerge–in two years of federal investigations–that the highest levels of the Chinese government sought to influence the U.S. election process.




(FAKE) Russia intervened to help Trump win election: intelligence officials


Trump ‘beyond the shadow of a doubt, sought to collude with the Russian government’




(REAL) Chung, 44, a Taiwan-born American citizen who lives in Artesia, Calif., was one of the most prominent figures in the 1996 campaign finance scandal. He contributed more than $400,000 to various Democratic campaigns and causes, visited the White House no fewer than 50 times and brought numerous Chinese associates to events with the president and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.




(FAKE) A news story making the rounds claims that members of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and transition team engaged in more than 100 contacts with “Russian-linked officials.”