Turning it into a monument for the glory of satan. nice disney.
hahahaha! nice joke
Did you all see the post from last night/yesterday? hat a plan had been submitted in 2013 for the redo of ND?
They had to remove the roof some how, so this is easy and garners support from the plebs going forward, They just couldn't come out and say we are going to be doing a redo now, could they.
to be fair, and I don't care one way or another.
Look at women around you who are in their 50-60's.
Her skin looks smooth and Yes, I know plastic surgery but still, compared to normal looking women of 60, she doesn't look that bad.
She would look better if she didn't look drugged up or drunk.
I guess the "Hate Whitey" memo didn't reach them in time.
he looks excited.
no problem. I was more interested in the piggy brain horror c***. If real.
They had been trying to get a central bank in the USA since the 1800's.
LOVE this song so much! thanks for the memory retrieval.