>The 17:17 Edition
ThanQ Baker luv that bread title!
>>6214221 (lb)
This needs to be payed moar attention to especially by newbies
This is where discernment is most valuable
Whomever posted that pic of a strange guy in a "yellow vest" atop ND, that turns out to be a firefighter, was baiting anons
People like Mike Rothschild & other MSM/Q h8ers come here to post that shit hoping to make it appear as though Q people are dumb/crazy & will fall 4 anything. They've been doing it for months now.
I suspect the majority of posts the h8ers point out as their "evidence" that anons are crazy/dumb were in fact written by said h8ers or alphabet fuggers.
It's REALLY pathetic honestly.
They all have "tells" weather they realize it or not BTW, keep watching, you'll start to recognize cadence, especially if you're familiar w/ certain journo's writing on say… twitler or fb.
Anyway just something I thought should b pointed out.
WWG1WGA Patriots!