Anonymous ID: 40adc0 April 17, 2019, 4:05 p.m. No.6215626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5869

Senate Leaders Want Information On ‘Highly Classified’ FBI Memo About Clinton


The FBI drafted a secret and ‘highly classified’ memo in May 2016 regarding the bureau’s Midyear investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server that she used to send classified government emails but never submitted it to then Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to a letter written by three Republican Senators and delivered to Attorney General William Barr.


Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Lindsey Graham, R-SC; Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee Charles Grassley, R-Iowa and Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee Ron Johnson sent the letter to Barr Wednesday requesting information obtained by Inspector General Michael Horowitz about the bureau’s secret memo.


Last year, the Senate Judiciary Committee sent a ‘classified letter’ to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz requesting the information he referred to in the appendix of the report: “A Review of Various Actions by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Justice in Advance of the 2016 Election.” At the time, Grassley was the chairman of the Judiciary committee.


The letter stated that on “July 31, 2018, the Judiciary Committee requested a briefing on the steps the Department has taken, or plans to take, in light of the report’s findings.” They were denied the briefing due to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation.


Later “in a subsequent phone call with Department personnel on September 17, 2018, the Department declined to brief the Judiciary Committee, asserting without any clear basis, that it would interfere with Special Counsel Mueller’s equities,” the letter states.


“Now that the Special Counsel’s investigation has concluded, we are unaware of any legitimate basis upon which the Department can refuse to answer the Judiciary Committee’s inquiries,” the chairman told Barr in the letter.


According to Horowitz’s report, late into the FBI’s investigation into Clinton, the bureau then “considered obtaining permission from the Department to review certain classified materials that may have included information potentially relevant to the Midyear investigation.” The bureau drafted a memo in 2016 to then Deputy Attorney General Yates.


The FBI said the review of the “highly classified materials was necessary to complete the investigation” but then never submitted the memo to Yates. According to the IG the FBI said it believed “this information would not materially impact the conclusion.”


The explanation is “inconsistent with the memorandum’s self-identified purpose and demands clarification,” the Republican chairmen told Barr in their letter. The Republicans are requesting access to Horowitz’s classified appendix regarding the bureau’s explanation for not submitting the memo.


“The classified appendix raises significant issues associated with the FBI’s failure to review certain highly classified information in support of its Midyear investigation,” it states.


I love this Patriot!

Anonymous ID: 40adc0 April 17, 2019, 4:13 p.m. No.6215727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5840 >>6090 >>6159

Georgia freshman Dem does not list Omar donation on election filing: Rep. Lucy McBath


Rep. Lucy McBath’s (D-Ga.) reelection campaign did not list a $2,000 donation from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) on its latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing.


The donation was absent from McBath's first-quarter filing, even though Omar’s campaign said in its own filing that it made the contribution to the fellow freshman lawmaker on March 27.


The McBath campaign did not have an official response to a request for comment from The Hill. Omar's campaign did not respond to a request for comment.


The McBath campaign told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Wednesday that the donation was not accepted.


The missing Omar donation in McBath's filing comes after Dan McCready, the Democratic candidate in the hotly contested House race for North Carolina’s 9th District, refunded a donation from Omar, according to FEC filings.


Omar has been the focus on national scrutiny over comments she made that were criticized as being anti-semitic.


She was also recently attacked by President Trump, who shared an edited video with remarks she had made about the 9/11 attacks.


However, Trump's sharing of the video elicited an angry response from Democrats, including most of the 2020 contenders, who accused the president of racism and of inciting violence.


Omar is a first-term lawmaker who immigrated to the United States from Somalia.


McBath last year flipped a Georgia House seat that had been in Republican hands for over three decades. She had previously made headlines after deciding to run for Congress to advocate for gun control reform after her teenage son was shot and killed.


Her district, which covers many of Atlanta’s northern suburbs, hosts large Jewish communities in Sandy Springs and east Cobb County, according to the Journal-Constitution.

Anonymous ID: 40adc0 April 17, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.6215783   🗄️.is 🔗kun

It appears North Korea is set to resume its ICBM test at any moment.


by Tyler Durden


According to the state-run KCNA news agency, on Wednesday, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un supervised a test-firing of a new tactical guided weapon, calling its development an "event of very weighty significance" in beefing up its military power.


The report did not specify exactly what the tested weapon was, although some military channels have suggested that it was "likely a cruise missile or SAM, or some other missile variant."


"Saying that the completion of the development of the weapon system serves as an event of very weighty significance in increasing the combat power of the People's Army, he noted that it is a very good thing that the field of national defense science has waged a dynamic struggle for attaining core research goals," Kim was quoted as saying by the Korean Central News Agency.


"After watching the power of the new-type tactical guided weapon, he pointed out that our national defense scientists and workers in the field of the munitions industry performed another great work in increasing the country's defense capabilities," KCNA said, according to Yonhap.


You jackass, I link to all kinds of zerohedge articles and you write >It appears North Korea is set to resume its ICBM test at any moment.


They should fire your ass for being lazy!


This ain't notable but this wack-a-mole needed attention…

Anonymous ID: 40adc0 April 17, 2019, 4:42 p.m. No.6216101   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This will have a D5 result.


May gone. Brexit finally.


Trudont done. Canada slightly less cold.


Turnbull bending over for… how do you say bubba with an aussie accent?

Anonymous ID: 40adc0 April 17, 2019, 4:47 p.m. No.6216157   🗄️.is 🔗kun


She bought her way on the list with Iranian billions from the US tax payer… (gotta be a special kind of bus rider to think Iranian frozen assets weren't spent by congress).