Anonymous ID: 86cb58 April 17, 2019, 4:57 p.m. No.6216264   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6287 >>6526 >>6697 >>6865 >>6932

Hammer About to Drop on Slimy Alexandra Chalupa – Hoaxer Behind Fake Russia Narrative and Key Promoter of DNC ‘Resist Trump’ Rallies Outside White House


Alexandra Chalupa was a key player in the Democrat’s waste management business (i.e. organizing street resistance against President Trump, keeping the collusion fake news narrative alive, and spreading the evolving anti-Trump rumors).

Chalupa also is very well connected (and paid) and regularly hobnobs with Democrat elites.

She also is aligned with the early stages of fake Trump-Russia dossier and she hired creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti to represent her in court.

Avenatti is now indicted for numerous scams and Chalupa is likely right behind him.


Three months ago creepy porn lawyer Michael Avenatti announced he was representing an individual accused of being involved in the creation of the fake Russia-Trump dossier against President Trump. His client, Alexandra Chalupa, also attended and no doubt put together a rally for Avenatti outside the White House.


Now, the creepy porn lawyer is facing jail time and Chalupa is likely next!


As we reported in December 2018, Andrii Telizhenko was approached by DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa in early 2016. Chalupa wanted dirt on candidate Trump and his campaign manager Paul Manafort. The Ukrainian embassy in Washington DC worked CLOSELY with the DNC operative Chalupa.


Chalupa told Andrii she wanted Russian “dirt” on the Trump campaign.


The Gateway Pundit spoke with Telizhenko on the DNC Russia-gate Scandal –


Alexandra Chalupa was apparently hired by the DNC going as far back as 2013. According to Politico:


A daughter of Ukrainian immigrants who maintains strong ties to the Ukrainian-American diaspora and the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine, Chalupa, a lawyer by training, in 2014 was doing pro bono work for another client interested in the Ukrainian crisis and began researching Manafort’s role in Yanukovych’s rise, as well as his ties to the pro-Russian oligarchs who funded Yanukovych’s political party.”


Politico also noted that Chalupa claimed that in October of 2015 she began investigating Trump’s ties to Russia. Why she began this investigation is completely unknown. Trump NEVER had any ties with Russians. The only thing of significance that had happened at this point was that Trump announced he was running for office. There was no apparent triggering event. Candidate Trump had very limited contact with Russia or Russia businessmen.


Also, according to Politico, in January of 2016, Chalupa suddenly and out of the blue warned the DNC about Paul Manafort. Manafort’s name hadn’t even been mentioned at this point in time. Chalupa made a prediction that if Team Trump hired Paul Manafort that it would be clear and convincing evidence that Trump had ties to Russia.


Manafort worked with Hillary’s Campaign Manager John Podesta and his brother Tony in the Ukraine. They worked to bring in US politicians to meet with Ukranian politicians.


Hillary was one guest:

Anonymous ID: 86cb58 April 17, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.6216323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6341

Oy Vey! Rabbi Reportedly Claims Notre Dame Fire May Be DIVINE PUNISHMENT


While the rabbi did not directly claim that what happened to the iconic Parisian cathedral was an act of the Almighty, he did not rule out such possibility either, noting a certain incident from distant past that may be related to it.


While French authorities investigate what caused the 15 April fire that ravaged the famous Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, one rabbi has speculated that this tragedy might’ve been the work of the divine, the Haaretz newspaper reports.


According to the newspaper, Shlomo Aviner, a rabbi of a West Bank settlement who was born in France, initially refrained from directly calling the blaze a punishment from god, but admitted that it might be possible after he was asked the following question: "So it can't be said that it was punishment?"


"It is possible, after all. The first big Talmud burning was in Paris, there in the plaza of the Notre Dame Cathedral", the rabbi said.


Aviner also reportedly pointed out that while “there is no command to seek out Christian churches beyond Israel and burn them down. In our holy land, things are more complicated. Indeed the Rabbi of Satmar wrote that one of his reasons against immigration to Israel is that here the command to burn churches applies but it isn't exercised”.


News of the rabbi’s remarks elicited a negative response on social media, with a number of people appearing either offended or amused by his words.


The devastating fire broke out at the Notre-Dame de Paris on Monday, causing the collapse of the cathedral's spire and two-thirds of its roof.


The blaze was fully extinguished by Tuesday morning, and the authorities have already started amassing funds for the cathedral’s restoration.

Anonymous ID: 86cb58 April 17, 2019, 5:03 p.m. No.6216350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Washington in frenzy over release of Mueller report


Washington is on edge as it awaits the highly anticipated release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Thursday, the findings of which could ignite a political firestorm.


Attorney General William Barr isn't delivering the report to Congress until 11 a.m. – after he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein hold a 9:30 a.m. press conference to discuss the findings.


The move drew howls of protest from Democrats on Wednesday night, especially after The New York Times reported that White House lawyers and Department of Justice officials have already discussed details of Mueller's conclusions.


Democrats say Barr has acted as an agent of President Trump in his role overseeing the release of the report, which will mark the culmination of one of the most watched probes in recent political history.


Barr has consistently argued he had to wait to release the report in order to redact any grand jury material, classified information or details pertaining to ongoing investigations.


Democrats are hoping to use the report to bolster their sprawling probes into Trump’s administration, businesses and campaign.


But if the roughly 400-page document contains little evidence implicating Trump on obstruction of justice, the probes are certain to lose steam and thwart their plans to dig into every facet of the administration heading into 2020.


Republicans have already celebrated the principal findings of Mueller’s report – as provided by Barr – that found no evidence of collusion or coordination between the Trump campaign and Russia.


But GOP lawmakers are cautiously eyeing whether Thursday’s release will reveal damaging information about the president, which could cause a lasting migraine for both the White House and Republicans in their 2020 election efforts.


Trump and his conservative allies have repeatedly sought to undercut the credibility of the probe, with the president this week calling it “the greatest scam in political history” and a complete “fabrication.”


Democrats are focusing their firepower on Barr, who sparked their fury after he decided, along with Rosenstein, that there was not sufficient evidence to charge the president with obstruction of justice, even though Mueller declined to make a call on the matter.


Democrats have since questioned whether Barr can be a fair arbiter of justice.

Anonymous ID: 86cb58 April 17, 2019, 5:13 p.m. No.6216465   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Trump, FCC Chairman, Ivanka Trump Promote Forced 5G Installation Despite Lawsuits, Municipal Opposition and No Studies Showing 5G Is Safe


There was a press conference on Friday from the White House urging forced 5G small cell installation about the U.S. needing to win the controversial “Race for 5G.” There was no reference to the testimony provided by the Telecom Industry in February that they could provide no scientific studies that proved 5G wireless technology was biologically or environmentally safe.


In fact, many scientific studies have already proven 5G is NOT safe. That’s why 200+ doctors and scientists have been demanding a moratorium on 5G installation since 2017.


President Trump mostly read from a script. He mentioned that 5G networks must be secured – which according to most security experts seems completely impossible.

Anonymous ID: 86cb58 April 17, 2019, 5:18 p.m. No.6216539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saudi journo: Palestinians who don't accept Israel should be deported


"After nearly 70 years of resistance and the loss of dozens of opportunities, the Palestinian issue must be eliminated," Al-Ghabin said.


"Palestinians who do not accept to be a part of the State of Israel should be deported to Jordan and other Palestinians in other countries should be naturalized, including Palestinians in the Gulf countries, with compensation," Abdul Hameed Al-Ghabin, a Saudi Arabian writer and political analyst, said in an interview on Saudi Arabian television.


"After nearly 70 years of resistance and the loss of dozens of opportunities, the Palestinian issue must be eliminated," Al-Ghabin said.


There's "no chance that everything will be changed for Jerusalem," Al-Ghabin continued. "It doesn't interest us what happens with Jerusalem as much as peace between the states interests us. We need to calm things down and make a true peace between the two sides."



Anonymous ID: 86cb58 April 17, 2019, 5:26 p.m. No.6216633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Court Throws Out Years of Rulings from Military Judge in USS Cole Trial


A federal appeals court tossed out years of rulings from a case being tried by a military tribunal at Guantanamo involving the bombing of the USS Cole.


The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that orders issued by the military judge in the case, Air Force Col. Vance Spath, gave the “disqualifying appearance of partiality."


Judge Spath apparently applied for a position as an immigration court judge at the same time he was presiding over the trial of suspected al Qaeda member Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, the alleged mastermind of the USS Cole bombing in the Gulf of Aden in 2000. The appeals court took a dim view of Spath's ambitions.


Washington Examiner:


“We do not take lightly the crimes that Al-Nashiri stands accused of committing. To the contrary, the seriousness of those alleged offenses and the gravity of the penalty they may carry make the need for an unimpeachable adjudicator all the more important,” Judge David Tatel said, writing the unanimous opinion for the appeals court panel.


In making this ruling, Tatel emphasized "the government seeks to impose the ultimate penalty against Al-Nashiri.”


It's been 20 years since 17 sailors were killed and 39 injured in that terrorist attack. That al-Nashiri still draws breath is a travesty of justice. And now this – a stupid military judge who didn't think angling for another job with the government would taint his decisions in the eyes of an appeals court.


Even more stupidly, Spath bragged about his role in the al-Nashiri trial.


Spath has presided over the al-Nashiri case since July 2014, and applied for a position with DOJ’s Executive Office for Immigration Review on Nov. 19, 2015. Spath never revealed that fact to defense, even though his actions from that time onward could be seen as part of a job interview. The appeals court panel pointed out that Spath made his role as a judge in the al-Nashiri proceedings a significant part of his job application, with Spath telling the DOJ he was “handpicked by the top lawyer of the Air Force to be the trial judge” for “the military commissions proceedings for the alleged ‘Cole bombing’ mastermind.” Spath’s job application was only revealed through a Freedom of Information Act request.