Anonymous ID: 2e9f48 April 17, 2019, 6:03 p.m. No.6217094   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7110 >>7135 >>7308 >>7565 >>7604 >>7623 >>7683



Public gatherings in occupied Syrian Golan and Quneitra marking 73rd anniversary of evacuation Day

A public gathering was held on Wednesday in the town of Ayn al-Tineh in Quneitra province to mark the 73rd anniversary of the evacuation Day and to affirm the Golan’s Syrian identity.


A new batch of Syrian displaced citizens return home from Jordan

A new batch of displaced Syrians returned home coming from refugee camps in Jordan via Nassib Jaber border crossing

SANA’s reporter said that a number of families, mostly children and women, on Wednesday afternoon returned home coming from refugee camps in Jordan via Nassib Jaber border crossing.


Military Situation In Syria On April 17, 2019 (Map Update)

Over 1,300 refugees have recently left the al-Rukban camp via a humanitarian corridor opened by Syrian and Russian forces;

The Syrian Arab Army and its allies launched another security operation against ISIS in the Homs-Deir Ezzor desert;

ISIS claims that its members killed 2 SDF members annd injured 3 others near al-Sabkah;

At least one person was killed by a gunman in Sarmin, Idlib province;

An intense shelling was reported in the area of Qalaat Al Madiq and nearby points in northwestern Hama;

Sporadic clashes between the Syrian Arab Army and militants erupt along the entire contact line in the Idlib de-militarized zone.


Syrian Army Launches Large-Scale Combing Operation Between Raqqa, Homs & Deir Ezzor

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the National Defense Forces (NDF) launched a new large-scale combing operation in the desert area between Raqqa, Homs and Deir Ezzor on April 16.

According to an official press release of the NDF media wing, the Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) is supporting the new operation.

In the course of the operation, the Syrian military will chase ISIS cells, destroy terrorist hideouts and remove mines and improvised-explosive devices (IEDs), which might have been planted by the terrorist group.


Syrian Army Deploys Reinforcement On Border With Iraq Ahead Of Reopening Key International Highway – Report

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) deployed a large force in the T2 Station near the border with Iraq on April 16, the pro-government al-Masdar News blog reported, citing a military source.

According to the source, the reinforcements were sent to the border area to secure the international highway linking Syria and Iraq as the two countries prepare to reopen the strategic Qa’im border crossing, that has been closed since 2012.



Anonymous ID: 2e9f48 April 17, 2019, 6:04 p.m. No.6217110   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7135 >>7308 >>7565 >>7623 >>7683



Syria’s Assad denounces US for blacklisting Iran’s IRGC

President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has censured the US for blacklisting Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), which has been greatly contributing to his country’s fight against terrorists.

In a meeting with visiting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Damascus on Tuesday, the Syrian leader said the recent designation of the IRGC as “foreign terrorist organization” was yet another “wrong” move by Washington, which could further destabilize the region.

During the meeting, the two sides emphasized that the hostile policies of the US and certain Arab countries cannot prevent Iran and Syria from defending the rights of their nations, the statement added.


Syrian Army Uncovers Guided Missiles And Other Weapons In Western Daraa


Iranian Foreign Minister To Brief Turkish President On Meeting With Assad

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif said during a press conference with his Turkish counterpart on April 17 that he will brief Turkey’s President Reaccept Tayyip Erdogan on his “long” meeting with the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, which took place a day earlier.

“I will submit a report about this talk to Mr. Erdogan,” Zarif told reporters before heading to the Turkish presidential complex where he had a closed-door meeting with the Turkish President.

The Anadolu news agency reported that Zairf stressed during the press conference that Tehran understands Turkey’s concerns about the threats posed against the country. The Iranian foreign minister said that the deployment of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) along the Turkish border could address these concerns.

“For us, the Turkish people’s peace and security is very important. We enjoy very thorough cooperation on this issue,” Zarif added.


Satellite Image: Iskander Ballistic Missile System Deployed At Rusia’s Hmeimim Airbase In Syria

A fresh satellite image confirms that Russia continues to keep nuclear-capable Iskander ballistic missile systems at its Hmeimim airbase in Syria.

The system’s missiles can be armed with different conventional warheads, including a cluster munitions warhead, a fuel-air explosive enhanced-blast warhead, a high explosive-fragmentation warhead, an earth penetrator for bunker busting and an electromagnetic pulse device for anti-radar missions and even carry nuclear warheads.


Lavrov: Terrorism hotbed in Idleb must be eliminated

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated the need to eliminate the hotbed of terrorism in Idleb province.

During a press conference with Serbian counterpart Ivica Dacic in Moscow on Wednesday, Lavrov stressed the need for finding a political solution for the crisis in Syria according to UN resolution no. 2254.

Regarding the situation in Idleb, Lavrov said that the hotbed of terrorism in Idleb must be eliminated, as terrorists cannot remain there.



Anonymous ID: 2e9f48 April 17, 2019, 6:07 p.m. No.6217151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7165 >>7181 >>7250 >>7284 >>7433 >>7488 >>7716

Rob Reiner: Trump will Use Mueller Report to ‘Drive Stake Through the Heart of Democracy’


Hollywood director and left-wing activist Rob Reiner on Wednesday expressed concern over the Trump administration scheduled release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on now-debunk Trump-Russia collusion, suggesting it could spell the end for U.S. democracy.


“Tomorrow Donald Trump, with the aid of the Attorney General of the United States, will try to drive a stake through the heart of Democracy,” tweeted Rob Reiner.


The All in the Family star’s hyperbolic tweet follows an announcement by the Justice Department stating Attorney General William Barr will hold a 9:30 a.m. news conference accompanied by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversaw the investigation after Mueller’s appointment in May 2017.


It is unclear if Barr will speak before or after the report is released. The Justice Department also plans to provide a “limited number” of members of Congress and their staff access to a copy of the Mueller report with fewer redactions than the public copy, according to a court filing Wednesday.


The nearly 400-page report is expected to reveal what Mueller uncovered about ties between the Trump campaign and Russia that fell short of criminal conduct. It will also lay out the special counsel’s conclusions about formative episodes in Trump’s presidency, including his firing of FBI Director James Comey and his efforts to undermine the Russia investigation publicly and privately.


Rob Reiner, one of Hollywood’s most vocal Trump critics, has claimed for nearly two years that the special counsel would uncover proof of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Last month, the actor began criticizing Barr’s handling of the Mueller report, accusing the attorney general of attempting to “gas light” Americans with his summary of Mueller’s findings.


“Autocracy 101: Continually lie and tell you not to believe what you see with your own eyes,” he wrote in a tweet. “Trump, with the protection of cult GOP, FOX, & AG Barr, is in full gas light mode. We’ve seen Collusion & Obstruction in plain sight. Reality is reality. Truth is truth. Trust Your Eyes.”


Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has claimed vindication after nearly two years of unrelenting investigation, seeing “complete and total exoneration” in the Justice Department’s account of Mueller’s findings.


“It was just announced there was no collusion with Russia,” the president said in brief remarks to reporters upon the summary’s release. “It’s a shame that our country had to go through this. To be honest it’s a shame that your president has had to go through this.”


Overall, Mueller brought charges against 34 people — including six Trump aides and advisers — and revealed a sophisticated, wide-ranging Russian effort to influence the 2016 presidential election. Twenty-five of those charged were Russians accused either in the hacking of Democratic email accounts or of a hidden but powerful social media effort to spread disinformation online.


Five former Trump aides or advisers pleaded guilty and agreed to cooperate in Mueller’s investigation, including former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former national security adviser Michael Flynn and his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen. Stone is awaiting trial on charges including false statements and obstruction.

Anonymous ID: 2e9f48 April 17, 2019, 6:29 p.m. No.6217486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7498 >>7622

LEAK: Mueller Decided He Could Not Come to Conclusion on Obstruction – Difficult to Determine President Trump’s Intent


Here come the leaks.


The Democrat-media complex is melting down over the imminent release of Mueller’s report, with redactions, and the leaks are already starting.


The Washington Post reported late Wednesday, citing “people familiar with the matter,” that Mueller’s report will be lightly redacted and reveal a detailed look at the obstruction of justice investigation into President Trump.


Those who spoke to The Post for this report did so on the condition of anonymity, citing the matter’s supreme sensitivity, WaPo said in its Wednesday evening report.


The Justice Department plans to release a lightly redacted version of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s 400-page report Thursday, offering a granular look at the ways in which President Trump was suspected of having obstructed justice, people familiar with the matter said.


The report — the general outlines of which the Justice Department has briefed the White House on — will reveal that Mueller decided he could not come to a conclusion on the question of obstruction because it was difficult to determine Trump’s intent and some of his actions could be interpreted innocently, these people said. But it will offer a detailed blow-by-blow of his alleged conduct — analyzing tweets, private threats and other episodes at the center of Mueller’s inquiry, they added.


While the report’s light redactions might allay some of their concerns, Democrats are likely to bristle at any material that is withheld. What the Justice Department and Trump’s lawyers might view as modest, lawmakers might see as overly aggressive.


Attorney General Bill Barr will be holding a press conference Thursday morning at 9:30 AM ET, before he releases Mueller’s report to Congress and the public.


Mueller’s report will be delivered to Congress between 11 AM and 12 noon Thursday.


House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler melted down Wednesday and held an emergency press conference ahead of the release of Mueller’s report.


“This is wrong!” Nadler exclaimed during the presser as he viciously attacked Bill Barr and accused the AG of withholding information to protect President Trump.


Mueller concluded that Trump did not conspire with the Kremlin during the 2016 election, however, he left the obstruction of justice issue to Barr and Rosenstein.


The Democrats are gearing up for quite a battle over the edits and redactions made to Mueller’s report — they simply cannot accept that Mueller didn’t indict the President or any of his family members.


The bottom line is that President Trump had full Constitutional authority to fire FBI Director James Comey which is why Mueller had virtually no legal standing to subpoena Trump on the issue.


Trump would have taken the presidential subpoena all the way up to the Supreme Court and most likely won which is why Mueller backed down.


Mueller’s report will be just like his junk indictments — a bunch of hot air just to grab headlines with no substance.