Anonymous ID: 91aa7b April 17, 2019, 7:22 p.m. No.6218339   🗄️.is 🔗kun

April 17, 2019


Shocking Democrat Conspiracy Smashes Into Trump “Red Line” Unleashing Multi-Billion Dollar “Barr Bomb”


According to this report, to fully understand the devastating trap President Trump has lain for all of his “Deep State” enemies, one must first know about the United States Constitution—that established a three part government consisting of the Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch—and today sees Trump being the Executive Branch leader, while the Democrats control one-half of the Legislative Branch with their being in control of the US House of Representatives—with the other half, known as the US Senate, being controlled by the Republican Party.


In what is known as a “check and balance” type of government, this report explains, the US Constitution gave the Executive Branch the sole power to enforce the laws and rule the nation, but whose Legislative Branch maintains oversight of by their controlling every dollar the Executive Branch wishes to spend—and should a dispute arise, would see it being settled by the Judicial Branch.


Though no one would likely proclaim President Trump as being the most knowledgable of Executive Branch leaders as it pertains to political intricacies, this report notes, the same cannot be said about the decades of economic and financial expertise he’s accumulated while building his vast business empire—and as evidenced by his knowledge upon taking power about a “loophole” in American law that allows the Executive Branch to secretly accumulate for itself billions-of-dollars the Legislative Branch has neither oversight or control over.


This “loophole” being exploited by President Trump, this report details, resides in the US Department of the Treasury—which is the Executive Branch of the US federal government that manages national finances, but doesn't set fiscal policy as the US Constitution gave that power to the Legislative Branch—and who controls what is called “America’s Checkbook”, otherwise known as The General Fund.


The fiscal policy dictated by the Legislative Branch, this report says, determines how much money goes into The General Fund through taxes, and dictates what gets paid out of it by authorized appropriations—but whose glaring “loophole” exception of discovered by President Trump shows the Executive Branch being able to keep for itself all monies placed into “America’s Checkbook” through tariffs and fines—neither of which the Legislative Branch has any control over.


With the Executive Branch being able to use the fines it collects to pay for investigations, this report further notes, no US law determines what exact investigation these monies can be spent on—and whose amount collected so far this year, aside from the $1.3 billion just collected from the Italian bank UniCredit, now stands at over $1.5 billion—with this over $2.8 billion now sitting in The General Fund along with the $34.6 billion in tariffs collected by Trump in 2017—all of which will soon be joined by an estimated $40.4 billion in additional tariffs he’ll collect this year, too.


With the Executive Branch now having at its disposal tens-of-billions of dollars to investigate anything it so chooses without either the knowledge of or oversight by Democrats in the US House, this report continues, US Attorney General Barr has already declared that this entire branch of government consists of President Trump, and Trump alone—and in whose 21 June 1989 legal memorandum having the full force of law titled “Authority of the Federal Bureau of Investigation To Override International Law In Extraterritorial Law Enforcement Activities”, documented the full and awesome power now held in Trump’s hands—to include:


Courts have long recognized that delegations of discretion involving the President’s constitutional powers must be construed broadly, especially in matters involving foreign affairs.


As Chief Justice Marshall stated in Brown, the rule is, in its nature, flexible…It is subject to infinite modification…It is not an immutable rule of law, but depends on political considerations which may continually vary.


The President is the ‘sole organ’ of the United States in its international relations, who is responsible for the behavior of the United States in regard to international law, and who participates on her behalf in the indefinable process by which customary international law is made, unmade, remade.


We conclude that the FBI has authority under sections 533(1) and 3052 to carry out overseas investigations and arrests that contravene customary international law…and in view of the President’s authority to override customary international law, it must be presumed that Congress granted the FBI commensurate statutory authority…to include: