Anonymous ID: ee7c45 April 17, 2019, 7:25 p.m. No.6218368   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The correlation between vaccines and autism, autoimmune disorders, or anything for that matter will never be explored.


There is a coorelation between the origins of aids and the oral polio vaccine. Instead, the scientific community has agreed on the bushmeat theory which is a huge null hypothesis. I have started reading Edward Hooper’s “The River” at a fellow anon’s suggestion.


I want to share some places that I found helpful in my research and everything is relevant to vaccines, race for cures, deep state, big pharma, corporate control, and the establishment.


First is Edward Hooper’s website. Full of information about everything. Academic journals YOU WILL NOT FIND on open journal archives.


Second is a documentary. What (((they))) did and are doing to the people of DR Congo is disheartening. Aids…Autism…world wide.


Third is an online library where you can check out Hooper’s book to read online. He is a brilliant writer. I have been up to 3-4 am every night reading. Title is in the pic. I found this looking through Worldcat.