Anonymous ID: 9f5b25 April 17, 2019, 7:52 p.m. No.6218747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8785 >>8802 >>9120




Again… For the 10,000th time on this board…


STEVE PIGEON was raided by the FBI while working as campaign manager for MICHELLE BROWN-COHEN, as she ran for Erie county family court judge in Buffalo, NY.


Pigeon, was scheduled to be HRC's campaign manager for the 2016 presidential run, but instead Pedo-Podesta filled his shoes.


Pigeon, is/was a member of NXIVM… Michelle Brown-Cohen, is helping to cover up abuse of my toddler child. She is a Marxist, feminist, sexist-pig, and a threat to the community.


I have asked anyone and everyone for help… EVERYONE turned their backs, or joined in the lies.


The corruption runs deep.


There's only one thing I know for sure anons… No one is doing anything about those harming my family, of which authorities have been notified. The man who harmed my child, has instead been given a badge…


Q could never inflict enough "pain" on these people… Yet, instead the judge currently fucking us over is receiving an award in DC. How nice…


This isn't even America anymore… Fuck NY.

Anonymous ID: 9f5b25 April 17, 2019, 8:10 p.m. No.6218980   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Exactly… Is it just a COHENcidence all these people are connected???






Because THEY ARE COMPLICIT OR ON THE TAKE. There is no other excuse.


People lives are at stake. A child has been harmed. Fuck these people. All of them.

Anonymous ID: 9f5b25 April 17, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.6219120   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is how I know our law enforcement is a complete joke…


I have basically put out a loud-speaker asking for help regarding what is being done to my family by these bastards, OVER and OVER, for YEARS. Yet NOTHING has been done to help us. Instead, our transgressors have been rewarded.


America makes a mockery of justice, on all levels… I cannot bear it. God help me, someone better step the fuck up and do their jobs.


Did you know law enforcement officers in my area make about 300k per year on average, with overtime? Must be nice… I make about 30k. But, the difference is, I'd help you fight for your kids if people more powerful than you were fucking with them.