Anonymous ID: bc0d2a April 17, 2019, 7:51 p.m. No.6218743   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkey ‘expects’ U.S. waivers from sanctions on Iran oil, Russia arms


The Associated Press WASHINGTON (AP) — Turkey “expects” the Trump administration to grant it waivers from U.S. sanctions related to its purchases of Iranian oil and Russian air defenses, a top aide to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday.


Presidential spokesman and senior adviser Ibrahim Kalin told a news conference he couldn’t be certain that the waivers would be granted. But, he said Turkey had made a strong case that should be heeded.


Waivers for Turkey could set the White House on another collision course with Congress over foreign policy. Iran hawks in Congress and elsewhere have been angered by waivers that followed Iran sanctions, arguing that they hurt the administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign on Tehran. And senior lawmakers from both parties have come out in strong support of sanctions if Turkey purchases Russian missile systems.


The United States reimposed sanctions on Iran, including on its energy sector, in November after U.S. President Donald Trump pulled out of the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear deal. At the same time, it issued waivers allowing Turkey, six other countries and Taiwan to continue purchases to avoid roiling oil markets and to lessen the economic blow.


“We are expecting an extension for Turkey,” Kalin said. “We have made it clear we would like to continue to buy Iranian oil. People should not expect Turkey to turn its back on Iran just like that.”


The waivers allowing Turkey and others to import Iranian oil expire early next month. U.S. officials have said that three of the eight waivers won’t require extensions when they expire on May 2 because those recipients have already eliminated their imports of Iranian oil. But they have refused to say whether any of the other five will be extended.


Kalin also said Turkey wants a waiver for sanctions that will likely be triggered should it take delivery of Russia’s advanced S-400 missile defense system over Washington’s objections.


Turkey’s purchase of the S-400 has created a deep rift between the NATO allies, with U.S. officials warning of significant consequences if it is finalized and Turkish officials saying it’s a done deal that won’t be canceled.