Anonymous ID: d01c33 April 17, 2019, 8:09 p.m. No.6218964   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>So I was thinking Wray may be getting some attention soon with this Barr presser. Was going to post some sort of quip with Wray of light. Went searching for Wray posts from Q and had forgot about the following. Look at the date. 1year delta. If what Joe Di said on Hannity is correct, Wray possibly as presser tomorrow? Remember, we haven’t heard shite out of him, he’s due imo. And in December, remember he, Huber, Horowitz and Whittaker met for a lengthy SCIF session.

>Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 17 Apr 2018 - 6:16:34 AM

>Anonymous 17 Apr 2018 - 6:15:26 AM >>1074761






Agreed anon! I don't think Wray will be there, but I'm betting Barr opens the door and public consciousness to the fact that this farce political WITCH HUNT will be investigated.

Anonymous ID: d01c33 April 17, 2019, 8:22 p.m. No.6219141   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Some wealthy areas are literally out of fuckin control. Meanwhile, people paying insane taxes for their kids to go to DECENT public schools get usurped by assholes redrawing districts to include low income apartment places of illegals and bussing those kids past schools much closer, and into the highly taxed decent school areas. It's maddening.