Anonymous ID: 376b18 April 17, 2019, 9:24 p.m. No.6219875   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9912

Mueller Team Leaks: It’s All About “Obstruction”… This is Going to be Epic


This will not come as a surprise to anyone who has followed closely; however, according to the FBI’s primary narrative engineer, Devlin Barrett at the Washington Post, the Mueller team has invested most heavily in “obstruction, obstruction, obstruction”….


For two years 19 lawyers were piecing the script together; while 40 FBI agents used 2,800 subpoenas, 230 orders for communication records, national security letters, FISA authorization, wiretaps, 50 pen register authorizations, and over 500 Title III search warrants to scour the background of every private communication, phone call, text message and email of everyone in the Trump orbit. Eventually interviewing over 500 witnesses for words to paste into the text of the Mueller/Weissmann obstruction report.


As Barrett outlines on behalf of his benefactors, the team has painted a detailed narrative using every word, tweet, media interview, comment, and private/confidential White House utterance by President Trump -about his unhappiness with the Mueller probe- as clear and convincing evidence of President Trump’s intent to obstruct the investigation.



Pelosi and Mueller’s team think they’ve got him surrounded with Mueller’s team. Except they’ve forgotten… He’s seemingly one man, yet he consistently has his opposition surrounded.


Watch President Trump own the downside to this Mueller report… it’s going to be a thing of absolute beauty…. yet again.