Anonymous ID: e30e21 April 17, 2019, 8:34 p.m. No.6219300   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Impact City Church in Ohio is apologizing after an associate pastor allegedly asked students to spit on him, slap him and cut him with a knife during an Easter lesson at an after-school program, according to NBC News.


The lesson took place on Monday and was supposed to be about the crucifixion of Jesus. The incident was caught on video.


According to NBC News, “In the video, the church’s part-time associate pastor Jaddeus Dempsey is seen standing at the front of a room as teenagers walk up to him and spit in his face. Several others then slap him across the face.


At one point, Dempsey pulls out a knife and hands it to a teenager to cut him with. The teenager hesitates before another student grabs the knife and drags it slowly across Dempsey’s back. It doesn’t appear as if the knife broke skin.”


The church says the lesson was supposed to show students what Jesus endured.

Anonymous ID: e30e21 April 17, 2019, 8:35 p.m. No.6219307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9315 >>9330 >>9483 >>9494 >>9698 >>9911 >>0003 >>0027 >>0031

The U.S. Naval Academy confirmed to the Capital Gazette this week that it will prohibit transgender students from enrolling in the 2020-2021 school year and beyond, following a Trump administration policy that went into effect last week, banning transgender military personnel.


Details: The school, located in Annapolis, Maryland, currently accepts transgender students and has retained midshipmen who intended to transition over the course of their education. This has fallen under an Obama-era policy that allowed them to serve in the military openly and cover gender affirmation surgery expenses. President Trump rolled back the 2016 policy, forbidding new military recruits from transitioning and allowing the military to discharge those currently serving if they do not present as their birth gender.