Anonymous ID: 55f834 April 17, 2019, 9:50 p.m. No.6220105   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0117 >>0118 >>0144 >>0158 >>0499

[ RR ]

Hey guys,

I just had a thot that made me KEKOL !

We all know that pussy Rosincrime will be on TV tomorrow with Bar helping to exonerate Trump in the eyes of the citizenry. His corrupt friends will be pissed at seeing him there side by side with bar.

As I was contemplating the optics of this upcoming scene of the movie, I had an epifiny.

Maybe all the times Q put [RR] in the kill box, he was also teasing and tormenting him about his future TV appearance which will be in the morning with Bar.

Maybe Q'z kill box [….] is also the way he draws a TV.

Maybe some other kill box slobs ended up on TV also.

Perhaps from now on when we see a person in a Q kill box, we should be expecting a TV appearance.

Just a thot I wanted to share because it would be funny as hell if that's what he was doing to Rosy😂