Anonymous ID: 9e358d April 17, 2019, 10:46 p.m. No.6220626   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0646 >>0658 >>0668

NIST 9/11 Vault


The inspections prior to 911


New video released, look at this video real close

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Pic's screenshots from videos:



Pic’s from inspections (3 of them) prior to 911 attack

There were prepping the towers for the big event cuz you know the “planes” weren’t going to bring them down all by their liddle selves. I wish I could say it couldn’t get worse however that would be false and most of us want nothing but truth. As I’m sifting through the mountain of data from the NIST Review FOIA release things began popping out at me, at first I thought omg I’ve hit the mother load and the the moar I found my thoughts are now I’m being played. But anons you have to look for yourselves. How can every picture and video have the same things in them unless they were real. I always wondered why am I see faces, animal shapes in the 911 pics videos etc. If they all were shopped man they were busy and its had to have taken this whole time since 911 to like 17+ years (pun intended) God I’ve always believed we weren’t alone but I think now it’s confirmed. I need all eyes on this. Q asked “at what point does it become mathematically impossible” well anons this is it.  it is now! We have more than we know! It’s in our memes we’ve been collecting and creating (mostly collecting on my part, kek) It is a smorgasbord


On the giant list of Q crumbs you will recognize:

DS mirrored D5

5.5       11:11      45        17       Q        750

Most of our Pepe memes

And of course Pepe himself

On and on and on…


Anons please tell you see what I’m seeing, cuz everyone already thinks I’m nuts. I put only a few together to much for me right now. Spouse anon has been ill, end stage congestive heart failure so I haven’t been able to dedicate as much time as in the past.


Oh yeah, Q can you guys go to the cabal and get one of their kids hearts for my other? Please and Ty

Sorry bad joke couldn’t “resist”







Just a mix of some I’ve gone through, hopefully the first link will help to find most of the data.