Anonymous ID: e1baf3 April 17, 2019, 9:46 p.m. No.6220078   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mapping the Global Migration of Millionaires


The world’s wealthiest people are also the most mobile.


High net worth individuals (HNWIs) – persons with wealth over US$1 million – may decide to pick up and move for a number of reasons. In some cases they are attracted by jurisdictions with more favorable tax laws, or less pollution and crime. Sometimes, they’re simply looking for a change of scenery.


Today’s graphic, using data from the annual Global Wealth Migration Review, maps the migration of the world’s millionaires, and clearly shows which countries are magnets for the world’s rich, and which countries are seeing a wealth exodus.


The Flight of the Millionaires


It’s no secret that China has been a wealth creation machine over the past two decades. Although the country is still making a number of its citizens very wealthy, over 15,000 Chinese HNWIs still chose to migrate to other countries in 2018 – the most significant migration of any country.


Here’s a look at the top countries by HNWI outflows:

Anonymous ID: e1baf3 April 17, 2019, 9:51 p.m. No.6220115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0125



Still think Obama wasn't a puppet of the Zionists?


Marxists (Muslim Brotherhood Saudi, commie china & Vietnam) and Zionists (Adelson, Netanyahu) are the left and right hand of the cabal and their Noahide World Order.


Rothschild and the bloodlines are sitting behind pulling the strings!


Obama signs anti-BDS bill into law


WASHINGTON — After a grueling legislative battle, US President Barack Obama signed into law a controversial trade measure that also contains landmark legislation combating the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement in Europe.


The broader legislation faced an uphill battle after Obama’s usual allies — Democrats in the House of Representative — bucked his authority and voted against key provisions out of concern that liberalization of trade could impact American jobs.


But on Monday, Obama signed into law the so-called “fast track” authorization that will allow US trade negotiators to work out a long-awaited deal with Asian states known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The Trade Promotion Authority legislation also contained the anti-BDS provisions, which make rejection of the phenomenon a top priority for US negotiators as they work on a more distant free trade agreement with the European Union.

Anonymous ID: e1baf3 April 17, 2019, 9:54 p.m. No.6220153   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller report release: Russiagate’s end or just another conspiracy chapter?


Odds are the publication of the long-awaited report by special counsel Robert Mueller will not change the minds of those invested in the conspiracy theory that President Donald Trump ‘colluded’ with Russia to get elected in 2016.


The US Department of Justice has announced it will publish Mueller’s full report, with some redactions to protect sensitive information, on Thursday, April 18 – less than a month since Mueller turned it in to Attorney General Bob Barr.


Redactions will hide secret grand jury information, intelligence-gathering sources and methods, information related to active investigations and information that would affect the privacy of third parties who were not charged, Barr said.


The AG’s four-page letter to Congress summarizing the report on March 24 concluded that the investigation “did not establish” that any Trump campaign members “conspired or coordinated” with the Russian government to influence the 2016 election. Barr also said that he and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein concluded, based on Mueller’s report, that Trump’s conduct during the probe did not amount to obstruction of justice.


Democrats greeted Barr’s letter with dismay, insisting on seeing the full report as soon as possible. Mueller was the last hope of many in the Democrat “Resistance” who have clutched at every straw imaginable since November 2016, when Trump defeated Hillary Clinton despite every mainstream media outlet giving her 90-plus percent odds of victory.


The notion that Trump had “colluded” with Russia to somehow steal the election from Clinton was first floated by her campaign in the immediate aftermath of their shocking defeat. It was subsequently picked up by the mainstream media and spun into a conspiracy theory of gargantuan proportions.


The two-year Mueller probe employed 19 lawyers, a team of 40 FBI agents and other specialized staff. It sent out over 2,800 subpoenas, executed 500 search warrants, interviewed around 500 witnesses and made 13 requests for evidence to foreign governments. None of the indictments against any Trump campaign officials had anything to do with the 2016 election.


Yet millions of dollars were raised by individuals pledging to “investigate Russia” and who have refused to come to terms with the outcome of the 2016 election. Media personalities on CNN – and MSNBC in particular – who built their audiences on Russiagate for the past two and a half years were literally in tears after the Mueller probe concluded without any new indictments, and Trump gloated about being completely exonerated.

Anonymous ID: e1baf3 April 17, 2019, 10:30 p.m. No.6220487   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bolton WARNS Venezuela: Monroe Doctrine ‘Alive and Well’


Bolton made the statement as he announced that the US was imposing a new round of sanctions against Venezuela – something that he said should become a warning to “all external actors, including Russia”.


National Security Adviser John Bolton has signaled the US administration’s readiness to use the Monroe Doctrine in its policy pertaining to Latin America.


The Monroe Doctrine, which was announced by then-US President James Monroe in 1823, aimed to oppose European colonialism in the Americas. The document declared all the countries of South America to be a zone of US interests.


“Today, we proudly proclaim for all to hear: the Monroe Doctrine is alive and well”, Bolton told the Bay of Pigs veterans group in Miami on Wednesday, citing “incredible region” which he said “must remain free from internal despotism and external domination”.


He claimed that “the destinies of our nations will not be dictated by foreign powers” and that “they will be shaped by the people who call this Hemisphere home”.


In early March, Bolton also focused on the issue in an interview with CNN during which he stressed that the US was applying the Monroe Doctrine to the situation in Venezuela. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the time slammed Bolton's remarks as arrogant and insulting.


The Wednesday statement was made as Bolton announced a new spate of sanctions against Venezuela, including those that have been slapped on the Venezuelan Central Bank, a number of companies and nine ships.


According to Bolton, the newly-applied sanctions should become a warning to “all external actors, including Russia”.


Since the beginning of a political crisis in Venezuela which escalated after Washington recognised opposition leader Juan Guaido as the country’s interim president in late January, the US has imposed several rounds of crippling sanctions against Caracas.


They mainly targeted the country's oil and banking sectors as well as individuals belonging to Venezuela’s lawfully elected leadership.

Anonymous ID: e1baf3 April 17, 2019, 10:36 p.m. No.6220529   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kirk: Tiger Woods Defines American Exceptionalism


When does an American sporting event become a defining statement about American exceptionalism?

Answer: When Tiger Woods wins his 5th Masters.


For anyone who can only handle about 12-minutes-per-day of anything news related before needing to retreat into isolation, allow me to recommend spending those 12 minutes listening to the opening monologue of The Rush Limbaugh Show. In that segment, Rush, who has been doing this long enough to have archived recordings making fun of Michael Dukakis, weighs in on the top story of the day. He is insightful, he is intelligent, and he always has the line you wish you could have said.


This past Monday I caught Rush’s opening in which he talked about Tiger Woods. Everybody in America was talking about Tiger Woods Monday, save for Pete Buttigieg, who was talking about Mike Pence, and AOC who was talking about how divots at Augusta pose a threat the environment.


The theme of Rush’s riff was that people shouldn’t let their behavior and actions be governed by what others think about them. They need to be driven by doing what they know they need to do and what is right for them to do. They need to not obsess over being “liked.”


If you waste time worried about what other people think of you, I want you to remember two words: Tiger Woods. If you ever worry — I mean, this has been a pet peeve of mine. People so concerned with what other people think, it’s what drives Washington. The Republican Party is obsessed with what the media thinks of them, obsessed with what the Democrats who are perceived to run that town think of them. And it’s paralysis.


Tiger Woods experienced perhaps the greatest fall from grace of any celebrity in American history. It was Thanksgiving of 2009 when the man who had already won 14 major golf tournaments left his home and wrecked his vehicle after an altercation with his wife. An extra-marital affair had become known to her, and soon it and others would become known to the world. Next followed injuries, abuse of pain medications, and more public humiliation.


The golden boy of sports, the one who inspired a famous commercial by Nike with a host of people saying, “I am Tiger Woods,” one after the other, lost endorsements, lost tournaments, lost supporters, and seemingly lost his way.


Or did he?


Jewbart pushing this supremacist crap, dangerous

Anonymous ID: e1baf3 April 17, 2019, 10:46 p.m. No.6220623   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Emmanuel Macron - Rothschild Rent Boy is Top Freemason


Emmanuel Macron wants to rebuild Notre-Dame

and rededicate it as a temple to the New World Order.

Is this why they say it will take five years to repair?


He is the protege of Jewish Satanist Jacques Attali.


n an interview with the Italian Radio Colors Radio, Gioele Magaldi reveals the Masonic character of the new President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron:


"Emmanuel Macron is in the perfect continuity of [Francois] Hollande … Already a Rothschild banker, he was a consultant and minister of the same Hollande. He is the darling of Freemason Jacques Attali … Macron himself boasts of his Masonic membership in the Ur-lodge (super-lodge) "Green Brotherhood" where Holland brought him, and in the super-lodge "Atlantis Aletheia".


His mentor is Jacques Attali, a Freemason and major figure who help draft the NWO, and the technocratic and oligarchic Europe … a cosmetic operation that brought Macron to the Elysée.


"The Jewish freemason journalist Serge Moati also reveals the Masonic membership of Emmanuel Macron: "Macron became president walking towards the light (ie Lucifer) and Macron was in front of the pyramid of the Louvre - an initiatory rite, indispensable.'"

Anonymous ID: e1baf3 April 17, 2019, 10:51 p.m. No.6220657   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0675

Jacques Attali


What The Victory Of Freemason Puppet Emmanuel Macron Means For Western Patriots


Everything went according to plan. The effete bank clerk, the corporate love child between François Mitterand and Léon Blum put together by the complacent media and the powerful elite in a bit more than a year is now President. A frail cuckold with an post-Wall granny as First Lady, lapdog of the European Union and the cosmopolitan decision makers. Already a subject of jokes, modern France is now the laughing stock of the red pill world, trying to take Sweden’s lead as the most self-destructive nation on the planet.


The alternative was there but France could not be saved. The rot is too deep. The clock is ticking now before the complete mutation of our country into an unrecognizable multicultural hell. For outside observers, France is now a test subject of what a Hillary Clinton presidency would have looked like.



Anonymous ID: e1baf3 April 17, 2019, 10:53 p.m. No.6220675   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Contrary to liberals, we don’t cry, piss ourselves and roll in it like witnessed during Hillary’s defeat. We regroup, fight and keep pushing forward and exposing their lies. Those two candidates are politicians like all the others. You can only count on yourself.


I will tell you who I will fight for: my family, my friends and my inner tribe. The rest can croak with their tolerance. Maybe some will get red pilled like Benjamin Cazenoves when they will encounter the religion of peace directly.

