>This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!).
Just not as big as a galaxy. Amirite? ;)
"You are stuuuupid. You are stuuuupid. That's what you are. You are stuuuuupid."
>This is MUCH BIGGER than even AUTISTS can imagine (MUCH BIGGER!).
Just not as big as a galaxy. Amirite? ;)
"You are stuuuupid. You are stuuuupid. That's what you are. You are stuuuuupid."
And who keeps banning me? Will be the first one I will smite if I (((Q))) team manages to "awaken" me. ;)
(((Q))) team have the cures too, but (((they))) are still keeping them secret. Because you know, they're (((JEWS))). And to (((JEWS))) it's all about the money. :)