How MSM controls the narrative and performs damage control. Asking 0 questions or providing any details, only making broad general statements. Literally, nothing to see here.
Trading one racist hate group for another racist hate group is not progress. That's called a slide.
Sand Flea
I would agree, we are by nature racist, everyone is. The key word here is "hate". When you force your beliefs onto someone else, that becomes a major problem.
Not sure of the context you are referring to here. Are you advocating acceptance?
This 'thing' is getting far to much airplay.
She's a result of the fake O'Bama admin. That's all she is. An insurgent.
A lot of Dems are radicalized by MSM, Muslims on the other hand are fucked mentally, no help there.
No matter where it's posted on the web, it will be posted here.
Mesmerized (gleefully) by a box of dynamite.
Many Jewish people are good people, they're not all controlled by the Zionist control grid. Israel is a Zionist manufactured state to accomplish the goal of increased terrorism and chaos in the middle east, doing exactly what it's planned to do. Armageddon, a self fulfilled prophecy.
Fuck Off!