"Objective Journalism" Has Always Been a Myth
One of the great myths of modern journalism is that it is possible for journalists to report facts and make judgments in an objective manner. This myth has come under increasing attack in recent years as the mass media's continued hostility to the Trump administration has become ever more fevered. Nevertheless, many both inside and outside the profession cling to the idea that "objective" reporting is possible.
We hear about this ideal frequently from journalists themselves — not surprisingly — who fancy themselves as investigators and researchers who are above ordinary human biases. Instead, they merely communicate information, making it digestible for the common man, and telling the reader all the most important information about a topic.
This idea dates back at least as far as the 1920s, and is often attributed to Walter Lippmann who explains this ideal of objective journalism at length in his 1922 book Public Opinion.1
The problem begins with an ignorant citizenry, which requires "objective" arbiters of information. Lippmann concludes, as summarized by Jørn Henrik Petersen,
the general citizenry had neither the time, the ability nor the inclination to inform itself on important questions. Society was too complex, the power of stereotypes too great, man’s immediate environment too dominant. The remedy – at least in Lippmann – had to be boards of experts who could distill the evidence and offer the residue facts
The Cost of the Enlightenment
It is broadly accepted that out of Enlightenment thinking came many of the “goods” of our society; goods economic, political, and social. Goods ranging from the material wealth and the technology we enjoy to classical liberalism and libertarianism. It is on the latter that I will focus.
An exhaustive discussion of the connection of Enlightenment thought to Classical liberalism and libertarianism is not necessary for this audience, so I will summarize: reason, the individual, equality, property rights, the separation of church and state, and science and politics freed from religious dogma. These pillars underlie the classical liberalism that many point to and exclaim: here, we finally found freedom! Instead, what if these have cost us our freedom?
What is Enlightenment? Immanuel Kant gave his answer:
Enlightenment is man’s release from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is man’s inability to make use of his understanding without direction from another….”Have courage to use your own reason!” That is the motto of enlightenment.
If this is heaven, then I'm in hell
If trust is misfortune, then wish me well kek
Nazareth - Beggars Day - Rose in the Heather
"I would not be fooled by the old myth that reporting is about objectivity. Deciding what is news is the most subjective of acts and it is probably the most important thing that we do."
~ Carl Bernstein
(1944-) American investigative journalist, author, Washington Post reporter for Watergate scandal
Watch the Water
California to tax drinking water in latest insane tax-the-poor desperate effort to slow the financial hemorrhaging of the left-wing bureaucracy
Up to 60 percent of the human body is made of water. Water is life. If California Democrats get their way, drinking water will be taxed. That’s right, not even hydrogen and oxygen atoms are safe from liberal tax proposals. California’s new tax on drinking water is the latest absurdity in a string of liberal tax proposals that will inevitably bankrupt the state and drive a mass exodus.
According to the California Tax Foundation, California lawmakers have proposed more than $6.2 billion in tax increases this year. Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom has proposed a $209 billion budget that will continue to drive people into homelessness and into tent cities. According to the California Assembly Appropriations Committee, the new drinking water tax may cost residents upwards of $100 million annually. Of course, Democrats have many people convinced that the Democratic Party is all about helping the poor, but the results are never there. City streets in California are riddled with hypodermic needles, human feces, and trash.
Left-wing “establishment media” going all-out to refute any suggestion that Notre Dame Cathedral fire could have been intentional
When it comes to reporting criminal acts committed by Muslims throughout Europe, the Western media has steadfastly refused in recent years to fully inform citizens with facts and the entire truth surrounding such incidents.
The faster the Muslim migrant population throughout Europe grew, the more Western media ignored increasing levels of crime and violence committed against citizens of host countries.
Outside of the most obvious (and deadly) attacks committed by Muslim extremists such as mowing down pedestrians with large vans or shooting up French cities, criminal activity — rapes and assaults, for instance — that did not rise to the level of a major terrorist attack didn’t get much attention in European and U.S. media, even when obvious patterns of behavior or criminal activity were apparent.
And all to avoid being called racist, bigoted, and “anti-Muslim.”
Bet this just pisses ya off to no end… Also FK U 2 KEK
Desmond Dekker & The Aces - Israelites (1969) HQ
There’s Something On These Secret Police Tapes That Pete Buttigieg Doesn’t Want ReleasedSouth Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is officially a candidate for the 2020 Democratic nomination. You wouldn’t think that a mayor of a small city would be in contention, but he’s at the top. His star has been rising since rumblings of his campaign moves were reported. He raised more money than better-known progressives, like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). He’s in the top five in terms of those filling their war chests. He’s apparently been well received in Iowa. So, with the 2020 Democratic clown car getting bigger, how do you thin the heard? Well, you attack and it seems the opposition research firms are doing their best in trying to create a race problem for Buttigieg. It deals with the demotion of the city’s first black police chief (via The Hill):
PANIC propaganda: The government’s secret weapon
There is no more powerful tool than propaganda, especially when its wielded by government entities. Propaganda is misinformation peddled for political purposes. Most of the news pushed by mainstream sources and broadcasted on television is propaganda, or pretty darn close. Recall the image of a crying immigrant girl allegedly separated from her family, heavily publicized by Time: It didn’t take long for the child’s parents to come forward and announce the image had been taken completely out of context. The child was crying, sure, but she was never taken away from her parents.
Even so, this photo was used by Time and countless others to push a certain viewpoint on illegal immigration. The image of the crying girl was used to promote a fundraiser that has since raised $18 million. And just a few days ago, the photographer behind this “image” received an award and it was named World Press Photo of the Year. Judges said the photo depicted “a different kind of violence that is psychological.” That “violence” is also imaginary.
All of this is “outrage” and sanctimony is based on lies.