Anonymous ID: ef4555 April 18, 2019, 6:30 a.m. No.6223091   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sorry for the wall of text, but for those who came in late…


Kabbalah, Obeah, Voodoo, Freemasonry… whatever you want to call it. Those on the dark side will be reaching deep into the pages of their grimoires today…to call up Belial and other powerful demons to seriously rock the boat from now on. Watch out for another mass shooting, plane crash, bombing, iconic building burning….well, you all know how it always goes when they KNOW something very damaging to them is about to drop.




Q calls it 'evil' because thats exactly what it is. Many who lurk and post here don't believe in evil in its absolute form, and they can't understand it because they don't believe in God either—and this is spiritual war.


Its not for nothing that most of the wealthiest and most highly educated people in the world choose to venerate demons and to have sex with children in sacrificial worship to these demons (think Epstein's pedo temple…there are many others like it). Its how they are rewarded with fame, riches, and ongoing success in the world. They used to be more discrete, but now their symbolism is out in the open and can be seen everywhere—as long as you know how to recognize it. There are many of you who still refuse to believe this stuff and say its just coincidence.


None of it is coincidence. Its all real. You've seen the Hollywood celebrities signing, you've seen the symbols in the corporate logos, you've seen the demonic symbols on money, on coats of arms, on government insignia…everywhere. Ask yourself why nearly ALL of them are doing this all the time, then think about what a coincidence actually is. The destruction of the traditional family unit and the aggressive promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism is all part of it. They are now shamelessly attempting to indoctrinate and sexualize children from kindergarten with this nonsense to ensure future generations of weak, ineffective, degenerate, confused, dependent, and permanently damaged young people who can be easily manipulated and controlled. Any dessenting voices are censored as 'hate speech' These things are now very obvious too. Everything that God condemns is what they now say is good and normal. The pattern is obvious EVERYWHERE. Still think its all a coincidence?


The demons that these people worship are real. But, most important of all is that God is also real…and what we are witnessing is the beginning of the time when He brings them ALL to their destruction. The prophet Daniel wrote long ago that this destruction comes suddenly and not by human hands. Its not only the cabal and their media agencies that are panicked right now. The demons are panicked, too. This is the part that's been missing so far: Humans cannot destroy demons or the evil that they bring. Only God can do that. This is what the great awakening is.