Anonymous ID: 328b70 April 18, 2019, 6:43 a.m. No.6223331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3445 >>3637 >>3851 >>3935

US halts recent practice of disclosing nuclear weapon total


WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has halted, without explanation, the recent U.S. government practice of disclosing the current size of the nuclear weapons stockpile.


The decision was revealed in a recent Department of Energy letter to the Federation of American Scientists, a private group that studies nuclear weapons issues and advocates for government openness on national security issues.


The Obama administration, in May 2010, had declassified for the first time the full history of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile from its beginning in 1945. It revealed that the warhead total stood at 5,113 as of Sept. 30, 2009, approximately the number that private experts had estimated and about 84 percent below the official peak number of 31,255 warheads in 1967.


As recently as last year, the Trump administration had disclosed that the stockpile consisted of 3,822 nuclear warheads as of Sept. 30, 2017, down 196 warheads from the year before. The 2017 figure was made public in response to a request by the scientists group, which asked for a 2018 update last October.


"After careful consideration … it was determined that the requested information cannot be declassified at this time," the Energy Department wrote in an April 5 letter responding to the federation's request. The department provided no explanation for the decision, which it said was made by the Formerly Restricted Data Declassification Working Group, consisting of officials from the departments of Defense and Energy.


"Formerly Restricted Data" is a category of classification that pertains to information such as nuclear stockpile quantities, warhead yields and locations.


The Russian government does not disclose its nuclear stockpile total. The Federation of American Scientists estimates Russia has about 4,350.


Nuclear warheads are attached to bombs and missiles, such as those carried by strategic bomber aircraft, ballistic missile submarines and land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, which form the U.S. nuclear arsenal.


Hans M. Kristensen, director of the federation's Nuclear Information Project, wrote in an analysis Wednesday that the decision against disclosing the 2018 nuclear stockpile number was "unnecessary and counterproductive." In his view there is no national security rationale for keeping the number secret.


"The decision walks back nearly a decade of U.S. nuclear weapons transparency policy — in fact, longer if including stockpile transparency initiatives in the late-1990s," Kristensen wrote.


"With this decision," he added, "the Trump administration surrenders any pressure on other nuclear-armed states to be more transparent about the size of their nuclear weapon stockpiles. This is curious since the Trump administration had repeatedly complained about secrecy in the Russian and Chinese arsenals. Instead, it now appears to endorse their secrecy."

Anonymous ID: 328b70 April 18, 2019, 6:56 a.m. No.6223568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3637 >>3687 >>3851 >>3935

Rick Perry Reportedly Plans Exit From Energy Department


by Tyler Durden


Energy Secretary Rick Perry - best known for being Texas's longest-serving governor, a one-time presidential hopeful, and his show-stealing turn on 'Dancing with the Stars' - is reportedly preparing to step down in the coming weeks, what would make him the 16th member of Trump's original 24-person cabinet to leave the administration, Bloomberg reports.


To be sure, a spokeswoman for the department denied that Perry - who is well-liked by Trump - is finalizing the terms and timing of his departure. And this wouldn't be the first time that reports about the impending departure of a senior Trump administration figure turned out to be premature (Wilbur Ross is still hanging on). But the report also claimed that Trump had asked Perry to take over DHS after Kirstjen Nielson was ousted from the administration. Perry declined the offer.


Perry has been prepping the agency’s deputy secretary, Dan Brouillette, for the transition, though it's unclear whether Trump will choose Brouillette to take over. According to the report, Perry's departure has nothing to do with his relationship with Trump; instead, he'd like to build up his income before retirement.


When he was appointed to lead the department, social media erupted with criticism over that infamous moment from a debate when Perry was running for the 2012 Republican nomination where he forgot the name of the DoE when asked by a moderator about the three federal departments he would abolish.


Though he has largely kept a low profile as the head of the DoE, avoiding the types of controversies that have felled other Trump cabinet heads, but rumors about his departure will almost certainly be the grist for dozens of memes.


Looking into this with further digs, the author has known to be lazy…

Anonymous ID: 328b70 April 18, 2019, 7:02 a.m. No.6223687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3717 >>3851 >>3935




Energy Dept denies report that Rick Perry is planning to leave Trump admin


The Department of Energy on Wednesday night denied a report that Rick Perry is planning to leave his position as secretary of the agency.


“There is no truth that Perry is departing the Administration any time soon," Department of Energy press secretary Shaylyn Hynes said in a tweet. "He is happy where he is serving President Trump and leading the Department of Energy."


The statement from Hynes came shortly after Bloomberg News reported that Perry was planning his exit from the Trump administration. Bloomberg News, citing two people familiar with the plans, said that the former Texas governor was finalizing the terms and timing of his departure.


The outlet noted that Perry's departure was not imminent, and that he was preparing the agency’s deputy secretary, Dan Brouillette, for the transition.


Perry has served as the head of the DOE since being confirmed in March 2017.


He said earlier this month that he had no interest in replacing Kirstjen Nielsen as Homeland Security secretary following her resignation.


"I’m happy where I am and the president is happy where I am," Perry told Bloomberg News.


His comments came after The Washington Post reported that Perry was among a list of possible candidates to be nominated to replace Nielsen.


Baker, Previous ZH report was bullshit according to the DoE.