>>6223898 No, the purpose of the PRESS RELEASE was to watch the dogs run their mouths like children before the real trials begin!
>>6224154 Which doesn't actually explain RR's actual role come Judgement Day.
>>6224170 A case which was/is sure to reveal the hand of [HRC] should it ever come to trial. Remember, it is the sitting (Obama) USGov who's the defendant in that trial for false charges.
Today, folks, it was the MAINSTREAM MEDIA that was on trial, NOT the President of the United States.
Remember, Dividers will fail!
My fantasy football wish is that two things happen to CNN in close succession. First, all roads into Atlanta are closed, and then their building is imploded, -Silverstein style: You know, "We decided to pull it!"
>>6224513 How did it go, ET Come HOME!
Seriously, CNN needed to undergo a meltdown. They actually can't justify their light bill with less than a million viewers.