Anonymous ID: 006c6a April 18, 2019, 9:29 p.m. No.6235226   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5559

PAGES 210 - 219


210-212: - Bullet-Pointed table of contents for Volume II


211: - 2 related redactions regarding President’s Conduct Towards Flynn & Manafort


213: - Opening statement of Volume II


Describes considerations about obstruction of justice:

“The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has issued an opinion finding that "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions" in violation of "the constitutional separation of powers."”


214: - Statements about why the DOJ went about investigating obstruction in a way that would not lead to charges. The concludes with the famous statement:
“while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”



  • REDACTION (Ongoing Matter) in context of discussion of Trump & Campaign “privately” seeking information from Wikileaks.


  • Describes 1-1 meeting with Comey about Flynn, suggesting that Trump urged Comey to end the whole Russia thing, and let Flynn go.


  • Describes McFarland letter:
Shortly after requesting Flynn's resignation and speaking privately to Corney, the President sought to have Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland draft an internal letter stating that the President had not directed Flynn to discuss sanctions with Kislyak. McFarland declined because she did not know whether that was true, and a White House Counsel's Office attorney thought that the request would look like a quid pro quo for an ambassadorship she had been offered.


216: - “The President reached out to the Director of National Intelligence and the leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) to ask them what they could do to publicly dispel the suggestion that the President had any connection to the Russian election-interference effort. The President also twice called Corney directly, notwithstanding guidance from McGahn to avoid direct contacts with the Department of Justice. Corney had previously assured the President that the FBI was not investigating him personally, and the President asked Corney to " lift the cloud " of the Russia investigation by saying that publicly. ”


  • Description of POTUS firing Comey. Mentions Clinton investigation and a slew of other factors.


  • “The appointment of a Special Counsel and efforts to remove him” section includes mention of the famous Trump quote telling advisors that it was "the end of his presidency".


  • McGhan phone call at home. POTUS directs him to get Sessions to recuse and McGhan refuses.


217: - “Efforts to curtail the Special Counsel's investigation” includes Lewandowski (former campaign manager) one-on-one meeting, and Trump asking him to call the Special Council “very unfair”.


  • Dearborn asked to do Lewandowski’s task:
Lewandowski did not want to deliver the President's message personally , so he asked senior White House official Rick Dearborn to deliver it to Sessions. Dearborn was uncomforta ble with the task and did not follow through.


  • “Efforts to prevent public disclosure of evidence” mentions Trump Jr. press statement claiming POTUS directed removal of a line.

“Before the emails became public, the President edited a press statement for Trump Jr. by deleting a line that acknowledged that the meeting was with "an individual who [Trump Jr.] was told might have information helpful to the campaign" and instead said only that the meeting was about adoptions of Russian children.”


  • “Further efforts to have the Attorney General take control of the investigation” discusses Trump conversations with Sessions where unrecusal is discussed. There’s an interesting comment about investigating Clinton:

In October 2017, the President met privately with Sessions in the Oval Office and asked him to "take [a] look" at investigating Clinton.”


  • Describes Trump pressuring McGhan to deny reports he was directed to remove the Special Council. (Continued on p218)


218: - REDACTION (Ongoing Matter) around mention of Flynn & Manafort


  • One section describes Trump & Flynn’s relationship after Flynn’s withdrawal from joint defense agreement, and agreement to cooperate with investigation. The entire presentation revolves around notions of loyalty, strength, and the opposite, “breaking” and “flipping”. The next section discusses Trump’s changing publicity about his relationship with Cohen, and the themes of flipping are carried on there.

Anonymous ID: 006c6a April 18, 2019, 9:36 p.m. No.6235329   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5418



Its good for you to question Mueller team's version.


Fer fukz' sake!!!


The part I read of the thing is a narrow minded spin operation full of boring talking points and endless insinuation.


But we're just trying to catalog what's in the thing for the sake of organizing research and reference material.

Anonymous ID: 006c6a April 18, 2019, 9:56 p.m. No.6235618   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Thanks very much!


Rest well…. sweet dreams…. fucking their shit up…. etc! <3


I'll try to find my way back to where I declared I'd do the section, and repaste the analysis as a reply.

Anonymous ID: 006c6a April 18, 2019, 9:58 p.m. No.6235641   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0262



PAGES 210 - 219


210-212: - Bullet-Pointed table of contents for Volume II


211: - 2 related redactions regarding President’s Conduct Towards Flynn & Manafort


213: - Opening statement of Volume II


Describes considerations about obstruction of justice:

“The Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) has issued an opinion finding that "the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions" in violation of "the constitutional separation of powers."”


214: - Statements about why the DOJ went about investigating obstruction in a way that would not lead to charges. The concludes with the famous statement:
“while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”



  • REDACTION (Ongoing Matter) in context of discussion of Trump & Campaign “privately” seeking information from Wikileaks.


  • Describes 1-1 meeting with Comey about Flynn, suggesting that Trump urged Comey to end the whole Russia thing, and let Flynn go.


  • Describes McFarland letter:
Shortly after requesting Flynn's resignation and speaking privately to Corney, the President sought to have Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland draft an internal letter stating that the President had not directed Flynn to discuss sanctions with Kislyak. McFarland declined because she did not know whether that was true, and a White House Counsel's Office attorney thought that the request would look like a quid pro quo for an ambassadorship she had been offered.


216: - “The President reached out to the Director of National Intelligence and the leaders of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency (NSA) to ask them what they could do to publicly dispel the suggestion that the President had any connection to the Russian election-interference effort. The President also twice called Corney directly, notwithstanding guidance from McGahn to avoid direct contacts with the Department of Justice. Corney had previously assured the President that the FBI was not investigating him personally, and the President asked Corney to " lift the cloud " of the Russia investigation by saying that publicly. ”


  • Description of POTUS firing Comey. Mentions Clinton investigation and a slew of other factors.


  • “The appointment of a Special Counsel and efforts to remove him” section includes mention of the famous Trump quote telling advisors that it was "the end of his presidency".


  • McGhan phone call at home. POTUS directs him to get Sessions to recuse and McGhan refuses.


217: - “Efforts to curtail the Special Counsel's investigation” includes Lewandowski (former campaign manager) one-on-one meeting, and Trump asking him to call the Special Council “very unfair”.


  • Dearborn asked to do Lewandowski’s task:
Lewandowski did not want to deliver the President's message personally , so he asked senior White House official Rick Dearborn to deliver it to Sessions. Dearborn was uncomforta ble with the task and did not follow through.


  • “Efforts to prevent public disclosure of evidence” mentions Trump Jr. press statement claiming POTUS directed removal of a line.

“Before the emails became public, the President edited a press statement for Trump Jr. by deleting a line that acknowledged that the meeting was with "an individual who [Trump Jr.] was told might have information helpful to the campaign" and instead said only that the meeting was about adoptions of Russian children.”


  • “Further efforts to have the Attorney General take control of the investigation” discusses Trump conversations with Sessions where unrecusal is discussed. There’s an interesting comment about investigating Clinton:

In October 2017, the President met privately with Sessions in the Oval Office and asked him to "take [a] look" at investigating Clinton.”


  • Describes Trump pressuring McGhan to deny reports he was directed to remove the Special Council. (Continued on p218)


218: - REDACTION (Ongoing Matter) around mention of Flynn & Manafort


  • One section describes Trump & Flynn’s relationship after Flynn’s withdrawal from joint defense agreement, and agreement to cooperate with investigation. The entire presentation revolves around notions of loyalty, strength, and the opposite, “breaking” and “flipping”. The next section discusses Trump’s changing publicity about his relationship with Cohen, and the themes of flipping are carried on there.