Anonymous ID: 9ac239 April 18, 2019, 9:58 a.m. No.6226224   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6258 >>6716 >>6804 >>7531 >>8158 >>2469


Page 61 - 70 ( I started at 60)

At first glance - mostly redacted - Wikileaks related.


Pg. 60. ←—- J. Assange related investigation - Wikileaks (mostly redacted)


Pg. 61. ←— Michael Cohen "recalls" and incident at the Trump Tower ( heavily redacted ) However; MC plead guilty in Nov. 18 of making false statements (Trump Tower incident - a false statement - idk)


Pg. 62. ←— Gates claiming he has information on Clinton emails etc. That the information being released with be very harmful to Clinton. Corsi gets involved at this point - and starts to expound (lie?) that he's involved in arranging communications between Wikileaks and the Trump Campaign. Nothing proves he (Corsi) actually has any involvement.


Pg. 63. ←— Malloch is stating he can get Corsi in touch with Assange. Corsi suggests to Malloch that "individuals" of the "orbit" such as Nigel Farage could also help make contact with Assange. Malloch eventually denied ever having communications with Assange.


Pg. 64. ←— Cont. from pg 63. Malloch does admit to having numerous facetime sessions with Corsi and Wikkileaks. (Redactions). It goes on to say - they have the John Podesta emails and they would be release before election day. Corsi states to Mollach that once the Podesta emails are released, we will be in the "drivers seat".

Anonymous ID: 9ac239 April 18, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6226716   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6804 >>7531 >>8158 >>2469


Pg. 60 - 69 Cont.


Pg. 65. ←– Page completely redacted.


Pg. 66. ←— 4 days after Assange press conference - The Access Hollywood Video of Candidate Trump is released, meant to adversely effect the campaign. Less then 1 hr. after the release of the video - Wikileaks releases the 1st set of stolen Podesta emails obtained by GRU. Corsi, again claiming he had communications with Wikileaks in regards to the release (redaction follows). Corsi says he has communication with Malloch however flights logs prove that Malloch is actually on a TransAtlantic flight at the time Corsi claims to have had said conversation.


Pg. 67. ←— More Corsi stating his communications with Wikileaks was key in the release of the Podesta emails. Stating that his tweets were intent to communicate with Assange. After Investigation it none of Corsi's claims we proven to be true - at all. Donald Trump Jr. however DID have communication with Wikileaks. On Sept 20, 2016 Jason Fishbein sent Wikileaks a PW for an unlaunched website focused on Trumps unprecedented and dangerous ties to Russia.


Pg. 68. ←- Cont. from Pg. 67 9:30am Wikileaks tweets "Let's Bomb Iraq". Progress for America PAC to launch pw - putintrump. Several hours later - Wikileaks send Don Jr. a Twitter DM password included - telling him there could be damaging information within the website. Don Jr. informs other senior Campaign staff - alerting them to the "weird" Twitter DM. States he tried the PW - that it works. Asked Campaign staffers for their thoughts. Don Jr. responds to the Wikileaks DM - stating he doesn't know who these people are but he'll ask around. Oct. 3rd 2016 Wikileaks sends Don Jr. another DM - looking for some imput on Clinton using a drone to target Assange. Don Jr responds - stating he'd already done so, and asked whats with this release he keeps hearing about? Oct. 12 - Wikileaks DMs back - thanking Don Jr. and Sr. for talking about their publications and strongly suggest Trump mention this link in his tweet


Pg. 69. < —– The investigation could never tie the Trump Campaign to the recovery / release of the Clinton emails - even though they had interviewed many - none could corroborate the charges. Campaign adviser Michael Caputo learns thru a Florida based Russian Business partner that Henry Greenberg also know as Henry Oknyansky claims to have information about Hillary Clinton. Caputo notified Roger Stone and brokered communications between Oknyansky and Stone. Stone sets up an "in person" meeting in May 2016. Oknyansky is accompanied by a Ukrainian - Alexei Rasin. They offer to sell Stone derogatory information about Clinton, Rasin claims to have obtained the information while working for Clinton. Including financial statements demonstrating Clinton's involvement in money laundering. Stone refuses to pay - stating Trump would never pay for opposition research. Oknyansky continued to shop the Clinton information around to other interested parties. The investigation found that there was no evidence that Rasin ever worked for Clinton.