Anonymous ID: c19333 April 18, 2019, 9:52 a.m. No.6226172   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6258 >>6804 >>7531 >>8158 >>2469


Pages 11-20 summary/findings

Bold means important from my perspective


First part lays out the scope of the SC investigation


The investigation's scope was intentionally broad as to allow the FBI to investigate anything at all that arose from this investigation. They were trying so hard to find something


p.11-13 Parameters of the investigation

RR appointed Special Counsel, sets parameters of investigation

The appointment was worded as to allow information about the appointment to be released publicly

Page, Manafort, PapaD were the 3 originally investigated

Manafort under investigation for payments recieved from Ukrainian gov't and from a bank whose CEO was trying to work with the Trump admin.

PapaD under investigation for acting as an unregistered Israeli agent

Flynn later investigated for 4 unnamed topics

M. Cohen, R. Gates, R. Stone +2[redacted] names activities investigated, even though they weren't suspects

M. Cohen investigated for use of Essential Consultants LLC to recieve funds from Russian-backed entities

Sessions investigated for when he lied to US Senate

The FBI had been investigating Russian interference for 10 months prior to the appointment of the Special Counsel.

–So they had a mountain of information to start off with, broadening the investigation further




Special Counsel team included 19 additional team members (attorneys)

–5 of those from private practices

–14 assigned from DOJ components

Those 19 attorneys had a team of DOJ lawyers and FBI personnel to find and screen info for them

–3 paralegals from DOJ Antitrust Division

–9 admins responsible for operational duties (like HR, facilities, budget, finance, etc)

All these people worked alongside about 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, one paralegal, and staff

–To assist with investigation

FBI personnel always under FBI supervision, always complied with FBI standards, not SC standards

>2800 subpoenas issued under GJ in DC

<500 search and seizure warrants

>230 orders for communications records

<50 orders authorizing use of pen registers

13 requests to foreign govt's asking for legal assistance

~500 witnesses interviewed

–including <80 before GJ

FBI personnel added later to feed FBI info about SC findings for further investigation

Info constantly filtered to FBI for further investigation (counterintelligence matters)


Volume 1 is a summary. Lots of info that went to counterintelligence is NOT in this volume


p.14-20 IRA activities and the fake US accounts

IRA, LLC, along with Yevgeniy Viktorvich Prigozhin and companies he controlled (Concord), conducted partisan social media ops on US citizens in the effort to sow political discord

IRA began ops targeting US political/social issues as early as 2014

–Using fake US online personas (fake accounts and group pages pretending to be Americans)

–Some of these accounts became very popular and influenced large amounts of Americans

–Other Russian entities also did the same, but this was the main one

IRA travelled to US in 2014 to gather intelligence, info, and pics to use on these accounts

Fake accounts would post derogatory info on Presidential candidates (2016 election)

–in support of Trump, disparaging HRC

–IRA made expenditures

–purchased political ads for social media (fake accounts)

IRA employees posing as Americans tried to contact Trump Campaign people to coordinate political activities

–including staging of political rallies

–none of them reciprocated

By the end of the election, IRA had the ability to reach millions of Americans through social media

–FB + Insta = hundreds of thousands of followers

–470 accounts, 80k posts Jan 2015 - Aug 2017

–Reaching approx 126M people

–Twitter accounts with tens of thousands of followers

–Contacting approx 1.4M people

–Multiple US political figures retweeted IRA fake accounts


'''IRA's US ops are part of a larger set of interlocking ops known as "Project Lakhta"


Concord companies funded the IRA until at least Feb 2018

Prigozhin was sanctioned by US Treasury Dept. in Dec 2016

–Has ties to Putin

In May 2016, IRA fake accounts recruited Americans to hold signs (including one in front of the WH) that read "Happy 55th Birthday Dear Boss" for Prigozhin

Anonymous ID: c19333 April 18, 2019, 6:36 p.m. No.6232903   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3712 >>3750


Hey buddy, I just heard we're not done yet. Thought for sure we would be long finished by now.

I suppose everyone is just caught up in the excitement of the day, eh?


As soon as I'm done eating, pooping, and Hannity ends, I'm coming back for a round 2.



Anonymous ID: c19333 April 18, 2019, 11 p.m. No.6236236   🗄️.is đź”—kun


p.101-102 Carter Page


July 2016 - Page returns from Russia and goes to the RNC in Cleveland, OH. While there, he met Russian Ambassador (to the US) Sergey Kislyak, and afterwards emailed RNC officials with feedback, at some point noting concern about Kislyak's worry about HRC's world views.

–Page went back to Moscow and began advocating pro-Russia foreign policy

–Trump Campaign began strongly distancing itself from page at this point

–Soon after this, Page was removed from the Trump Campaign

After the election, Page sought a position in the Trump Administration with VERY inflated credentials.

–No response from Trump Administration.

Page (Dec 2016) went back to Moscow and met with at least one Russian gov't official.


p.103-110 Dimitri Simes and the Center for the National Interest (CNI)

Dimitri Simes was the CEO of CNI

–CNI is a Washington-based non-profit think tank(with a bi-monthly magazine, National Interest) with expertise w/ Russian govt that spawned from Nixon.

–Including connections to Russian govt

Trump Campaign members met several times with CNI

–Mostly through Simes

DJT delivered his first speech on foreign policy at at CNI hosted event.

–Then-Senator Sessions attended w/ Kislyak.

–This came up during Sessions' AG confirmation hearing.

–Jared Kushner also interacted with Simes about Russian issues during the campaign

–No evidence any messages sent/recieved during that time

Sessions was an advisory council member of CNI at the time (advisory about DJT)

3/14/16 - CNI board member Richard Pleper organized a luncheon for the CNI and it's honorary chariman, Henry Kissinger at the Time Warner Building in NY.

–To generate intereste in CNI and recruit new board members

Simes, Kushner attended the event.

–Kushner claims he attended the event to improve support from foreign policy professionals

Kushner and Simes spoke again (telephone) on 3/21/16

–3 days later, DJT publicly named his foreign policy team

On 3/31/16, Simes and Kushner met in person (1 on 1) and Simes tried to get Kushner to tell DJT to set up a meeting to develop a foreign policy approach.

Simes also contacted other members of Trump Campaign

–Including J.D. Gordon

–Simes was trying to get a memo to Sessions. The premise was [HRC bad]

–During these 2 contacts, a speech was planned for DJT to give on foreign policy

Kushner put Simes in contact with Stephen Miller in mid Apr 2016 to discuss the speech

–Miller, Sessions, and Sessions' chief of staff, Rick Dearborn to coordinate on speech

–Miller drafted the speech

Simes added points to it with help from CNI Exec Director Paul Saunders and board member Richard Burt.

–He and Miller edited the speech together, but a final draft could not be confirmed by all parties

National Interest served as the host for the information

–Kushner tried to move the event to the Mayflower Hotel

–The event was booked at Mayflower

Kislyak met with Sessions during the event

–Sessions nor CNI people remembered the meeting, but did not meet with DJT.

–Trump left immediately after the event (food-related excuse)