Anonymous ID: d6642f April 18, 2019, 2:47 p.m. No.6230060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0279 >>2469



pp 111-120 - Trump Tower meeting


Summary: Mostly information previously publicly revealed. Does outline the stark difference between how info was pitched by the Agalarov's/Rob Goldstone and the content of the meeting itself. Also presents how testimony from Cohen, Gates & NV conflicts with testimony from other participants. Fair amount of redactions related to Grand Jury proceedings.


Key Actors:

DJTJr. // Paul Manafort // Jared Kushner

Rick Gates // Michael Cohen

Aras Agalarov (AA) - Russian real-estate developer w/ gov't construction contracts

Emin Agalarov (EA) - Aras' son & Azerbaijani pop star

Rob Goldstone (RG) - Emin Agalarov's then publicist (interviewed by SC)

Natalia Veselnitskaya (NV) - Russian lawyer at TT meeting

Ike Kaveladze (IK) - Georgian-born US citizen who works for AA.

Rinat Akmetshin (RA) - Soviet-born US lobbyist on Magnitsky Act issues


Key observations:

a. Setting up the June 9 meeting

– DJT & AA have a prior relationship through 2013 Miss Universe pageant. RG facilitated ongoing contact between the 2 families over the years.

– On 6/3/16, RG sends DJTJr. an email stating that AA had a meeting with the Russian crown prosecutor who offered to provide some 'officials docs & info that would incriminate HRC and her dealings with Russia'.

– On 6/6-6/7 DJTJr. have multiple brief calls. Also on 6/6, AA asks IK to serve as translator for a meeting in NY with the Trump Org on the Magnitsky Act.

– 6/7 - RG emails DJTJr. to schedule meeting. DJTJr. discloses that he, Manafort & Kushner will be in attendance.

– Rick Gates claimed that the meeting was brought up with senior campaign staff and that he urged caution, but no other parties involved recall Gates' claim.

– Michael Cohen claimed that DJTJr. brought up the meeting with the subject being 'adverse info on HRC' while they were in the office with DJT, but no other parties involved recall Cohen's claim.


b. Events of 6/9/16

– NV calls RA, says she's in NY and asks him to lunch later that day with IK and another translator (IS).

– NV claims she produced a document alleging financial misconduct of Bill Browder & the Ziff brothers in Russia, both who've donated to the DNC, but there is a dispute between the participants about what was discussed in the lunch.

– All 4 lunch participants then went to TT for the meeting, joined by RG. Manafort, Kushner & DJTJr. were the other participants. The meeting lasted about 20 minutes.

– Participants agreed that NV brought up the Ziff Brothers claims & Magnitsky Act issues (corraborated by Manafort's phone notes). DJTJr. asked a follow-up about how this was tied to HRC. NV & RA brought up adoption issues. DJTJr. replied that they currently had no control over these situations.

– Kushner was agitated and had his office call him so he could have an excuse to leave early.

– NV's subsequent accounts of the meeting differ from all other participant accounts.

– DJTJr. subsequently stated that purpose of the meeting was to gauge whether RG's colleagues had any opposition research worth further discussing with counsel.

– After meeting, RG called DJTJr. to apologize. AA called IK for a report immediately after the meeting. IK disclosed to AA that the meeting had been about the Magnitsky Act and that it was a "waste of time".


c. Post-June 9 events - small paragraph saved for pp. 121-130



– Redacted GJ info // Interview & email evidence from RG // internal campaign email evidence + interviews // NV testimony before Senate Judiciary // various articles in MSM (???)

– According to SC, '' The Office spoke to every meeting participant except NV & DJTJr., the latter of who declined to be voluntarily interviewed by the Office" + 2 lines of redacted Grand Jury information.

Anonymous ID: d6642f April 18, 2019, 3:03 p.m. No.6230279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0296 >>2469 >>1129


>pp 111-120 - Trump Tower meeting

Editorial Comments:

– There is ZERO discussion as to how NV gets a visa to enter the US, even the Report references an article by Reuters "How did Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya Get into U.S. for Trump Tower Meeting?" (11/6/17).

– This section relies on a number of articles in the press which is concerning in and of itself.

– The key player in this section - Natalia Veselnitskaya (NV) - was never interviewed by the SC office. There is no explanation as to why.

– The redacted Grand Jury portions appear to all revolve around NV & Aras/Emin Agalarov.

– It would be fair to speculate that if this meeting was an effort to entrap the Trump Campaign in some fashion, these 3 individuals would be central to that effort.