TY Baker!
Maggie ChooChoos out moar thoughts:
E) The witnesses who were worried about exposure in this report had reason to be. A number of witnesses are mentioned by name, giving Trump a road map to retaliate through hate-tweet if he wants to.
F) Many of his aides, as we all reported in real time, stopped him from obstructing the investigation.
Jordan: " It would be a shame for the onslaught of misguided politicized investigations to continue:
Fair Warning, Nadler
One inherent message of the first volume of the Mueller report is clear: It is time for the professional media to assume responsibility for its role in inflaming the public with a scandal that wasn’t proven, by endlessly quoting intelligence and partisan political sources whose claims went far beyond the skis that their evidence slithered upon.
Case closed. Russiagate was no Watergate.
if on May 17th, 2017:
SC office authorized to conduct the investigation CONFIRMED by James Comey
then why:
Did RR recommend firing Comey on May 9, 2017?
The victim, Officer Josh Rigney, was shot twice. Officer Rigney’s wife called emergency services, and Rigney was transported to St. Joseph Regional Medical Center where he was treated for his injuries. He is currently in fair condition and continues to receive care.
The deceased suspect is identified as 36-year-old Daniel Cook Jr. of Lewiston.
Does…anyone at that White House understand the significance of that song?
Maggie Haberman replying to Nikki Schwab:
“Edelweiss” was being played as we walked into the @WhiteHouse
ChooChoo thinks it's naaaaaaazi-ish!