Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:14 a.m. No.6226409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6469

Mueller Report Exonerates Don Jr. – Crushes CNN, Lanny Davis and Michael Cohen Lies on Trump Tower Meeting


Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 448-page report was released to the public Thursday morning following AG Bill Barr’s press conference.


The report was lightly redacted — only 855 redactions were made to Mueller’s report.


Mueller’s report addressed the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr., Paul Manafort, Jared Kushner and other Trump associates and Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.


Donald Trump Jr. was totally exonerated and Mueller’s report CRUSHED fake news CNN, Lanny Davis and Michael Cohen’s lies, conspiracy theories and propaganda surrounding the meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya.


Recall, Trump’s former lawyer-turned-rat Michael Cohen claimed in a 2017 Senate Intel testimony that Donald Trump had foreknowledge of the meeting at Trump Tower between his son, Kushner and Veselnitskaya.


In July of 2018, CNN rolled out another “bombshell” story using anonymous sources wherein they reported Michael Cohen claimed Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with Veselnitskaya in advance.


The CNN story quickly turned into a dumpster fire because Michael Cohen’s lawyer Lanny Davis admitted he lied to the media when he claimed he confirmed a CNN report with anonymous sources about President Trump’s foreknowledge of the infamous Trump Tower meeting in June of 2016.


CNN said in its report that Cohen was ready to spill the beans to Mueller that Trump not only knew about the meeting with Veselnitskaya, but approved it.


As usual, CNN was reporting fake news and curiously Lanny Davis himself confirmed to being one of the anonymous sources at the time it was published.


CNN never retracted or corrected their fake news story — but Mueller’s report just crushed their propaganda machine.


“Michael Cohen recalled that Trump Jr. may have told candidate Trump about an upcoming meeting to receive adverse information about Clinton, without linking the meeting to Russia,” the report stated. “According to written answers submitted by President Trump, he has no recollections of learning of the meeting at the time, and the Office found NO DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE SHOWING THAT HE WAS MADE AWARE OF THE MEETING — OR ITS RUSSIA CONNECTION — BEFORE IT OCCURRED.”

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.6226437   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6482 >>6515 >>6533 >>6550 >>7109

‘Blink twice if you’re ok!’ Twitter watches Rod Rosenstein’s eyes for proof of collusion


Eagle-eyed Russiagaters landed on potential new evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia on Thursday: Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein wasn’t blinking enough during his boss’s press conference on the Mueller report.


Twitter lit up during Attorney General William Barr’s press conference in advance of the release of a partly-redacted version of the report, with many speculating that Rosenstein’s facial movements — or lack thereof — were providing clues about the contents of the full report.


Some found Rosenstein's face and insufficient number of blinks “disturbing.”


“Blink twice if you are ok Rod Rosenstein,” wrote former State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki, whose calls were echoed by a former Hillary Clinton aide urging him to “please blink twice if Barr is mischaracterizing the report.”


Rosenstein “does not look like man at peace,” NBC reporter Ken Dilanian chimed in, perhaps hoping to do his bit to keep the conspiracy alive.


Others were more light-hearted about the whole matter. Washington Post reporter Philip Bump joked that he “did a shot” every time Rosenstein moved a muscle in his face and was still totally sober.


Barr looked like he was “being held hostage,” fellow Post reporter Jonathan Capehart mused, while New York Times writer Sopan Deb quipped that Madame Tussauds' new Rosenstein figure “looks pretty lifelike.”

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.6226468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6493 >>6507

Replace Pompeo with someone ‘more cautious & mature’ if you want to talk, N. Korea tells US


North Korea signaled that it would like to see US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo replaced by someone more careful and "mature” in talks with Pyongyang. If he engages in nuclear talks again, the “table will be lousy,” it warned.


Secretary of State Pompeo should step aside from the nuclear talks with Pyongyang in favor of someone “who can communicate more cautiously and more maturely,” according to Pyongyang’s state-run KCNA outlet, cited by a number of agencies.


The North Korean media also quoted Kwon Jong Gun, a top Foreign Ministry official, who cautioned that “if Pompeo engages in the talks again, the table will be lousy once again and the talks will become entangled.”


Pompeo is believed to have laid some groundwork for the historic first summit between Trump and Kim in Singapore last year, meeting the North Korean leader in Pyongyang several weeks prior.


The latest gathering between the US leader and Kim (in Hanoi, Vietnam) was also poised to become a diplomatic breakthrough but essentially collapsed, with Trump saying “they [N. Korea] wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety and we couldn't do that.”


For the last two months, the negotiations have stalled although both sides traded fairly positive comments about the future of the nuclear talks. However, on Wednesday, North Korea seemed to break its moratorium on missile tests, launching what it said was a new “tactical guided weapon.”


Without providing details, state media reported that the projectile had a “peculiar mode of guiding flight” carrying a “powerful warhead.”


Also this month, Kim broke the silence on the nuclear talks, accusing the US of escalating hostility “despite its suggestion for settling the issue through dialogue.” He called the US sanctions and pressure as “foolish and dangerous an act as trying to put out fire with oil.”

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:25 a.m. No.6226527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6636 >>6752 >>6972 >>7070 >>7121

Facebook bans British anti-immigrant groups including EDL, BNP and Britain First ==


Facebook has banned 12 high-profile, anti-immigrant British organizations and individuals including the English Defence League, the British National Party, Britain First and Jayda Fransen.


The silicon valley company said it took the decision because it bans users who “proclaim a violent or hateful mission or are engaged in acts of hate or violence.”


“Individuals and organisations who spread hate, or attack or call for the exclusion of others on the basis of who they are, have no place on Facebook,” it said in a statement.


The following organizations and people are now prohibited from the site: The British National Party and Nick Griffin, Britain First and Paul Golding and Jayda Fransen, English Defence League and Paul Ray, Knights Templar International and Jim Dowson, National Front and Tony Martin, and Jack Renshaw.


They were all outlawed under Facebook’s ‘Dangerous Individuals & Organisations policy’. They will no longer be allowed a presence on Facebook or Instagram and posts and other content which expresses praise or support for them will also be banned.


“Our work against organised hate is ongoing and we will continue to review individuals, organisations, pages, groups and content against our Community Standards,” the statement added.


The Knights Templar International said it was “horrified” by the ban, and that it was investigating legal options. “Facebook has deemed our Christian organisation as dangerous and de-platformed us despite never being charged, let alone found guilty of any crime whatsoever,” it said in a statement. “This is a development that would have made the Soviets blush.”


In February the social media giant banned EDL founder Tommy Robinson from its platforms saying the prominent anti-immigration activist repeatedly breached its policies on Hate speech.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:28 a.m. No.6226556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6636 >>6752 >>6972 >>7070 >>7121

Austria warns of new massive migration wave to Europe this spring


Austrian Interior Minister Herbert Kickl recently sent a letter to the EU commission, warning of a renewed migrant crisis and calling for immediate preventative measures to be taken.

He cited that a huge number of migrants from Turkey will be heading to Europe once the weather improves.

Kickl stated in the letter that a there is an imminent crisis as he believes plans are ongoing for a large-scale migration from Turkey to Europe.

Based on the data released by the European Police Authority Europol, tens of thousands of migrants are already in the region, including 60,000 in Greece, another 5,000 in Bosnia-Herzegovina and another 5,000 in Serbia.

Furthermore, there will be another 5.6 million Syrian refugees in the Middle East, which validates the looming threat of a new massive migration movement.

Kickl urged the commission to act quickly and send a clear message to the migrants to stop mass migration:

“It is particularly important now to find out what initiatives and measures are being planned by the European Commission in order to be able to coordinate the respective contingency plans for a new mass influx.”

Kicks suggested that the commission immediately work on “effective return systems”, “information campaigns and local capacity building”, for which there must be “much more” financial support from the EU:

“Refugees have a right to life in safety and dignity – but no right to freely choose their destination country. Only a Europe that protects its borders can help those who really need protection.”

Kickl reminded the EU not to forget its history with massive migration: “We all still remember the images of the mass immigration of 2015/2016. It would be irresponsible to twiddle one’s thumb and wait until tens of thousands of migrants are on the border.”

“A political repair-and-patchwork mentality does not bring us anywhere in the EU – only a clear, proactive strategic approach. It’s about averting a new crisis rather than waiting for it to erupt.”

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.6226649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6654 >>6715 >>6752 >>6972 >>7070 >>7121

New York Times Accidentally Unravels UK Government's Official Skripal Narrative


While London almost immediately blamed Moscow for being behind the poisoning of ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK city of Salisbury in March 2018, Russia has strongly rejected its involvement, stressing it's been denied access both to the investigation into the incident and the Russian nationals affected.


On 16th April, the New York Times published a glowing profile of Gina Haspel, who in May 2018 became the seventh director of the Central Intelligence Agency.


The article referred to Haspel — the former head of a CIA 'black site' in Thailand at which an indeterminate number of suspected terrorists were viciously tortured — as an "adept tactician" blessed with "good listening, empathy and an ability to connect", and discussed the difficulties the intelligence chief faced in ensuring "her voice is heard at the White House", due to the intransigence of President Donald Trump, whose administration treats national security professionals "with deep skepticism".


So far, so obsequious — but buried in the hagiography is a fascinating disclosure. In a section titled ‘The keys to talking to Trump? Realism and emotion', authors Julian E. Barnes and Adam Goldman document how Haspel "solidified her reputation" as one of the "most skilled briefers" of the President.


Following the 4th March 2018 poisoning of former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Salisbury, UK, top national security officials are said to have gathered inside the White House to discuss with Trump how Washington should respond — at the time, Whitehall was preparing to expel dozens of Russian diplomats from the UK, and aggressively pushing various key international allies to follow suit.



Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.6226662   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6696 >>6752 >>6972 >>7070 >>7121

Rising Democratic star Pete Buttigieg enlists Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton fundraisers to build his 2020 campaign war chest


Pete Buttigieg’s increasingly popular presidential run has drawn the support of more than two dozen top Democratic fundraisers, according to a list CNBC obtained from campaign aides.

The list includes people who bundled big-dollar donations for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Steve Elmendorf, who bundled more than $100,000 for Clinton in 2016, decided to back Buttigieg on Sunday, the day the mayor officially launched his campaign with a speech in South Bend.


Pete Buttigieg’s increasingly popular presidential run has drawn the support of more than two dozen top Democratic fundraisers, including people who bundled big-dollar donations for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton during their White House bids, according to a list CNBC obtained from campaign aides.


The financiers on the roster range from former U.S. ambassadors to real estate executives, the latest evidence that the South Bend, Indiana, mayor’s underdog bid to challenge President Donald Trump next year is catching on with Democrats as the party sorts through a crowded primary field.


Particularly, Buttigieg’s sincere approach is generating enthusiasm among the Democratic donor class. One of the leading names on the list, lobbyist and former John Kerry 2004 campaign official Steve Elmendorf, decided to back Buttigieg on Sunday, the day the mayor officially launched his campaign with a speech in South Bend.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:42 a.m. No.6226706   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As Governments Adopt Artificial Intelligence, There’s Little Oversight and Lots of Danger


Artificial intelligence systems can – if properly used – help make government more effective and responsive, improving the lives of citizens. Improperly used, however, the dystopian visions of George Orwell’s 1984 become more realistic.


On their own and urged by a new presidential executive order, governments across the U.S., including state and federal agencies, are exploring ways to use AI technologies.


As an AI researcher for more than 40 years, who has been a consultant or participant in many government projects, I believe it’s worth noting that sometimes they’ve done it well – and other times not quite so well. The potential harms and benefits are significant.

An early success


In 2015, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security developed an AI system called “Emma,” a chatbot that can answer questions posed to it in regular English, without needing to know what “her” introductory website calls “government speak” – all the official terms and acronyms used in agency documents.


By late 2016, DHS reported that Emma was already helping to answer nearly a half-million questions per month, allowing DHS to handle many more inquiries than it had previously, and letting human employees spend more time helping people with more complicated queries that are beyond Emma’s abilities. This sort of conversation-automating artificial intelligence has now been used by other government agencies, in cities and countries around the world.

Flint’s water


A more complicated example of how governments could aptly apply AI can be seen in Flint, Michigan. As the local and state governments struggled to combat lead contamination in the city’s drinking water, it became clear that they would need to replace the city’s remaining lead water pipes. However, the city’s records were incomplete, and it was going to be extremely expensive to dig up all the city’s pipes to see if they were lead or copper.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:43 a.m. No.6226722   🗄️.is 🔗kun

According to Kurdistan24, DAESH (ISIS) used chlorine gas in Syria


An Iraqi court sentenced to death the Belgian citizen Bilal Abdoul-Aziz al-Marshouhi (aka "Abou Fadhil al-Belgiqi") for his membership of the Islamic Emirate terrorist organization (Daesh is known in the West as Islamic State or by its English acronym, ISIS).


"I was born in Belgium and have Belgian nationality, despite my Moroccan origins (…) I studied engineering at the University of Antwerp. I became a jihadist after becoming friends with someone who read books that preached radical Islam, " he explained.


Accused of having set up a pornographic website, Bilal Abdoul-Aziz al-Marshouhi received military training from the al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria), but then left to join Daesh. From then on he was successively a member of the military police, the criminal police and the moral police of Daesh in the occupied part of Aleppo and finally joined the general administration of Daesh in the Syrian city of Raqqa, then considered the capital of the Caliphate.


According to the television channel Kurdistan24, the Belgian citizen now facing the death penalty declared during his trial in Iraq that his Daesh group used chemical weapons - specifically mortar shells laden with chlorine - in the Raqqa district and in a camp [1].


The UN has received reports of at least 216 suspected chemical attacks in Syria. The Western powers attribute every chemical attack to the Syrian Arab Republic while the latter and the Russian Federation accuse the jihadists. The inspectors of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) confirmed some chemical attacks did take place without determining who perpetrated them. However, the latest OPCW report on events in the city of Douma exonerates the Syrian authorities.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:47 a.m. No.6226772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6972 >>7070 >>7121

Several Supercuts of CNN lying


since the Democrats in their continued attempt to attack the Free Press have released a Supercut against Fox News I thought I’d do the same for CNN


Cnn double standard on Trump and North Korea


Cnn Supercut of lying for 5 minutes


Supercut of cnn doctoring footage


Rachel maddow lying and getting debunked by his own producers in real time


and of course after all of that it’s no wonder that the president would attack the free press

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:51 a.m. No.6226819   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6849 >>6857 >>6909 >>6972 >>7070 >>7121

Splinternet: EU Censorship Ramps Up With ACTA 2, While UK Passes Terror Law, Porn Law, and Introduces First Internet Regulation Agency


Across Europe, MEPs voted successfully to redesign the Internet with a censorship directive disguised as a copyright proposal, while the UK itself passed a horrifying terror bill that will make it illegal to watch any “terrorist propaganda” (not clearly defined) which carries sentencing of 15 years, an age restriction porn law and introduced the world’s first Internet regulation safety agency.



ACTA 2 which required all the dirty tricks in the book to pass the initial vote, has now passed in a vote of 22 countries in favor of the law.


Only six countries — Italy, Sweden, Poland, Finland, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg — voted against the proposed directive that will change the Internet as we know it.


This means that EU member countries have two years to comply by drafting their own national laws. This is sure to spur protests and legal battles all over Europe for the next few years.


The directive was passed despite more than 5.2 million people who signed an online petition calling to save the Internet and abandon the legalese.


Throughout the voting process, there were numerous tricks by EPP Group and other political parties involved in the copyright directive, or ACTA 2, such as attempting to change the voting date, intimidating politicians by threatening them with bad press, and even changing the article numbers prior to the vote.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:54 a.m. No.6226852   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6972 >>7070 >>7121

Report: White House Wants Investigation Into Hillary Clinton’s Emails


The White House criticized the “breathless” media coverage of the Russia collusion “hoax” following the submission of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report to Congress, adding that reporters should focus on Obama administration scandals, it was reported.


“While the establishment media has breathlessly covered this partisan witch hunt for nearly two years, they refuse to cover the real scandals that plagued the previous Democrat administration,” a White House official told the Washington Examiner on April 18.


The official made a reference to the email scandal that has plagued former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the administration noted in the Examiner’s report that former President Barack Obama described the scandal as a “mistake” but wasn’t “a national security problem.” He made the remarks on CBS News’ “60 Minutes” in 2015.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.6226888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911

Secret IDB Proposal Would Give $48 Billion Infusion to Boost Venezuela’s Economy — But Only After Regime Change


The Inter-American Development Bank is quietly circulating an analysis that foresees an up to $48 billion infusion of capital into the Venezuelan economy should President Nicolás Maduro be removed from office. A pair of confidential documents, both called “Venezuela: Challenges and Opportunities,” outlines a four-year plan to open the country’s beleaguered economy to foreign corporations through privatization, structural reforms, and public-private partnerships.


The documents — slide decks that were obtained by The Intercept — are circulating in an 11-slide summarized version and a 27-slide full version, both classified as “confidential.” The author is marked in the first slides of both presentations as the bank’s secretary, who is responsible for organizing discussions between the bank, governments, and private companies. The presentations, which are dated March 15, are addressed to executive directors of the Inter-American Development Bank and IDB Invest, the bank’s investment arm aimed at lending to private companies.


Founded in 1959, the IDB offers financing and technical assistance for infrastructure, health, and education projects in Latin America and the Caribbean. The bank is owned by 48 countries: 26 borrowing member countries and 22 nonborrowing member countries. Currently, the five largest shareholders are the U.S., with 30 percent of voting shares; Argentina and Brazil, with 11.2 percent each; Mexico, with 7.2 percent; and Japan, which has 5 percent of voting shares.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6226904   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller Report: Trump says,’This should never happen to another president again’


President Donald Trump said he was ‘having a good day’ Thursday, shortly after DOJ Attorney General William Barr delivered his briefing on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report and warned that what happened to him ‘should never happen to another president again.’


After more than $30 million dollars, thousands of documents, hundreds of subpoenas and warrants the special counsel did not find any evidence that Trump, anyone on his campaign, or any American conspired with Russia in the 2016 presidential elections.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 11:03 a.m. No.6226935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6972 >>7070 >>7121

France insurance firm AXA divests from Israel arms manufacturer


A French insurance firm has divested from Elbit Systems and several Israeli banks following pressure from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and a number of international NGOs.


AXA – a French multinational firm specialising in insurance and financial services – has agreed to partially divest from Elbit Systems, an arms manufacturer which has supplied the Israeli army with weapons to be used against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and besieged Gaza Strip.


AXA has also agreed to divest from five major Israeli banks – Bank Hapoalim, Bank Leumi, Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot, First International Bank of Israel and Israel Discount Bank – which often provide loans to the Israeli arms industry and operate in Israel’s illegal West Bank settlements.


The move came after a several-year-long campaign by two NGOs, “SumOfUs” and “Stop Assistance to Israeli Apartheid”, which called on the insurance giant to reassess its investments and complicity in the Israeli occupation.


In April 2018, SumOfUs – an international NGO that seeks to counter the power of big businesses – launched an international petition to support Stop Assistance to Israeli Apartheid’s campaign. The petition garnered more than 140,000 signatures, causing AXA to “quietly reduce” its investments in Elbit Systems and Israeli banks this year.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 11:06 a.m. No.6226958   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6979

Nearly 100,000 Pentagon Whistleblower Complaints Have Been Silenced


You would think, in this topsy-turvy world, if there were one organization we could trust with a trillion dollars a year of our taxpayer money, it would be the Department of Unauthorized Highly Secretive Mass Human Murder.


I don’t know if I’d have the nerve to be a whistleblower. I’d like to think I would. We all like to think we would, just like we all like to think we could catch the game-winning touchdown, triumph on “America’s Got Talent,” and fold a fitted sheet quickly and without cursing.


But to blow the whistle on a huge organization with a lot of power, likely drawing that power to come crashing down on your head—that takes some serious spine-age. Now, imagine the organization you’re calling out is arguably the largest, most powerful, most secretive and most violent organization on planet Earth. I’m speaking, of course, of the U.S. Department of Defense.


Yet thousands, even tens of thousands, of people have taken that step over the past five years. (More on this in a moment.)

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6226995   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7015 >>7070 >>7121 >>7128

HUGE! Russian ‘Witness” told Mueller Investigation the Pee-Pee Tape Was Not Real — But They Hid This from Michael Cohen


Attorney General Bill Barr exonerated the Donald Trump campaign in collusion with Russian operatives during the 2016 election.


Attorney General Bill Barr did not find the Trump campaign colluded in Russian efforts to tamper with the 2016 election.


The Special Counsel report completely exonerated President Trump on the junk charges brought against him by a corrupt Democratic operatives inside the DOJ and FBI.


FOX News investigative reporter Catherine Herridge later reported that the Mueller report released this morning admitted to the Mueller investigation there were no pee-pee tapes. It was complete fiction.


Catherine Herridge: I want to draw your attention to pages 27 and 28. It deals with some allegations that were made in the Steele dossier that there were compromising tapes involving then candidate Trump (the pee-pee tapes). And what it states is that this information was communicated that tapes existed to Michael Cohen shortly after the election and he shared that information with the president. Now the Russian businessman then went on to be interviewed by the special counsel where he said the information that he had, he was told the tapes were fake but this was never communicated to Michael Cohen.


The Special Counsel then hid this from Trump’s former attorney Michael Cohen.

The deep state is corrupt and ruthless.

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6227010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7046 >>7067 >>7122

MEDIA MELTDOWN: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Loses It – Wonders if She’s Crazy After Watching Barr Presser, “Am I Nuts?”


MEDIA MELTDOWN: MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace Loses It – Wonders if She’s Crazy After Watching Barr Presser, “Am I Nuts?” (VIDEO)

Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila April 18, 2019 1 Comment


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The liberal mainstream media is completely melting down and it’s glorious.


Attorney General Bill Barr held a press conference Thursday morning to discuss the Mueller report and take some questions from reporters.


Barr made it clear that President Trump did not collude with the Russian government during the 2016 election — this angered the sycophantic reporters who hate Trump.


As expected, the liberal ‘reporters’ immediately went into overdrive and accused Bill Barr of protecting President Trump.


MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace was so flabbergasted following Bill Barr’s presser on Mueller’s report Thursday morning that she wondered out loud, on live broadcast if she was losing her mind.


“Am I nuts?” Wallace asked.


“You take the dystopian elements of the Trump presidency and you sometimes wonder alone in a cab, am I nuts or is this really what I’m seeing?” Wallace wondered.


Nicolle Wallace then said that Attorney General Bill Barr is actually acting as President Trump’s personal defense attorney.


Wow, she has lost it!




Things aren’t much better over at fake news CNN.


Fake News CNN melted down and piled on Barr following his presser.


CNN had EIGHT people discussing the Barr presser — all of them are liberal Trump haters.


All eight people on CNN’s panel agree with each other — talk about diversity!

Anonymous ID: 29d0a2 April 18, 2019, 11:12 a.m. No.6227019   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Israel: Zionist right arm of the Noahide World Order.

Saudi Arabia: left arm of the Marxist World Order.

US DS puppet state and enforcer of the Noahide World Order.

EU puppet state and the financial arm of the Noahide World Order.

Chinese Communists manufacturing/distribution arm of the Noahide World Order.

AUS CAN NZ BRA satellite states of the Noahide World Order.


Death of gentiles must occur continually. Most deaths are manufactured, poison food, water, radiation, vaccines, cancer, war, created crisis, FF and on and on……

We are cattle to them.

Find truth, reject their system.

The most high will watch over you when you seek the righteous path and avoid temptation.

Dig meme pray fight.


You matter.

