Anonymous ID: 551250 April 18, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.6226644   🗄️.is đź”—kun



2009-2013 HRC is SEC of STATE – Think Server Access [granted]. Money talks. [CROWDSTRIKE] Q1983


2014 MAR @Snowden leaks documents for 2010 Operation “Shotgiant” NSA code name for its efforts to break into the Huawei networks. [THE SHOT HEARD ROUND THE WORLD?] A disaster for the NSA’s surveillance programs and clears the way for the U1 deal AND Huawei to project transparency while they make fucking spy phones.


2014 MAY DOJ HOLDER – indicts a handful of Chinese military on charges of hacking and stealing trade secrets. They call themselves Unit 61398 – it’s a hyperlink that sends you to FIREEYE, Existential Threat Intelligence Services based in CA with offices ALL OVER THE GLOBE.


This provides perfect cover to suspend the Sino-U.S. Cyber Working Group, who’s talks have been complicated by @Snowden’s leak above, which has now been conveniently replaced with access to HRC’s server.


And the cherry on top? They QUOTE the co-founder of CrowdStrike saying it will send a signal to US companies “that we can hold state-sponsored hackers accountable.”

And by that they mean sponsored by our own fucking united state(s). [TREASON]


“The Obama administration “will not tolerate actions by any nation that seeks to illegally sabotage American companies and undermine the integrity of fair competition in the operation of the free market,” Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said.”


TRUTH – They’re going to do it themselves.


“John [P] Carlin, the assistant attorney general for national security, said the Chinese have long challenged U.S. officials to provide hard evidence of their data theft that could stand up in court.” [JPC]

“Huawei vice president for external affairs William Plummer said: “We have been challenged for years now to prove a negative about ourselves when, frankly, if there is truth to what is said, they already know the company is innocent and independent.””