> crap again
>What did Q tell us
<warned of attacks
<sees attacks
<reminds of warnings by complaining about them
nice circular lamenting
>Posting for newfags
did you know this poster has a large body of recognizable shill work?
known by many names & fashions… muhdick, toiletboi, anons would you hit it, MAGA riots…
can't imagine normies being anything but weirded out seeing these two interchangeable bots endlessly talk to themselves
> you are a nobody
why thank you, that's usually the point.
nice example of your style, thanks.
this honor makes me way happier than it should
aaaaaaaaaaaaaand why is this important/hyped/reposted?
>every living thing ever has to be vaccinated because we say so won't you THINK OF THE CHILDREN the danger the horror the horror
<illegal refugees welcome and no one and nothing should track them or ask questions