Anonymous ID: fb954c April 18, 2019, 10:46 a.m. No.6226758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6787 >>6806 >>6906

>>6226180 (PB)



This is my 1st installment of "Anons Shitposts For The Archives Volume 1" and I have to dedicate it to (you).


Hope you're doing well and God is pouring out His Blessings on you Soldier. Again, it's an Honor and I THANK YOU from the bottom of my (Formerly) shattered American Heart, for welcoming me into YOUR [H]ouse, and dealing with me and helping me to adjust to the Mission and Flow. I had a LOT to Learn and to REMEMBER, and those slaps on the wrist and dustings off (So-To-Speak) along with the Encouragement, changed my world.


I don't know if I've ever expressed that, but now that we're geared up for the Final Strafing & then /OUR/ LONG Awaited


V-I-C-T-O-R-Y Lap


I wanted to make sure (you) knew, Patriot to Patriot, Child of God 2 Child of God, & Man to Man (A new man, but a man nonetheless) that whoever (you) are, and what you did and do, and HOW (you) do it, well…there are no words. Even for ME.


Imagine that :-)




















So far….This is my "The Storm HOF Lineup". It's a work in progress, and I'm sure it's not complete just yet, and of course. /WE/ ALL KNOW…


And if (you) don't, (You) need to get in The Know, so Word To The Wise…..


/WE/ ALL know, that it is the BRAVE Men a& Women in The United States Military, Active and "former" (And I will not apologize, but moving FORWARD, I would like to propose that ALL branches of the US Military LEARN FROM, and ADOPT and (P)attern their unique cultures with a touch of the Spirit, and HEART of A United States Marine, that being….


"Once A Marine…..ALWAYS A MARINE"


Why should our other branches be any different?? And I'm including the Coast Guard & Space Force in this, but are there the 6 Branches then?? Again, Work In Progress. If General Patton hadn't been






And He would tell (you) that too. Anyone trying to kiss his ass, if you were and American, he'd tell (you), "I'm just being an AMERICAN!! I don't know why what I am seems so unique to so many people It's a DAMN shame." (Paraphrased) I mean, he KNEW he was a GREAT General, maybe THE BEST, #BecauseMath (Again, if I could have Anons Read UP on ONE topic right now, it MIGHT be Patton's views on Reincarnation, and you gotta dig, it's tucked into a LOT of his books and books on him a lot of the times, or WAS anyway) but could you Imagine


General George S. Patton Jr.


EVER feeling like he "retired" from HIS Army and was no longer a "soldier"??


KEKEKEK!!! That's funny. But (P)onder that for a moment, Let THAT SINK in, and let's think about The NEW America. Oh yeah….


General Patton is back. I've been telling people this for 20+ years. My closest 30-40 friends and children are all like, "Wow…You used to say some pretty out there stuff, never crazy rambling crap, but things like, "General Patton IS Alive again SOMEWHERE on Earth, It's God's and His plan and will, and it will be HIM in a Reincarnated form, a life that while respecting THE Game and Free Will, will offer Him the BEST chance to train and take HIS Army and THEN HIS NATION back some day


"I Knew This Day Would Arrive, It was Only a (Q)uestion of WHEN?"


Continuing with what I've been telling people for decades….


"And Then, if WE The People can somehow Rise Up and Get Fully (P)repared, HE WILL GIVE /US/ back OUR Nation, so he can FINALLY maybe go sit back and feel like HIS work is done, and so we need to get ready, you never know when The General will show up, because I bet even I'm going to be shocked when I figure it out, even thought I'm searching for him and ONE other person, titled by Edgar Cayce as "The Hope of The New World", and He/She will "Emerge From Russia". So we need to get READY. They need /US/, as much as we need them, and we ALL have a role to play. Let's make sure we are ready and willing and ABLE if and WHEN God and The General & The Hope of The World Arrive."


Stuff like that.







Anonymous ID: fb954c April 18, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.6226806   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6812 >>6906



Who else here reads the codes in Youtube Stringers?? I mean, for (Those) In the Know, and that's where /WE/ are ALL heading, this is a simple one, with PLENTY of hints :)




This isn't merely another 4 year election, This is a Struggle for the SURVIVAL Of /OUR/ Nation, And THIS will be /OUR/ LAST CHANCE to save It.



Anonymous ID: fb954c April 18, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6226906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7075





>>6226450 (P/B)

Guess Who's Back???


Hell On Wheels 2.0


Coming Soon to A Theater Near [you]

Expect International AND Local Showings

VERY Limited Engagement

Surprise Characters!!!

88,000+ SEALED Indictments






Again!!!! Folks…..The Release of This LONG AWAITED Sequel, Will be Announced World Wide By It's Executive Producer, Who Shall Remain Nameless Until Release, At a Random Time…And /WE/ MUST Remember….This is a LIMITED Time Event and Once It's DONE…It will be DONE and GONE and NEVER to be SEEN Again. #DontBlink #GoneInAFlash


Now…I KNOW what /You/ are asking….."Where's the BEST Place to view this ONCE IN A THOUSAND LIFETIMES SHOWING??


I'm (G)lad (you) asked!!

Right Here on 8Chan QResearch, Where Anons ARE The Media Now!!


And THE BEST PART IS, Unless [you] have a Sealed Indictment, with [your] name on it (FISA WORKS BOTH WAYS & #TurnAbout IS #FairPlay) This Movie will be THE BEST Movie You, or ANYONE has EVER seen, Anywhere, At ANY Time!!!!


Wait….There's MORE!!

We saved THE BEST For LAST.

Because (You) Deserve THE BEST America!!


This Theatric Event, MANY Lifetimes in the Making, will be FREE of charge, and at the End of The Movie, /YOU/ and /WE/ will get /OUR/ nation back.


Lock, Stock, AND Barrel.


Because That's what The General Promised.

And then /WE/ are going to let The Man retire.

I hear he's got a heck of a (G)olf G(a)me and a Tippy Top Family that he might want to relax with. I've heard the man hasn't taken a day off since birth. #ItShows


So we have some Serious Rising Drama here Fam….And I think the Next Big (Q)uestion is, and this opens us up to possible REASONABLE & REALISTIC (RR) Plot Movements and Twists, I think the next (Q)uestion would be….


"Have You Heard That The General Is Back??"


Grab Your Popcorn America!!

Coming Soon To A Theater Near [you]

Curtains Up General??


Anonymous ID: fb954c April 18, 2019, 11:06 a.m. No.6226957   🗄️.is 🔗kun




It's the LEAST I can do ALL things considered.

It's an [H]onor and a (P)rivilege.

Through & Through.

Happy it Served.

God Bless You & God Bless America.



Anonymous ID: fb954c April 18, 2019, 11:10 a.m. No.6227005   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This 100% Through and Through. I'm not sure what TIME things will happen on Friday and Saturday, but SUNDAY is gonna be a Really Interdasting day. One way or another.


Day of Days


The Truth will put 99% in the Hospital. That's okay, they'll heal. KEK!!