Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:33 a.m. No.6227231   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8052

AMERICA’S RAGE: Where Are the Investigations into Hillary Emails, Clinton Foundation, Uranium One, AGT Intl, Obama FBI and DOJ Crimes?!?


Today Attorney General Bill Barr exonerated the Donald Trump campaign in collusion with Russian operatives during the 2016 election.


Attorney General Bill Barr stated that the Mueller Special Counsel did not find the Trump campaign colluded in Russian efforts to tamper with the 2016 election. The Special Counsel report completely exonerated President Trump on the junk charges brought against him by a corrupt Democratic operatives inside the DOJ and FBI.


This was a devastating blow to Democrats, liberal media hacks and Deep State operatives.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:35 a.m. No.6227250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7461 >>7803

Third Roundup-Cancer Lawsuit Exposes Cozy Relationship Between the EPA and Monsanto


A third lawsuit related to claims that Monsanto’s Roundup causes cancer has revealed new details about the cozy relationship between the biotech giant and U.S. regulators.


On Monday, Monsanto Co. corporate spokesman William Reeves admitted the corporation has regularly communicated with U.S. regulatory agencies regarding reviews of the controversial Roundup herbicide. Reeves denied that Monsanto had given the agencies orders to follow. Reeves’ testimony came about during the latest lawsuit against biotech giant Monsanto, as Alva and Alberta Pilliod fight to prove that Roundup caused their cancer.


The Pilliods are both living with non-Hodgkin lymphoma after spraying the herbicide Roundup on their properties for nearly 30 years. The septuagenarian couple were diagnosed with the most common form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, in 2011 and 2015. Now the couple is seeking damages related to their use of Roundup after recent studies have linked the world’s most popular herbicide to cancer.


Courthouse News reported on the latest developments in the case:


Attorney Brent Wisner, representing plaintiffs Alva and Alberta Pilliod, played video testimony of Monsanto corporate spokesman William Reeves in court Monday, in which he acknowledged Monsanto executives had exchanged text messages with regulators who sat on a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency committee that found glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup, is not carcinogenic for humans.The Pilliods’ legal team hopes these email and text exchanges will be enough evidence of collusion between Monsanto and the EPA to delay a review by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, a public health agency connected to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


The text messages show that on June 18, 2015, Monsanto scientist Eric Sachs sent a text message to former EPA toxicologist Mary Manibusan, looking for help finding a contact in the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). Sachs was looking to communicate with someone in relation to the agency’s ongoing work developing a toxicological profile of glyphosate, Roundup’s main ingredient. The ATSDR had begun working on the profile after the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research concluded that glyphosate was “probably carcinogenic to humans.”


Reminder to Anon's (((they))) poison the food water and air, seek clean alternatives as best you can!

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6227262   🗄️.is 🔗kun

US Elites Vilifying Assange Are The Same Elites Wikileaks Exposed


Among the gang of US elites actively vilifying Julian Assange right now are actually the same elites that his publication, Wikileaks, exposed in some of its biggest document dumps to date. Do you see the connection?


Watch as host Jimmy Dore of “The Jimmy Dore Show” passionately lays out his case:


To recap, here’s a list of 6 of Wikileaks’ biggest ever document dumps with direct links below to their publication at


‘Collateral Murder’ — Iraq/Afghanistan war logs (2010)

Embarrassing US State Department Cables (2010-11)

DNC Clinton emails (2016)

‘Vault 7’ CIA hacking documents (2017)

US uses IMF and World Bank as ‘weapons’ (2008)

Guantanamo prison operating ‘manual’ (2007)

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.6227293   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. Intelligence Institutionally Politicized Toward Democrats


Former CIA analyst says agencies dominated by liberals


The CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies have become bastions of political liberals and the pro-Democratic Party views of intelligence personnel have increased under President Donald Trump, according to a journal article by a former CIA analyst.


John Gentry, who spent 12 years as a CIA analyst, criticized former senior intelligence leaders, including CIA Director John Brenan, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former deputy CIA director Michael Morell, along with former analyst Paul Pillar, for breaking decades-long prohibitions of publicly airing their liberal political views in attacking Trump.


The institutional bias outlined in a lengthy article in the quarterly International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence risks undermining the role of intelligence in support of government leaders charged with making policy decisions.


Gentry stopped short of saying the widespread liberal bias of intelligence officials has influenced intelligence reports and products. However, he concludes that "bias may have crept into CIA analyses."


"A considerable body of evidence, much of it fragmentary, indicates that many CIA people have left-leaning political preferences, but less evidence shows that political bias influences CIA analyses," Gentry concludes.


In the past, intelligence politicization was defined as either skewing intelligence to fit biases or manipulating intelligence by those outside the intelligence community.


"But in 2016 observers of U.S. intelligence began to wonder if the CIA's once-firm prohibition on partisan politics had changed, and to ponder whether a new kind of politicization had arisen: namely, institutionally embedded, partisan bias," Gentry wrote.


Gentry points to the activities of senior retired intelligence officials during the 2016 campaign that "universally" criticized then-candidate Trump and supported Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.


"The attacks on Trump were unprecedented for intelligence officers in their substance, tone, and volume," he stated. "Critics went far beyond trying to correct Trump's misstatements about U.S. intelligence; they attacked him as a human being."

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:41 a.m. No.6227312   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Book: Deeply Corrupt Kushner Family Is Co-opting the White House - Excellent and Important Podcast


There is a media blackout on Vicky Ward's important new book, released in March: Kushner, Inc.: Greed. Ambition. Corruption. The Extraordinary Story of Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump. The only person talking about it outside the Alt-Right is Ann Coulter. Andrew Anglin, the editor of The Daily Stormer has done a very comprehensive 5 part book review. For those of you unfamiliar with Der Stormer, keep in mind that they use deliberately incendiary language, but the analysis beneath it is very solid.


Kushner Inc. is a far more revealing and important book than Michael Wolf's Fire and Fury which was basically a pack of unsubstantiated rumors with no attributions, most of them invented by the author, yet the Hate-Trump media obsessed over Wolf's book for weeks. So what's going on here?


The Fash the Nation team does an excellent job in this third in a 3 part series on the book. This is actually the best of the three because the excellent Mike Enoch joins them and his insight is invaluable. See parts 1 and 2 here and here. The book analysis starts at 1.39.00.


Fash the Nation has been awarded the coveted Russia Insider Seal of Approval. You really don't know what is going on in American politics unless you tune in. This will be especially true as we head into election season, which the FTN team excels at.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.6227321   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Lavrov: Final Political agreement to End Syrian war can come soon


MOSCOW – The Constituent Commission of Syria should be formed in the near future, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.


“The Constituent Commission must be formed as soon as possible,” Lavrov told reporters, saying that “the situation on the ground does not prevent it.”


According to the chancellor, despite various problems, the situation in Syria is more or less stable.


“We will have to solve the problem of eliminating the terrorists in Idlib, on the basis of the Russian-Turkish agreements,” he said.


He added that it is also necessary to solve the problem in the northeast of Syria to return control of the left bank of the Euphrates to the Syrian authorities, as well as establish a dialogue with the Kurds and at the same time guarantee the security interests of Turkey.


The solution to the Syrian crisis, which has been going on for more than eight years, is being sought on two platforms, the one in Geneva, sponsored by the UN, and the one in Astana (the old name of the Kazakh capital), sponsored by Russia, Turkey and Iran.


In the framework of the Astana consultations, it was agreed to hold the Syrian National Dialogue Congress that took place on January 30, 2018 in Sochi and culminated with the approval of a list of 150 candidates for the Constituent Commission that should expedite the political process in Syria, introduce amendments to the existing Constitution and hold sessions in the negotiations sponsored by the UN.


The UN envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, declared in March that there was progress in the formation of the Commission and that it could be convened in the not too distant future.


For his part, the Russian foreign minister announced in March that Damascus and the opposition were about to agree with the UN on the final list of the members of the Commission.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.6227327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Strategy of Controlled Chaos


Everyone against everyone else – this is the media image of chaos which is spreading across the Southern shores of the Mediterranean, from Libya to Syria. It is a situation before which even Washington seems powerless. But in reality, Washington is not the sorcerer’s apprentice unable to control the forces now in motion. It is the central motor of a strategy – the strategy of chaos – which, by demolishing entire States, is provoking a chain reaction of conflicts which can be used in the manner of the ancient method of “divide and rule”.


Emerging victorious from the Cold War in 1991, the USA self-appointed themselves as “the only State with power, reach, and influence in all dimensions – political, economic and military – which are truly global”, and proposed to “prevent any hostile power from dominating any region – Western Europe, Eastern Asia, the territories of the ex-Soviet Union, and South-Western Asia (the Middle East) – whose resources could be enough to generate a world power”.


Since then, the United States, with NATO under their command, have fragmented or destroyed by war, one by one, the states they considered to represent an obstacle to their plan for world domination – Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and others – while still others are in their sights (among which are Iran and Venezuela).


In the same strategy came the coup d’État in Ukraine under the direction of the USA and NATO, in order to provoke a new Cold War in Europe intended to isolate Russia and reinforce the influence of the United States in Europe.


While we concentrate politico-media attention on the fighting in Libya, we leave in the shadows the increasingly threatening scenario of NATO’s escalation against Russia. The meeting of the 29 Ministers for Foreign Affairs, convened in Washington on 4 April to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Alliance, reaffirmed, without any proof, that “Russia violated the FNI Treaty by deploying new missiles with a nuclear capacity in Europe”.


One week later, on 11 April, NATO announced that the “update” of the US Aegis “anti-missile defence system”, based at Deveselu in Romania, would be implemented this summer, assuring that it would “not add any offensive capacity to the system”.


On the contrary, this system, installed in Romania and Poland, as well as on board ships, is able to launch not only interceptor missiles, but also nuclear missiles. Moscow issued a warning – if the USA were to deploy nuclear missiles in Europe, Russia would deploy – on its own territory – similar missiles pointed at European bases.


Consequently, NATO’s spending for « defence » has skyrocketed – the military budgets of European allies and those of Canada will rise to 100 billion dollars in 2020.


The Ministers for Foreign Affairs, united in Washington on 4 April, agreed in particular to “face up to Russia’s aggressive actions in the Black Sea”, by establishing “new measures of support for our close partners, Georgia and Ukraine”.


The following day, dozens of warships and fighter-bombers from the United States, Canada, Greece, Holland, Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria began a NATO aero-naval war exercise in the Black Sea at the limit of Russian territorial waters, using the ports of Odessa (Ukraine) and Poti (Georgia).


Simultaneously, more than 50 fighter-bombers from the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Holland, taking off from a Dutch airbase and refuelling in flight, practised “offensive aerial missions of attack against earth-based or sea-based objectives”. Italian Eurofighter fighter-bombers were once again sent by NATO to patrol the Baltic region to counter the “threat” of Russian warplanes.


The situation is increasingly tense and can explode (or be exploded) at any moment, dragging us down into a chaos much worse that of Libya.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:46 a.m. No.6227349   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American Wars Are off the Charts Under Donald Trump


He’s failed to deliver his promised withdrawals from Afghanistan and Syria, vetoed an order to get out of Yemen, and expanded the U.S. bombing of Somalia, all while eyeing Iran.


Here’s a statement it might be hard to disagree with: American war is off the charts. Still, I’d like to explain — but I’m nervous about doing so. I know perfectly well that the next word I plan to write will send most of you tumbling elsewhere in a universe in which “news” is the latest grotesque mass shooting; the craziest tweet from you-know-who; celebrities marching into court over college-admissions scandals; or even a boy, missing for years, who suddenly turns up only to morph into a 23-year-old impostor with a criminal record.


How can America’s wars in distant lands compete with that? Which is why I just can’t bring myself to write the next word. So promise me that, after you read it, you’ll hang in there for just a minute and give me a chance to explain.


Okay, here goes: Somalia.


A country in the horn of Africa, it once glued American eyeballs, but that was so last century, right? I mean, there was that bestselling book and that hit Hollywood movie directed by Ridley Scott (Blade Runner, Alien!) about the disaster early in Bill Clinton’s presidency that came to be known as Black Hawk Down (aka the battle of Mogadishu).


In the age of Donald Trump, wasn’t that a million presidencies ago? Honestly, can you even tell me anymore what in the world it was all about? I couldn’t have, not without looking it up again. A warlord, starvation, U.S. intervention, 18 dead American soldiers (and hundreds of dead Somalis, but that hardly mattered) in a country that was shattering. President Clinton did, however, pull out those troops and end the disastrous mission — and that was that, right? I mean, lessons learned. Somalia? Africa? What in the world did it all have to do with us? So Washington washed its hands of the whole thing.


And now, on a planet of outrageous tweets and murderously angry white men, you probably didn’t even notice, but more than two years into the era of Donald Trump, a quarter-century after that incident, American airstrikes in… yep, Somalia, are precipitously on the rise.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.6227363   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Kellyanne Conway: ‘We’re Accepting Apologies Today’ From Anyone Who ‘Feels The Grace In Offering Them’


Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump, held court on the White House driveway on Thursday, shortly after the report from special counsel Robert Mueller was released. She made a magnanimous gesture to all the people who have been claiming that Trump colluded with Russia to alter the outcome of the 2016 election, and then sought to obstruct justice to cover it up.


Addressing a throng of reporters — many of whom had perpetuated the allegations — she said: “We’re accepting apologies today, too, for anybody who feels the grace in offering them.”


Conway also called today “really the best day since he got elected” and reiterated that there was “no collusion, and there was certainly no criminal conspiracy with any Russians.”


She was asked about sections from the Mueller report in which Trump worried about the end of his presidency. Conway responded: “I was very surprised to see that because that was not the reaction of the president that day.” She said “never once” did Trump convey those kind of feelings to her.


And she added: “The president’s in a great mood.”


Asked whether the White House would support calls in Congress for Mueller to testify, Conway said that Attorney General William Barr had already supported that.


Conway also said that now that the report is released, it’s “time to move on.” For those who don’t, “the burden is increasingly on those who won’t let go of this big lie.”


The counselor added that Trump “doesn’t need a point by point rebuttal” of the report. The fact that Trump remains in office is “his greatest rebuttal.”


Conway also said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) should resign as House Intelligence Committee chairman. “Not only should he resign, he should produce the evidence that he said he has,” she said. “If he has evidence of collusion that somehow the special counsel couldn’t find over 22 months and $35 million of our money, I want Adam Schiff to produce that,” Conway said. “He ought to put up or shut up.”


Appearing later on Fox News, Conway said: I would say that that that’s sort of the latest iteration of the palace intrigue stories that the media, the mainstream media tend to love to run around here.”


KEK and your husband???

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:50 a.m. No.6227392   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Facebook Quietly Notifies Public That Millions Of Instagram Users Had Passwords Exposed


While everyone was focused on the release of the Mueller report Thursday, Facebook quietly notified the public that the passwords of "millions of Instagram users" were stored in an unencrypted format on an internal server, and searchable by any employee.


The company had initially said it was "tens of thousands" of Instagram users. That said, the company says that an internal investigation determined "that these stored passwords were not internally abused or improperly accessed."

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.6227441   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Moscow Calls on US to Give Up Idea of Forceful Intervention in Venezuela


Moscow does not consider the prospect of US military action against Venezuela abstract - it is a real scenario, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said, commenting on the situation in Venezuela.


"The harsh, aggressive tone of the representative of the armed forces (head of the US Southern Command Admiral Navy Craig Foller) reaffirms our fears: US military action in Venezuela is not an abstraction, but a possible reality that Washington admits," Zakharova said.


The United States continues to ignore the principle of non-use of force, Maria Zakharova added.


According to Zakharova, "every day we increasingly hear about the likelihood of the use of the power scenario against Venezuela. It is done with a different tone, it is done with different arguments, it changes like cubes in a game, but this does not change the essence — aggressive rhetoric regarding a sovereign state."


"High representatives of President's Trump administration no longer simply demand that President Maduro leave his legal office, now there are passages that he must leave before the end of the year, and if this ultimatum is not fulfilled, force might be used," she stressed.


Recently, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that every single tool for what he described as US efforts "to restore democracy" in Venezuela remains on the table. He confirmed that military intervention is still an option amid the ongoing political crisis.


On Wednesday, the United States imposed sanctions on Venezuela's Central Bank.


Earlier, the United States has imposed numerous rounds of sanctions against Venezuela in response to the political developments in the country. On January 28, the United States announced the imposition of sanctions on Venezuela's PDVSA, blocking the company's assets worth $7 billion remaining under the US jurisdiction.


According to the White House' forecast, the company will lose another $11 billion in oil supplies. In addition, Washington introduced a ban on making deals with the company.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.6227555   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mexican Cartels Use Drones to Scout Migrant Smuggling Lanes, Say Feds


El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents witnessed what they believe to be the first use in their sector of a drone by cartel human smugglers to act as a “look-out.”


“Agents have discovered a new tactic in counter surveillance as they continue to apprehend large groups and gang members attempting to illegally enter the United States,” El Paso Sector Border Patrol officials stated. The tactic came to light as an agent monitoring the border with an infrared camera observed a small airborne object traveling north into the U.S. from Mexico. The object made its way about 100 yards into the U.S. before returning to Mexico. The agent observed this behavior three more times.


After the third penetration mission for the drone, agents observed a group of 10 migrants making their way across the border in the same area surveilled by the drone. “This is the first known time in recent history that a drone has been utilized as a ‘look-out’ in order to aid in illegal entries in the El Paso Sector,” officials stated.


The following day, El Paso Sector agents patrolling in southern New Mexico apprehended a previously deported gang member from El Salvador. The gang member was hiding within a group of Central American migrants, officials stated. In addition to the gang member, agents also apprehended a Salvadoran national with a criminal history that included a conviction in 2014 for “Contact with a Minor for Sexual Offense,” officials reported.


Earlier that day, agents patrolling in El Paso arrested Chavez-Ibarra, a 46-year-old Mexican national who illegally entered the U.S. The agents transported the Mexican national to the station where a biometric investigation uncovered a previous record of a gang affiliation and criminal convictions. Chavez has two previous convictions for felony re-entry into the U.S. He also has a conviction for burglary of a vehicle in Houston, and arrests for burglary, possession of cocaine, and felony burglary, officials reported.


Agents booked the gang members and the sex offender into local jails to await prosecution for illegal re-entry after removal.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.6227599   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7739 >>7927

1800 Migrants Illegally Enter El Paso Sector in One Day


El Paso Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 1,800 migrants who illegally crossed the border Tuesday. More than half crossed into the El Paso Metropolitan Area.


Lordsburg Station agents patrolling near the remote Antelope Wells Port of Entry in the New Mexico boot heel region encountered a group of 230 shortly before 1 a.m. on April 16, according to El Paso Sector Border Patrol officials. The agents began the long task of medically screening, processing, and transporting the migrants to the station.


About five minutes after the apprehension of the first group, another set of agents encountered a group of 360 migrants just west of Mount Cristo Rey in Sunland Park, New Mexico, officials reported.


The agents working in the Antelope Wells Port of Entry area encountered yet another large group of 130 migrants at about 11:45 p.m. to close out their day.


In total, the El Paso Sector agents apprehended a total of more than 1,800 migrants on Tuesday — at least half entering in the El Paso Metropolitan area, officials stated.


During the first six months of Fiscal Year 2018, El Paso Sector agents apprehended less than 11,000 migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico. So far this fiscal year, that number has skyrocketed to more than 71,000.


“It is very clear that the cartels and their smugglers know the weaknesses in our laws,” Acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan said during a visit to the Texas border this week. “They know that family units and unaccompanied children will be released with no consequences for their illegal entry”


During a press briefing earlier this month, U.S. Border Patrol Chief Law Enforcement Operations Director Brian Hastings expressed concern about the cartel tactic of crossing large groups of migrants in remote areas, Breitbart News reported.


“The resources that we’re pulling away from national security have a negative effect on law enforcement mission,” the operations director explained. “Currently each day we’re pulling approximately 40 percent of our agents on the Southwest border, and diverting them specifically for the humanitarian need, that is to care for, transport and process family units and UACs.”

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.6227616   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sears sues Lampert, claiming he looted company and drove it into bankruptcy


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sears Holdings Corp sued longtime Chairman Eddie Lampert, his hedge fund ESL Investments, and former directors including Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, accusing them of allowing the retailer to be looted of billions of dollars before its October 2018 bankruptcy.


The lawsuit, made public on Thursday, was filed by the restructuring team winding down what remains of the pre-bankruptcy Sears following Lampert’s $5.2 billion purchase in February of most of its assets.


Sears accused Lampert of ordering the creation of bogus financial plans showing the retailer would turn itself around even as it racked up huge losses, enabling the transfer of five major assets including Land’s End and Sears Hometown Outlet for his benefit.


“Had defendants not taken these improper and illegal actions, Sears would have had billions of dollars more to pay its third-party creditors today and would not have endured the amount of disruption, expense, and job losses resulting from its recent bankruptcy filing,” the complaint said.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6227649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7675 >>7728 >>7813 >>7942

Trump Said, ‘I’m F*cked,’ When Told About Special Counsel: Mueller Report


Upon learning that a special counsel had been appointed to investigate his campaign for alleged Russian collusion, President Donald Trump reportedly said, “I’m fucked,” the Mueller Report alleges. (Note: The language is graphic, but that’s how it appears in the actual report.)


When then Attorney General Jeff Sessions told the President that a Special Counsel had been appointed, the President slumped back in his chair and said, “Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my Presidency. I’m fucked,” the Mueller Report claims. The quote is based on notes from another person in the room, Sessions’ Chief of Staff Jody Hunt.


That colorful line was among the new details included in the newly released Robert Mueller report, which was posted on the U.S. Department of Justice website. Although the report outlines various links between Trump campaign officials and Russians, it concludes that there was not enough evidence to establish a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian governmental efforts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election, which occurred through social media campaigns and hacking. (Trump appointee Bill Barr controversially opted not to charge Trump on separate obstruction of justice accusations.)


Here’s the excerpt containing the “I’m fucked” line.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.6227689   🗄️.is 🔗kun

2 Years, $25,200,000 Later…


Mueller Report Complete


Stay tuned here for exciting links and reactions.


The Redactions


"I'm Fucked"


"CNN Panel Celebrates Mueller Report as ‘Road Map’ for Dems to Impeach Trump"


"ENTIRE investigation was a farce! Sean Davis’ thread taking #MuellerReport collusion apart could spell BIG trouble for Hillary"


"NAIL, MEET COFFIN: Mueller report blows up BuzzFeed’s Trump-Cohen ‘bombshell’ once and for all"


Denying Reality: ABC’s Jon Karl Finds ‘Collusion’ in Report


Uh-Oh: Mueller Called to Testify

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.6227742   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ed note: From the title the first person who comes to mind in the Democratic Party is Nancy Pelosi with the Democrats running the “slave plantation.” What seems preposterous is that the United States controls the largest military threat to the world with a budget of around $700 billion (not discounting the lost Pentagon trillions), as well as having a security and intelligence apparatus with associated agencies both government and private, absorbing an estimated further $80 billion a year (much more today) to “protect Americans”, and the US still cannot control its borders. In 2018 there was an estimated 1.28 million border crossings and apprehensions.


On a daily basis, that works out to a phenomenal number of migrants coming into the US every day of the year. The Democratic Party as well as the Republican Party, are both criminal syndicates with the Democratic Party trying to control all public debate on the immigration crisis. The bottom line is, Washington does not have the solution to the problems now facing America with the Democratic Party in power.


Cont. from images

What we would like to know considering Podesta sponsoring a CFAP immigration reform conference, will Podesta have a similar conference to reform the Democratic Party? The real reform, or better yet, dismantling the Democratic Party would be the best reform imaginable. Podesta’s conference was held in 2009, yet illegal immigration is at a critical point in 2019. Nice work, John, ten years later and the illegal immigration is worse. People like Podesta and Palmieri have no creative solutions whatsoever on illegal immigration, and as “problem solvers”, the worse the illegal immigration problem becomes the more money they can make as well as expanding their influence and political power. Podesta, would you like a few hundred illegal immigrants from Guatemala dumped in your neighborhood?


Remarks on Comprehensive Immigration Reform


It’s very easy to be righteous in the virtue signalling you are espousing with other people’s money and communities on this illegal immigration issue. What Democrats are stating is that when they themselves are personally effected by their own flawed policies, they suddenly have a change of heart. They are not speaking in good faith and they will ultimately pay a price of defeat as President Trump trolls the crap out of them.


Another aspect that has been intentionally silenced by the Democratic Party, is that the southern border problem isn’t really as bad as has been stated concerning contraband. The real problems aren’t happening at the border concerning the drug trade, human trafficking, illegal gold from mining, opioids, illicit trade in animals and plants. Admiral Kurt Tidd as the previous commander of US Southern Command, was in opposition to Trump’s wall idea. Tidd had experience fighting illegal immigration supporting law enforcement and the Coast Guard.


Tidd said it would be like “squeezing a balloon” if the wall was built. Tidd didn’t have 75 percent of resources available he needed to fight illegal immigration and the drug trade. Tidd wouldn’t have ever received the resources he needed with an estimated $19 to $20 billion in illegal drug sales comes from the United States. That buys off a lot of officials and arms with too many people in the US profiting off the drug trade out of South America especially out of Colombia. The problems are more in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.


Perhaps the only way forward for Americans is states rights in which each state becomes an “independent nation” with their own militia and government. To begin breaking from Washington, because the solutions are not going to come from anything the Republican Party or the Democratic Party can do, is to do a “clean break” from Washington. Each state develops a state bank that a political movement can be centered around. America doesn’t need a third party, that solution will not work because it would be connected to Washington.

Anonymous ID: 1001f3 April 18, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.6227815   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7828

Teenage Environmental Activist Warns European Parliament: ‘I Want You To Panic’


On Tuesday, speaking before the European Parliament, Swedish teenage environmental activist Greta Thunberg, 16, lectured European politicians about climate change with apocalyptic passion, saying, "I want you to panic."


Thunberg stated, "I want you to act as if the house is on fire. I have said those words before, and a lot of people have explained why that is a bad idea. A great number of politicians have told me that panic never leads to anything good, and I agree. To panic, unless you have to, is a terrible idea. But when your house is on fire and you want to keep your house from burning to the ground, then that does require some level of panic …”

She warned, “Around the year 2030, ten years, 259 days, and ten hours away from now, we will be in a position where we set off an irreversible chain reaction that will most likely lead to the end of our civilization as we know it. That is, unless, in that time, permanent and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society have taken place … We are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction, and the extinction rate is up to ten thousand times faster than what is considered normal with up to 200 species becoming extinct every single day.”

Tearfully remarking of erosion, deforestation and toxic air pollution, loss of insects and wildlife and the acidification of oceans, she continued, “These are all disastrous trends … that we see as our right to carry on.” That prompted applause.

Thunberg said, “Our house is falling apart and our leaders need to start acting accordingly because at the moment they are not. If our house was falling apart our leaders wouldn’t go on like you do today. You would change almost every part of your behavior as you do in an emergency. If our house was falling apart, you wouldn't hold three emergency Brexit summits and no emergency summit regarding the breakdown of the climate and environment." That triggered more applause.

Thunberg opined, "New elections are coming up soon, and many of us who will be affected the most by this crisis, people like me, are not allowed to vote. Nor are we in a position to shape the positions of business, politics, engineering, media, education or science, Because in the time it takes for us to educate ourselves to do that simply does no longer exist. And that is why movements of children are taking to the streets, schools striking for the climate to create attention for the climate crisis. You need to listen to us, we who cannot vote, you need to vote for us, for your children and grandchildren. What we are doing now can soon no longer be undone."

She concluded, "It’s okay if you refuse to listen to me; I am, after all, just a 16-year-old schoolgirl from Sweden. But you cannot ignore the scientists or the science or the millions of school-striking children who are school-striking for the right to a future. I beg you: please do not fail on this."


Jew Thunberg???