Anonymous ID: 4781c3 April 18, 2019, 11:37 a.m. No.6227273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7288 >>7919



NOTES on the FULL INTERVIEW of Notre Dame architect Benjamin Mouton on French TV

The discussion involved several people, see below. All comments below are by the architect unless otherwise noted.


Key points of video:

  • We need to examine the vaults.

  • On fire speading so quickly: "That is incomprehensible….It is remarkable."

  • "No idea on the origin."

  • The propagation "is extremely puzzling."

  • Old (800 year old) oak: hard to burn.

  • Electrical system had been upgraded, "so that no short circuit was possible."

  • There was fire detection and protection in place.

  • When he was working at the Cathedral, there were 2 men always stationed in the Cathedral, in case of a fire outbreak who could notify authorities. -

  • "So I am quite flabbergasted."

  • From another person present at the interview: heard there was no worker on the site when the fire broke out, he wonders why.

  • Architect mentions the presence of fire doors.

*These sites are "very high surveillance."

[Interviewer observes that this suggests that "someone may have caused the conditions of the fire."]

* Architect: "I will refrain from making any assumptions."

  • Someone also asks whether there were initially 2 fires. Architect says he heard was only one initial fire.

  • Re fire retardant applied to timbers: says it's hard to get to penetrate such ancient wood.

  • Architect was not surprised by the fact that the 2 towers didn't burn because of the way the building is constructed.


''Mouton can't believe this fire could have happened but does not want to say it was arson. Because it would contradict the official account??''

Anonymous ID: 4781c3 April 18, 2019, 12:03 p.m. No.6227560   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7585


NOTES from the Bill Smith video on Notre Dame.

Smith starts by talking about the context for Notre Dame fire–attacks on 10 churches since Feb. Also discusses how "fake" Pope has been kissing up to Muslims & Mormons; then Notre Dame video. Shows 5-sec vid of guy on tower and then a couple shots of Muslims who seem pleased about it. But Smith doesn't think Muslims did it; too convenient.


Shows headline from The Telegraph in 2016 where a car is found with stuff to burn down the cathedral. The person ("Jihadi") convicted just got sentenced–on the same day the cathedral burned. Wonders if someone is trying to start a race war between Muslims and Christians.


NBC news article released while cathedral was burning: talks about TWO origin points for fire. Also mentions how they took the statue off the top of the spire right before the spire (for cleaning).


Talks about how billionaires donated to rebuilding. Some of the info he's discussed comes from VOAT post (shown). The anon at VOAT doesn't think the new structure will be called a cathedral; will instead be ecumedical.


Mentions burning of Muslim mosque at the same time as ND; what are the odds of all this stuff happening at the same time?


Who is the guy who rescued all the artifacts?

Good DIGG question!

Anonymous ID: 4781c3 April 18, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.6227736   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Part of medley on show tunes the WH played. I listened to it, too. Included "Climb Every Mountain," "Over the Rainbow," and others. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID.