Anonymous ID: 71d19f April 18, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6227725   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mueller’s Report Ends ‘WitchHunt’ But What’s About To Unfold Is The Real Story




Those officials who weaponized the intelligence community, approved unauthorized surveillance on American citizens based on unvalidated information and targeted a sitting president should fear the wrath of ‘lady justice.’


Call it what you will but numerous sources within the intelligence community are describing the actions of the officials who launched and perpetuated the investigation into Trump a failed ‘soft coup.’ That is what we witnessed over the past three years, since the beginning of the investigation into Trump’s campaign.


We also witnessed two major disinformation campaigns: one by the Russians and the other by supporters loyal to Clinton.


From the beginning it was impossible to prove the allegations that the Democrats, anti-Trump right wing and others were lobbing at the president. They did it with such voraciousness that it took over the airwaves like a Tsunami, sweeping up everything and everyone in its path.

Journalists that couldn’t prove those allegations were true, like me, simply said over the past two years “there is no evidence that Trump colluded or conspired with Russia.” I’ve said this as far back as 2017.


It is the same end result discovered by Mueller after more than $30 million dollars, witness interviews, subpoenas and hundreds of warrants.


Days and weeks with little sleep were spent chasing rabbits down a proverbial hole of allegations that amounted to nothing. It was literally exhausting.


Instead, what evolved from my investigations, as well as my colleague John Solomon, was growing body of evidence of malfeasance within the intelligence community, FBI and DOJ. The insurmountable evidence unraveled like a loose ball of yarn as we started pulling threads and avalanched with the launch of Congressional investigations.