Anonymous ID: a720cd April 18, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.6228031   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Alright. I have been an autist with all things weatherfaggy since I was like 6 years old, NEVER have I even so many “blood moons” and “[name here] moons” so frequently - most I had never heard of before the last couple years, now every other month or so there is something about the color of the moon. Have you looked at the moon recently when it is clear out? Whatever “light” they’re projecting onto the moon is fake and gay as fuck. Just look up next time, it wasn’t never that bright, let alone that “white”. The Bible says there will “be signs in the moon, sun, and stars” - well, when they’re spraying the fuck out of us with aerosol injections and pulling some NASA fuckery, is it all about keeping us from seeing what is truly happening? I point out to people the shit they’re spraying in the skies and the people who aren’t completely retarded look up and go “hmmm… you’re right, why is that plane leaving a normal contrail and that other plane is leaving a longer ‘contrail’ that is dispersing into clouds… weird…” HOW THE FUCK DO YOU NOT SEE THAT SHIT. They follow the sun, usually the eastern horizon at sun rise is a dense fog and the western sky at sunset. They do not want us to see something that is happening above us, that is the only thing I know for certain.