Anonymous ID: d07433 April 18, 2019, 11:46 a.m. No.6227350   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon theory:


Mueller report: 1) Collusion: dead 2) Obstruction: kept alive on purpose


WHY is Obstruction still a lingering thing?


Theory: this is Trump/team's pattern for gaining critical mass on a particular subject. THIS is how to gain the most public attention. The talking heads/Dems head's will continue to spin projectile vomit for a few days WHILE more people continue to jump on the DID TRUMP OBSTRUCT SOMETHING ORANGE MAN BAD train.


While [they] foment more and more TDS, more and more eyes.


Then BAM! Horowitz report comes out, outling how COMEY, McCabe, et al SET TRUMP/TEAM up with the Russia Collusion/Dossier junk. Fed to MSM to be fed back to Intel/FISA courts.


Then BAM THAT IS WHY TRUMP Had no CHOICE BUT to fire Comey. That CAN'T BE "OBSTRUCTION" when he fired the people that were engaged in corruption at the highest levels.


At that point the MSM and Nadler/Pelosi/Schiff/Schumer et al will have NOTHING LEFT TO SAY. THAT is when the general populace will start seeing the light and changing their BAD MAN ORANGE perception of Trump and their Dem besties.


It's coming soon.