Anonymous ID: f14c4c April 18, 2019, 11:40 a.m. No.6227306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7318 >>7325 >>7333 >>7340 >>7373 >>7445 >>7739 >>7927

Mueller Report: Leftists, Never-Trumpers Claim ‘Pee Tape’ Is Real Based on Misleading Screenshot


Several leftists and anti-Trumpers on Thursday cited a misleading screenshot of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report to affirm the existence of the alleged “pee-pee” blackmail tape from the unverified dossier authored by former British intelligence agent Christopher Steele. The purported comprising footage is said to show President Trump watching two prostitutes pee on a bed inside the presidential suite at Moscow’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel in 2013. The alleged incident is believed to have occurred during a visit to Russia to attend the Miss Universe pageant. According to a footnote in Mueller’s report, longtime Trump lawyer Michael Cohen was sent a text message from Russian businessman Giorgi Rtskhiladze in October 2016, saying: “Stopped flow of tapes from Russia but not sure if there’s anything else. Just so you know…” The footnote continues on the next page, where Mueller’s report then concedes that Rtskhiladze told investigators that any alleged tapes were fake, to his knowledge.


Although the report cites Rtskhiladze calling the alleged footage “fake,” this did not stop journalists, pundits, and other verified media figures from deceptively sharing only the first part of the report’s except. Those who shared the misleading passage include MSNBC producer Kyle Griffin, Ellen producer Andy Lassner, Daily Beast contributor Rick Wilson, and former Hillary Clinton staffer Zac Petkanas. Bloomberg’s live blog of the Mueller report’s release fails to include the part in which the tapes are referred to as “fake.”


The Justice Department on Thursday released the long-awaited report by Mueller, which specifies the two-year investigation and details that the team found no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia before the 2016 election. The report, in total, is 448 pages long. It describes in detail how the Russian GRU intelligence unit hacked campaign emails of Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, which were subsequently leaked by WikiLeaks. It also specifies there were some links between Russia and the Trump campaign.


Attorney General William Barr previewed the report immediately before its release, emphasizing there was no cooperation. Echoing the summary he gave last month, Barr said the investigation found the Russian Internet Research Agency spread disinformation on social media “designed to provoke and amplify political and social discord in the United States.” Barr released the report to high-ranking members of Congress and then the public. Further, he said no Americans colluded with Russians to sway the election. On the issue of whether President Trump obstructed justice in any way, the report said it couldn’t clear him. It identifies 10 episodes where the president possibly could have obstructed justice. In response to the report, President Trump tweeted a meme that said, “Game Over,” in a style from the HBO drama Game of Thrones.


Fake News: Mic’s Emily Singer Detects Alleged Russian Spy in Oval Office

Anonymous ID: f14c4c April 18, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.6227465   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7739 >>7927

EXCLUSIVE: Google Leftists Panic About Leaks, Threaten Employment of Colleagues


Left-wing employees at Google are threatening the employment of their colleagues amid a panic about frequent leaks revealing political bias in the company’s products and working atmosphere. Leaked internal discussion threads from Google provided exclusively to Breitbart News show left-wing Google employees reporting one of their colleagues for alleged “leaks,” while worrying about the legal implications of cracking down on a conservative at the company over his public complaints about working conditions.


The discussion took place last week on the “transparency and ethics” discussion group, from which the alleged leaker had recently been ejected – a failed attempt to stem the tide of leaks showing political bias at the tech giant. Announcing the ejection of the alleged leaker, a Google employee wrote that vigilance about leaks was “especially important in light of the recent leaks that named our friends and colleagues in Breitbart and the Daily Caller.” “If you have any knowledge of someone else who definitely leaked from THIS group, be sure to report it at go/stop-leaks,” wrote another Google software developer, referring to an internal messaging system for reporting. “I noticed a certain someone who leaked from this group still works here. Is that the new norm? Is there something specific that makes his leak okay? What’s up with all this” wrote a different employee. potential leaks. Another Google software engineer said that it would set “an incredibly bad precedent if he is not terminated in light of acknowledging responsibility for the leak.”


The “leak” in question was a Medium post by conservative Google software engineer Mike Wacker. In the post, the employee published anonymized messages from inside the company to draw attention to hostile working conditions faced by employees who express non-leftwing opinions at Google. Leftists at Google are now also blaming Wacker for the leak of messages from the transparency and ethics discussion group about Kay Coles James, the conservative voice on Google’s now-canceled AI advisory council. In the messages, Google employee accused the African-American grandmother and president of the Heritage Foundation of being a “vocal bigot” who supported “exterminationist views.”


Some Google employees urged caution, noting that there was no evidence that Wacker leaked the discussion, and that persecuting him for his Medium post might have legal implications. “The odds of them showing up in, for example, a lawsuit for discrimination, or unfair dismissal, are high” said one employee, who warned against empowering “far-right extremists”. “They serve the propaganda purpose of establishing further that Google is discriminatory against ‘conservative’ voices (ie: the far-right extremists, and the people perfectly happy to work with them if they don’t directly agree such as any republican voter) and that ‘leftists’ as a whole are a mob persecuting anyone they imagine might be an ‘enemy’ without regard of the facts.” “it occurred to me … that some amount of his conversation might be considered protected speech given that it’s talking about working conditions” wrote another employee.


Under the National Labor Relations Act, workers can engage in public discussion of working conditions at their places of employment. In recent cases, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has upheld the right of employees to hold these discussions on social media platforms. James Damore, who was fired from Google after publishing an internal memo advocating for viewpoint diversity which was subsequently leaked to the press by his opponents inside the company, brought a case before the NLRB after his dismissal. The NLRB, lobbied by Google, ruled in favor of firing Damore for so-called “discriminatory statements,” but also said that much of the rest of his memo, which discussed working conditions at Google, was protected by labor law.


Nevertheless, a Google employee insisted that the company’s leadership was “looking into” what to do with Wacker, but warned that even though the purported leaker had been ejected from the group, members should still be cautious about further leaks. “The same email list which leaked recently is probably not the appropriate forum in which to be discussing the matter of what is being done about the leakers.” Breitbart News has reached out to Google for comment.


NLRB Social Media Rulings

Anonymous ID: f14c4c April 18, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6227543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7739 >>7927

Report: National Enquirer Sold to Hudson News CEO for $100 Million


The National Enquirer is being sold for $100 million to Hudson News CEO James Cohen, the Washington Post reported Thursday. The development comes after the National Enquirer’s parent company, American Media Inc, announced it was evaluating “strategic options” for the supermarket tabloid. The media company also said it was looking options for its Globe and the National Examiner properties.


The sale comes after the Enquirer bought revealing messages between Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and his then-secret girlfriend for $200,000 from her brother, the Wall Street Journal reported. The gossip outlet accessed the text messages, and in January reported that Bezos had an extramarital affair with former news anchor and entertainment reporter Lauren Sanchez — a leak that led to his divorce. In February, Bezos accused the tabloid’s publisher, led by David Pecker, of trying to blackmail him over lurid photos. Neither National Enquirer nor Hudson News have commented on reports of the sale.


The National Enquirer is being sold for $100 million to James Cohen, CEO of Hudson News

Anonymous ID: f14c4c April 18, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6227659   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7698

Hollywood’s Mueller Report Meltdown: ‘Complete Whitewash,’ ‘Trump Is Guilty As Hell’


Hollywood joined Democrats and the establishment media in going into full meltdown mode Thursday following Attorney General William Barr releasing the full Mueller report to the public. Celebrities accused President Donald Trump of being “guilty” and called the report a cover-up.


As Barr already stated in his letter to Congress in March, the Mueller probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election found no evidence of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia, and did not recommend criminal charges against the president for obstruction of justice. Hollywood, having learned nothing since their last Mueller meltdown, simply quadrupled down on their claims that President Trump is a criminal.


Actor John Cusack, without explanation, claimed that William Barr was engaging in a “complete whitewash coverup.” Rosie O’Donnell repeated her plea to impeach “poor donald” Trump. Rob Reiner declared simply, “Prima Facie: Trump is guilty as hell.” “Just stunning to see the Attorney General in the role of Trump’s personal attorney,” Mia Farrow bemoaned. Debra Messing echoed CNN’s Ana Navarro, who called Attorney General Barr “disloyal to the Constitution.”


Actress Jamie Lee Curtis ominously quoted from the Mueller report, “if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment.” Meanwhile, Sophia Bush mocked the redactions. Patricia Arquette used her social media to baselessly speculate about Mueller’s funding being cut off. Rob Delaney remarked that Trump was simply a “garden variety criminal.” Comedian Kathy Griffin, feeling the capitalist spirit, used the Mueller news to hawk her anti-Trump merchandise.


Hollywood Digs In on Russia Conspiracies: ‘Fight for Our Democracy Is About to Intensify’

Anonymous ID: f14c4c April 18, 2019, 12:23 p.m. No.6227798   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Tom Arnold has a definate role in this..not sure where he fits in yet. I have an excellent feeling Rosanne Barr knows, for certain, It might be a good idea to follow her, if she is still on Twitter that is. All of these people have a hand in all of this one way or another. In the end, my belief that this will all lead back to the Clintons.