Mueller Report Pages 351-360
Mueller report pages 351-360
This section deals with Cohen’s false statements to congress dealing with the Trump Tower Moscow project and Cohen's raid and the process of him flipping.
Cohen’s made four false statements to the congress”
Cohen told congress that the Trump Tower Moscow project was over in January 2016 when in fact it continued in May/June of 2016. He said he did this in order to stay with the narrative that the deal was dead before Trump was the presumptive GOP nominee.
Cohen’s statement also lied about never having a discussion about Trump traveling to Russia even though such discussions took place.
Despite having regular conversations with Trump about Tower project he testified that they discussed it only three times.
Cohen testified he never talked to anyone from the Kremlin about the project even though he had a long phone call with a Kremlin representative.
Cohen’s rationalization for the false statements was that since the deal never happened it was no big deal to help Trump out with the narrative.
Cohen entered into a Joint Defense Agreement (JDA) with Trump team. Trump team paid his legal fees and told Cohen that investigation would be over by Summer/Fall 2017.
Cohen told the press that he paid out of his own personal funds hush money to a woman who alleged to have had an affair with Trump.
Two months later Cohen’s law offices were raided. He still resolved to stay with the team and and stay on message because he believed that the power of Trumps presidency would save him.
Then he hired a Clinton Lawyer to save his ass