dubs x 3
Page 233 b Mueller report:
More biased sources are used as "evidence" / citations..
Informants from Russia who give vague claims without naming specific individuals are given more weight than consistent denials by people actually in the POTUS -elect / candidate's entourage.
The SC Report writer uses newspaper articles for evidence; doesn't do own research.
(Much as the the rest of the sheeples who just take the "news sources" "word" for it, without checking.)
This has been going on for ~50 years and has polluted the Justice system.
There are other important examples of this.
(cf Murder trial covered by Dorothey Killgallen in the late '50's and reported in the bio done on her, Newspapers made everyone believe the man in question was guilty, without actual proof beyond a reasonable doubt and he was convicted. This disturbed journalist Killgallen greatly and she began to lose faith in the jury system - Just from the corruption caused by the newspaper coverage.
cf 9/11 Federal Judge Hellerstein, never checked out the details of the tales reported in the news regarding the ~aircrafts
He worked on assumptions provided by the mass media organs [under control of who or what?] rather than official sources.
He Didn't check the work. Or even have an airing of forensic issues.
THAT WHY HE WOULDN"T ALLOW TRIALS [ but one or two that were deemed "representative"
Talked the victims out of trials.
"Time to forget" he told them.
Permitted the airlines to with hold all documentation from the public.]
The judges take the view that the "status quo" belief system derived from the newspapers, is reliable, and don't bother to get the supporting data, in many cases!
In this case we have a "Merry-go-Round" since Comey leaked through a friend to the New York Times, which triggered an article in the Times, used by the FBI to gain warrant[s] for extreme surveillance of the subject[s] of their interest.