Anonymous ID: 8aa028 April 18, 2019, 2:18 p.m. No.6229746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9846 >>9847 >>9948 >>9983 >>0237 >>0242 >>0312

Parents Punch Back: College Admission Scandal Defendants Mount Aggressive Defense, Preparing For "War"


On the same day that it was reported that Lori Loughlin's daughter may be the first student facing criminal charges in the college admissions scandal, it's also looking increasingly like many parents involved are preparing to fight the charges against them vigorously, according to Bloomberg. Some of the parents, including former TPG executive Bill McGlashan, ex-Pimco chief Douglas Hodge and TV sitcom veteran Lori Loughlin are assembling aggressive defenses, while others have already punched back. Many of the parents have the money to put up a serious legal fight on multiple fronts, which could make the case more than an open-and-shut formality for the government.


Peter Henning, a former federal prosecutor who teaches at Wayne State University Law School in Detroit said: “When you take on well-heeled clients, you’re inevitably inviting a battle. This is not going to be easy for the government.”

Anonymous ID: 8aa028 April 18, 2019, 2:21 p.m. No.6229783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9827

Teenager burned to death at school in Bangladesh


A 19-year-old woman has been burned to death at her school after she filed a sexual harassment complaint against her headmaster.


Nusrat Jahan Rafi from Feni, a small town 160km south of Bangladesh's capital Dhaka, was studying at a madrassa, or Islamic school, when the alleged harassment took place.


On 27 March, she fled in horror from her headmaster's office after he called her into the room and is alleged to have repeatedly touched her in an inappropriate manner.


In move that stoked anger in the conservative South Asian country, she went to the police with the help of her family on the day the alleged abuse happened.


According to the BBC, she gave a statement that was filmed by the officer in charge on his phone.


Appearing distressed in the footage — which was later leaked to local media — Nusrat tries to hide her face with her hand, while the policeman is heard calling the complaint "no big deal" and tells her to move her hands from her face.


Police arrested the headmaster, but a group of people gathered in the street demanding his release in a protest that was attended by local politicians.


On 6 April, 11 days after the alleged sexual assault, Nusrat went to her school to sit her exams, but a fellow student took her to the roof of the school — saying her mate was being beaten up.


"I tried to take my sister to school and tried to enter the premises, but I was stopped and wasn't allowed to enter," said Nusrat's brother, Mahmudul Hasan Noman, told the BBC.


"If I hadn't been stopped, something like this wouldn't have happened to my sister."


According to Nusrat's police statement — given shortly before she died — she reached the rooftop to find four or five people wearing burqas who surrounded her and allegedly pressured her to withdraw the case against the headmaster.


However, Nusrat refused and she was set on fire. When she arrived in hospital, doctors found burns covering 80 per cent of her body.


She recorded a statement on her brother's mobile phone in the ambulance.


"The teacher touched me, I will fight this crime till my last breath," she said.


Her death has sparked protests and thousands have used social media to express their anger.


Police have since arrested 15 people, seven of them allegedly involved in the murder. The headmaster himself remains in custody.

Anonymous ID: 8aa028 April 18, 2019, 2:23 p.m. No.6229802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9820 >>9821

Death of Free Speech: Criticizing Israel Will Land You in Prison


Soon, this blog will be illegal.


No, I’m not selling drugs or peddling child pornography. I write about America’s wars and the primary objective of those illegal and immoral wars—to make Israel the hegemon of the Middle East along with Saudi Arabia. All US foreign policy in that region centers on those two nations.


The following may soon be classified as hate speech and anti-semitism (as increasingly criticism of the Jewish state and its Zionist political ideology are considered crimes).


Jewish neocons found their way into the Reagan administration and later the Bush Junior White House and Pentagon. Huddled under the wing of Vice President Dick Cheney, they plotted to attack and destroy Israel’s enemies. Neocon ideologues strategized and published papers on these manufactured wars, most notably a paper presented to then Israeli president Bibi Netanyahu. It called for taking out Iraq and Syria. Israeli academics have written on this subject for decades. The nation’s early leaders engineered border provocations and false flag attacks (the Lavon Affair) to destabilize the region. Southern Lebanon is considered a valuable asset primarily for its water resources (e.g. “Operation Litani”) and the Golan Heights in Syria was occupied for its strategic value.


Israel, of course, is unable to destroy its enemies, so that task is left to America and its neocons. The American people were lied into a war on Iraq. Both Israel and the US knew Saddam Hussein didn’t have the capability to threaten Israel militarily. Beyond its oil, Iraq held little strategic value for the US and its corporatocracy. However, it did have the ability to cause trouble, especially in regard to the Palestinians.


Syria’s relationship with its Lebanese neighbor and its stubborn refusal to simply handover the occupied Golan to the Israelis is also a problem. It was one of several objectives behind a manufactured color revolution in Syria under the aegis of the “Arab Spring,” an objective that has thus far resulted in the murder of around 600,000 Syrians.


The Bush era neocons (including John Bolton, now national security adviser, and Elliot Abrams, a key Bush coconspirator) had an ambitious laundry list of nations to be destroyed—Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and importantly Iran, the only serious challenger to Israel. The Obama administration added Libya and began covert operations in Africa.


Trump took the baton from Obama after he told us he wasn’t into “nation-building” and was a populist “America First” noninterventionist. The American people were lied to again, but then this is now normal behavior.


After 9/11 and years of aggressive war propaganda, it is now common for the American people to believe these lies. Meanwhile, endless diversion in the form of super-hyper and potentially violent partisanship between factions of the establishment political class keep most Americans distracted from larger issues—war and the bankster-rigged economy. It should be noted that criticism of central banks and monetary policy are also considered hateful antisemitism.


In short, US foreign policy, directed by high-level neocons, is not conducted in the interest of the American people. It benefits Israel, which also takes billions every year from the American taxpayer.

Anonymous ID: 8aa028 April 18, 2019, 2:25 p.m. No.6229828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9873

How Has Former MI6 Spymaster Richard Dearlove Dodged Scrutiny Despite Links To Russiagate?


One of the figures involved in the Obama administration's "Russiagate" scandal who has largely avoided scrutiny is former MI6 spymaster Sir Richard Dearlove, who is intimately linked to several key players in what many now believe was a high-level Set-up against the Trump campaign during the 2016 US election.


Dearlove, who served as chief of MI6 from 1999 to 2004, had contact during the 2016 campaign with dossier author Christopher Steele. He is also a close colleague of Stefan Halper, the alleged FBI and CIA informant who established contact with several Trump campaign advisers. Dearlove and Halper attended a Cambridge political event in July 2016 where Halper had his first contact with Trump campaign adviser Carter Page. -Daily Caller


Of note, Dearlove is best known for peddling a report alleging that Saddam Hussein had WMDs, which then-UK Prime Minister Tony Blair used to justify launching a war against Iraq.


In 2014, the retired British spymaster hosted an event at Cambridge University along with Halper. In attendance was then-director of the Defense Intelligence Agency Michael Flynn, as well as a Russian-born college student Svetlana Lokhova. Both Dearlove and Halper reportedly expressed concerns about Flynn's contacts with Lokhova - which the 38-year-old Russian-born academic says is complete bullshit.

Anonymous ID: 8aa028 April 18, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.6229860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0237 >>0312

Report: 26 States Now Ban or Restrict Community Broadband


Many of the laws restricting local voters’ rights were directly written by a telecom sector terrified of real broadband competition.


A new report has found that 26 states now either restrict or outright prohibit towns and cities from building their own broadband networks. Quite often the laws are directly written by the telecom sector, and in some instances ban towns and cities from building their own broadband networks—even if the local ISP refuses to provide service.


The full report by BroadbandNow, a consumer-focused company that tracks US broadband availability, indicates the total number of state restrictions on community broadband has jumped from 20 such restrictions since the group’s last report in 2018.


Frustrated by slow speeds, limited availability, high prices and terrible customer service, more than 750 communities across the country have built their own broadband ISPs or cooperatives. Studies have shown these locally owned and operated networks tend to offer lower prices, faster speeds, and better customer service than their private-sector counterparts.


Instead of competing by offering better service—private sector telecom giants like Comcast and AT&T have routinely turned to a cheaper alternative: easily corrupted state lawmakers. In exchange for campaign contributions, lawmakers frequently and uncritically pass on model legislation written by industry and distributed by organizations like ALEC.


Often the restrictions are buried in other, unrelated legislation to try and avoid public scrutiny. For example in 2016, AT&T lobbyists attempted to include community broadband restrictions in a bill intended to address regional traffic issues.


BroadbandNow’s report looks at each state’s restrictions individually, and found that while some states simply banned community broadband outright (a notable assault on voters’ democratic rights), others impose clever but onerous restrictions on precisely how a local network can be funded, who they can partner with, or how quickly (and where) they’re allowed to grow.

Anonymous ID: 8aa028 April 18, 2019, 2:33 p.m. No.6229908   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0008

Journo: Dems Wasted Years on Attempted Coup of Democratically Elected President


Sputnik discussed details of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation with Chadwick Moore, a journalist, public speaker, conservative political commentator, and cultural critic.


Sputnik: What kind of reaction do you expect from the Democratic Party and other anti-Trump activists? Do you think they will continue to use the so-called "Russia collision" as a main talking point?


Chadwick Moore: For the next couple days they're going to question Attorney General Barr's integrity. They're going to claim he's compromised, or a stooge for the President. They will focus on the fact portions of the report are redacted, even though this was legally required. They'll press on how Russia did, in fact, interfere in the election because of the Russian social media trolls thereby making the entire investigation legitimate and worthwhile.


This, of course, is patently ridiculous, but they'll scramble for any talking point to deflect the fact they wasted two years and tens of millions of dollars on an attempted coup of the democratically elected President. These people are so predictable and their shameless lies and corruption know no bounds. Then, just like last month, with help from the Fake News the Democratic party will quickly shift the narrative, anticipating the American people will forget this whole thing ever happened. They've already come up with a new conspiracy theory to replace Russia Collusion, it's Trump's Taxes (again). We saw them unroll this immediately after the March 24 announcement that there was no collusion.


Sputnik: After Mueller concluded that no one from the Trump campaign tried to conspire with Russian authorities, could we witness a presidential pardon for General Flynn or Roger Stone?

Anonymous ID: 8aa028 April 18, 2019, 2:36 p.m. No.6229946   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0237 >>0312

Japanese Investment Company Executives Extradited on Charges Relating to $1.5 Billion Ponzi Scheme

Anonymous ID: 8aa028 April 18, 2019, 2:56 p.m. No.6230179   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Now the Tables Have Turned:’ Trump Campaign Demands Origin of Mueller Probe Investigated


Shortly after Attorney General William Barr released the full redacted Mueller report on Thursday, April 18, Trump Campaign Manager Brad Parscale demanded an investigation of the “liars who instigated this sham investigation into President Trump.”


“President Trump has been fully and completely exonerated yet again. Now the tables have turned, and it’s time to investigate the liars who instigated this sham investigation into President Trump, motivated by political retribution and based on no evidence whatsoever,” he said in a statement.


“Now that the collusion and obstruction conspiracy theories have been exposed for the pathetic hoaxes they always were, the Obama-era DOJ and FBI must answer for their misdeeds and the scam that they perpetrated against the American people,” read the statement.

