Any anons have links to the U1 digs a while back? I want to cross walk some names with a FARA dig I was doing on Skadden, Arps, ect… mentioned in the mueller report appendix D.
First off, we have Gregory Craig, obama's white house counsel who was just charged april 11th due to not filing a FARA with regards to dealings in Ukraine. What isn't really noted is that he, along with several others were retained by the Ukraine Ministry of Justice with respect to numerous charges against Yulia Tymoshenko in 2011 and 2012 for all manner of bribery, embezzelment, a potential assassination, ect.. Interesting fact about her husband Olekdandr: he was the CEO of the UNITED ENERGY SYSTEMS of UKRAINE.
Craig said he didn't file a FARA form because "he was afraid other attornies couldn't hold federal positions in the future." The real reason he didn't file was that it would open full access to Ukraine dealings by skadden, alps, etc.. Considering the timing, they may have been a go between for the U1 bullshit under the guise of helping the Ukraine MOJ who has been out to get Tymoshenko since the early 2000s.
What really caught my eye is that this occurred in 2011 to 2012, but the FARA submissions under skadden, alps, etc.. were submitted Jan 18, 2019 (8 total) within seconds of each other, meaning all were sent together. All except one were stamped official Jan 19, 2019. The 8th submission was stamped Mar 14, 2019 and it also stands out because it was a british national, Matthew Cowie that submitted it. I was unaware that non US citizens were required to do so, especially since this guy is based out of London with a group called Dechert, LLP. I get muh feelz that this guy is somehow tied to the UK gov / intel and is the redacted name next to Craig's.
Here are the names associated with the Ukraine FARA submissions if anons want to dig or can connect other dots. Apologies for the length, God's love to all involved. WWG1WGA.
Karen Roseen
Paul Kerlin
Matthew Cowie
Michael Kirk Loucks
Melissa Porter
Lauren Malet
Margaret E. Krawiec
Clifford M Sloan