Anonymous ID: f1f71c April 18, 2019, 2:07 p.m. No.6229609   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9853

Facebook Quietly Notifies Public That Millions Of Instagram Users Had Passwords Exposed


While everyone was focused on the release of the Mueller report Thursday, Facebook quietly notified the public that the passwords of "millions of Instagram users" were stored in an unencrypted format on an internal server, and searchable by any employee.


The company had initially said it was "tens of thousands" of Instagram users. That said, the company says that an internal investigation determined "that these stored passwords were not internally abused or improperly accessed."


Some have noted that this fits Facebook's MO; report the problem, let time pass, then update that the problem was much worse than initially reported.


n March, security expert Brian Krebs of KrebsonSecurity noted:


The Facebook source said the investigation so far indicates between 200 million and 600 million Facebook users may have had their account passwords stored in plain text and searchable by more than 20,000 Facebook employees. The source said Facebook is still trying to determine how many passwords were exposed and for how long, but so far the inquiry has uncovered archives with plain text user passwords dating back to 2012.


My Facebook insider said access logs showed some 2,000 engineers or developers made approximately nine million internal queries for data elements that contained plain text user passwords. -KrebsonSecurity


In short, if you believe Facebook that the passwords were not improperly accessed, rest well. If you don't believe them, and you use your Instagram password for other things, perhaps it's time to think of a new one.


Don't use the same password for anything….

Anonymous ID: f1f71c April 18, 2019, 2:15 p.m. No.6229701   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9739 >>9754 >>9846




Satanists, it turns out, are everything you think they’re not: patriotic, charitable, ethical, equality-minded, dedicated to picking up litter with pitchforks on an Arizona highway.


That much is clear in the fantastic new documentary “Hail Satan?” — which chronicles the rise of the Satanic Temple, a movement that has little to do with its titular demon. Founded in 2013, the organization is equal parts modern-day religion, political activist coalition and meta cultural revolution. By reclaiming the pop iconography that has long frightened evangelical America ― devil worship, ritualistic sacrifice, horns, pentagrams, the so-called Black Mass ― the Satanic Temple aims to catch people’s attention and then surprise them with messages of free speech, compassion, liberty and justice for all.


No wonder membership has spiked since Donald Trump’s election.


Penny Lane’s film, opening in limited release this weekend, enthusiastically dispels myths about the history of satanism, using the controversial belief system as a lens to survey the myriad ways our government has made Christianity the national religion. If a state legislature votes to erect a Ten Commandments monument, the church argues, why shouldn’t the Satanic Temple be able to introduce a pillar of their own? It’s only fair.


I sat down with Lane in New York for a fascinating conversation about making the movie, how Hollywood has popularized erroneous devil worship clichés, the satanic-panic frenzy of the ’80s and ’90s, and the ubiquitous theocratic motto “In God We Trust.”


At what point did you know what this movie would be? It’s more than a profile of an organization or an exhaustive cultural history.


There’s a moment early on in my research, just in my reading, where I realized that I was completely wrong about something. I thought, upon casually scanning headlines about this group and what they were up to, that the Satanic Temple was like a fiction ― a political troll satire thing, like The Yes Men, where they were pretending that they were members of an imaginary organization in order to make these points. The moment I knew what the film would be was when I realized that that was totally wrong.


Dailycaller -


HuffPost, a Verizon-owned media outlet, lavished unquestioning praise Thursday on satanism for opposing evangelical Christianity and claimed satanism’s evil reputation was a Catholic myth.


The Thursday HuffPo piece “Satan Is Having A Moment” featured a Q&A with Penny Lane, director of the recently released documentary “Hail Satan?” about the Satanic Temple’s history.


Lane, however, made several dubious claims about satanism that HuffPo published without questioning in the article, including saying that theistic satanism is an imaginary construct of the Catholic Church and that Vice President Mike Pence would like to force Americans to obey a Christian theocracy. (RELATED: Co-Founder Of The Satanic Temple Lives In Mortal Terror Of Pence)


“Satanists, it turns out, are everything you think they’re not: patriotic, charitable, ethical, equality-minded, dedicated to picking up litter with pitchforks on an Arizona highway,” the article reads.


The article claims Lane’s documentary “dispels myths about the history of satanism,” namely that satanism involves actual worship of and sacrifice to Satan, and that it surveys “the myriad ways our government has made Christianity the national religion.”


The piece fails to note, however, that despite Lane’s claim that satanism is an entirely atheistic philosophy, there also exists branches of theistic satanism in which followers do worship Satan or a satanic spiritual entity and engage in occult ritual magic. HuffPo instead allowed Lane’s claim that theistic satanism is an “elaborate fantasy on the part of the Catholic Church” to go unchecked.


“The entire history of satanism is one of projection,” Lane claimed. “Satanic panic is one example. All the way up until 1966, there were no people who called themselves satanists. There literally weren’t any. There was a fear that manifested into an elaborate fantasy on the part of the Catholic Church, mostly, if you want to point a finger somewhere.”


Attempt to get ahead of what is about to come out?