If anyone actually needs more proof that there is no such thing as real journalism left in America it would be this. Not one "journalist" that I've heard on the msm today has said "we are waiting for a comment from President Obama."
They're busy moving the goalposts to muh obstruction, muh Trump said "I'm fucked" blah, blah, blah.
But NOT ONE WORD about obama. Everyone alleged to be part of this coup was working during his administration, IF NOT FOR THE ADMINISTRATION, and it's crickets.
What a fucking joke!
Nice one. Consider it stolen.
Odd, you've had more to say on today's revelations than hussein had!
By "opening up" do you mean "opening up?" He's a married man for crying out loud, have some respect for his husband!
Is this the real Morgan Freeman? If so, not sure he's one to be talking smack.