Anonymous ID: 93a98d April 18, 2019, 4:22 p.m. No.6231312   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A normalfag asked me to explain the Muller repoer today.

Could anons help me with the response

(I am unsure about many things, abnd am confused about some)

This should be useful for talking to other normalfags.


My vision is this:

I will send her a series of text messages.

I also want to introduce her to the names of people and other important terms

(so that she could be able to understand Sara Carter articles, for instance),

while keeping the autism level low.


I have some questions I am confused about:


  1. How many investigations are there?

(Russia probe, Russia investigation, etc.)

Were the FISA warrents part of multiple investigations?

What is the name of the investigation into Trump campaign ((prior)) to presidency?


  1. What was the Steele dossier used for?

Was it just for obtaining FISA warrents?


Was it to initiate the ((?? name ??)) investigation?




  1. How were the text messages between Struzk and Page obtained?

Who got the warrent?

(I was confused about this from day 1)


Please help me correct/create a series of text messages.

This is what I was thinking (please correct):



Some background

Mueller was head of FBI when the Uranium One (U1) incident occurred.


By the time of the presidential and presidential primary races, he was already retired


Another player of import is Rod Rosenstein, who is a high official in the Department Of Justice (DOJ). Specifically, he is the Deputy Attorney General (2nd highest official in DOJ). He claims to be a Republican, while his wife (Barsoomian) represented Bill Clinton.

His Senate confirmation vote was 94–6. He was also involved in the Uranium One (U1) incident.



Investigations during trump campaign

The US gov is not allowed to spy on it's own citizens. This means that while in reality spying is prevalent, the information obtained cannot be used in court. However, the gov has a way of legally spying – a warrant – and the warrant which allows the most intrusive spying is a FISA Warrant, which could only be obtained

  1. In a special court (called FISC)

  2. With approval of high DOJ signature (under oath)

  3. For 6-month periods at a time


Such warrants were obtained against members of trump campaign (Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort), and were extended.


However, it has been shown in multiple congressional testimonies (Lisa page, Peter Strzok) that everybody knew that evidence against carter page was false/fake.


It is believed that Rosenstein signed the FISA applications. The public is waiting for the declassification (or an un-redacted version) of the FISA application.


In fact, it has been shown that the "evidence" for opening an investigation about Russia (the so-called "salacious Steele dossier") was

  1. Not corroborated

  2. Paid-for and compiled by the DNC

  3. Introduced to FBI through Bruce Ohr (whose wife, Nellie Ohr compiled it on behalf of the DemonCRats)



Initial Mueller Report

Recently, a new attorney general, William Barr, assumed office, and he released a short reportabout the Mueller report. It exhonorated Trump (as everybody expected from the beginning).



Mueller Report

Although Special counsel Robert Mueller detailed 10 'episodes' involving actions by President Trump that might have constituted obstruction of justice, neither the DOJ, nor Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein believed those actions violated the law.


Remember that this has nothing to do with the premise of the investigation. However, the Mueller team was given a mandate to persue any crime they uncover during the investigation. While I am told that such a mandate is not uncommon, I think it is universally-agreed that in such a case (if you could call it that), it is totally inappropriate (obviously, this one is an investigation desperate for a crime).



Results of the investigation

In practice, this investigation has wated many millions of (tax-payer) dollars, and has been used (without evidence) to sway power away from the republicans (in the elections, ralleys, etc.). The lie of Russian 'collusion' has been perpetrated endlessly by the press, who are on record admitting they know it is empty.