Anonymous ID: fe76e1 April 18, 2019, 4:18 p.m. No.6231248   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For the deep divers


Zionists doing black magik


David Copperfield's magic trick secrets on the moon after Israel's failed Beresheet space launch


SpaceIL believes the secrets are still intact


An attempt by Israel’s non-profit SpaceIL to land a spacecraft on the moon failed last week, but the lunar lander, named Beresheet, left something on the moon anyway.


TechCrunch reports that among the data in Beresheet’s tiny, high-capacity archival devices was a DVD’s worth of “secret technological innovations” created by magician David Copperfield.


Those tricks, which hadn’t been released on Earth, are now lost to space.


A press release revealing the unexpected space cargo explained the Copperfield worked with the Arch Mission Foundation and the Lunar Library to deliver the “first commercial payload” to the moon.


“Magic is the link between science and art - infinite possibilities - shared through new technology and grand storytelling,” Copperfield said in a statement regarding an actual spacecraft shot into a space, which contained the way he does magic tricks.


“I create magic to inspire people to dream the impossible, and to look at the world and the future in a different way.”


Although the Beresheet did crash, the SpaceIL team is confident that the lost Lunar Library, and Copperfield’s illusion instructions, remain unharmed.


“We think it is highly unlikely that the Lunar Library was atomized in the impact,” writes the team. “Without knowing the impact energy directed at the library, it’s hard to know how the stack fared. But taking the construction of the Lunar Library into account, we believe it has a high chance of being intact.”


The Lunar Library joins a long list of items dropped by humans on the moon, including a message from the queen, who did not reveal any secrets to space.


Taken down on 4/11 the statues of the 12 apostles aka 12 tribes of Israel after they were beheaded.

Anonymous ID: fe76e1 April 18, 2019, 4:22 p.m. No.6231301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1536

National Popular Vote Movement Seeks to Make Electoral College Obsolete


WASHINGTON—A proposal to guarantee that the winner of the national popular vote in future presidential elections becomes president of the United States—without going through the effort of amending the U.S. Constitution—now has 70 percent of the state-level support its backers say it needs to become a reality.


The 70-percent mark was achieved April 3 when New Mexico became the 15th jurisdiction in the nation to enact enabling legislation committing its presidential electors to vote for the candidate who receives the greatest number of popular votes nationally.


Republican office-holders generally favor the current system which incorporates the power-sharing arrangement between higher-population states and lower-population states that is at the heart of federalism.


The system, they reason, prevents smaller states from being dominated by larger states and ensures that whoever wins the presidency enjoys a measure of broad-based support across the country. It does, however, occasionally lead to a president being elected who did not win the national popular vote.


Democrats have long sought to get around the Electoral College, which prevents the United States from political domination at the hands of major population centers, which are controlled by Democrats in so-called blue states.

National Popular Vote


Instead of amending the Constitution, a very difficult thing to do, a group called National Popular Vote (NPV) wants the states to ignore their own voters and enter into an interstate compact that would hand the presidency to whomever gets the greatest number of popular votes nationally. Rather than abolishing the Electoral College, the plan would require presidential electors in the states and the District of Columbia to vote for the candidate who gets the most popular votes.


Constitutional amendments need two-thirds approval of each chamber of Congress, and then ratification by three-quarters of the states. Small states aren’t likely to go along with a proposal like NPV’s that would permanently water down their voting power in presidential elections.


The current system came out of the Constitutional Convention that met in 1787 in Philadelphia and ousted the earlier constitution known as the Articles of Confederation.

Anonymous ID: fe76e1 April 18, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.6231461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1478

WHITE HOUSE INSIDER: War with Iran planned by Trump, to occur in the Fall of 2019


President Donald Trump and his inner circle are planning an extensive invasion of Iran, according to a source working in the White House.


The plan involves a ground invasion and the use of tactical nuclear weapons, in a campaign planned for the Fall of 2019. Iran will be “wiped off the map” according to the source, and the war effort is expected to cost “two and half times the Iraq War.”


The war will be promoted by the news media and Trump will go right along with it, after an “expected False Flag pinned on Iran, probably something involving the boats in the Strait of Hormuz.” The False Flag is an “integral part of the plan” as Iran has reportedly no desire or intent to start a war, according to the whistleblower.


The war plans have the White House staff “in an excited tizzy” as war-hawks like John Bolton put the “finishing touches” on the planned strike. President Trump initially showed resistance to the plan, but has since jumped on board with enthusiasm, convinced Iran is an “existential threat to Israel” and as such, a war is required to “eliminate them.”

Anonymous ID: fe76e1 April 18, 2019, 4:40 p.m. No.6231528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1561 >>1594 >>1855

US facial recognition will cover 97 percent of departing airline passengers within four years


Biometric Exit is already used at 15 US airports


The Department of Homeland Security says it expects to use facial recognition technology on 97 percent of departing passengers within the next four years. The system, which involves photographing passengers before they board their flight, first started rolling out in 2017, and was operational in 15 US airports as of the end of 2018.


The facial recognition system works by photographing passengers at their departure gate. It then cross-references this photograph against a library populated with facesimages from visa and passport applications, as well as those taken by border agents when foreigners enter the country.


The aim of the system is to offer “Biometric Exit,” which gives authorities as good an idea of who’s leaving the country as who’s entering it, and allows them to identify people who have overstayed their visas. Quartz notes that US authorities have traditionally relied on airline flight manifests to track who’s leaving the country.


Since the introduction of the current system, facial recognition identified 7,000 passengers who overstayed their visas on the 15,000 flights tracked. The US Customers and Border Protection (CBP) estimates that over 600,000 people overstay their visas every year, an offense that carries a maximum penalty of a 10-year ban from entering the US.


Critics argue that building up a database of millions of people’s photographs is a threat to civil liberties. Once you have the database, it would be easy to share it with other agencies, effectively turning it into a search tool for all law enforcement.


The current iteration of the system first entered trials in 2017 on a single flight between Atlanta and Tokyo. It was originally planned to roll out more widely at the beginning of 2018, but its implementation was fast-tracked by the Trump administration and was expanded to more airports in the summer of 2017.

Anonymous ID: fe76e1 April 18, 2019, 4:41 p.m. No.6231547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1594 >>1855

Bill would offer in-state tuition to undocumented students at Oregon graduate schools


EUGENE, Ore. - State lawmakers are looking to expand in-state tuition.


If it's voted into law, SB 859 would allow undocumented students to pay in-state tuition for public Oregon graduate programs if they:


Qualified for undergraduate tuition equity

Attended Oregon K-12 schools for at least three years, or went to a U.S. school for a minimum of five years

Demonstrate intent to become a U.S. citizen


According to the Higher Education Coordinating Commission, this would currently affect about 250 students.

Anonymous ID: fe76e1 April 18, 2019, 4:43 p.m. No.6231567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israel bans Gaza Christians from going to Jerusalem, Bethlehem for Easter


Israeli occupation authorities refused to issue travel permits for hundreds of Palestinian Christians from Gaza who planned to visit holy sites in Jerusalem and Bethlehem during Passover, Safa news agency reported yesterday.


Reporting Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Safa said that Israel allowed only 200 Christians from Gaza, who are over 55 years old, to travel to Jordan only and did not issue permits for those wishing to visit the Church of Nativity in occupied Bethlehem or the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in occupied Jerusalem.


Israeli rights group Gisha reported complaints against the Israeli occupation regarding the restrictions imposed on people who want to travel during the Jewish Passover holiday which coincides with Easter.


“This is a flagrant violation of the freedom of movement, freedom of worship and freedom of enjoying family life for the Christians in Gaza,” Gisha said, noting that Gaza is an example of a “wider Israeli racist policy”.


According to Haaretz, Gisha said that this measure aims to deepen the division between the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Anonymous ID: fe76e1 April 18, 2019, 4:45 p.m. No.6231598   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1855

TOM FITTON ON FIRE! “The 448 Page Smear Operation” Against President Trump “Was Mueller’s Last Abuse of Power”


Judicial Watch founder and president Tom Fitton went on with Lou Dobbs Tonight to discuss the Mueller Report and the exoneration of President Donald Trump.



He pegged the deep state Mueller Report for being the garbage hit piece that it was intended to be.


Tom Fitton: Well I’m both happy that the president’s been vindicated once again. We already knew there was no collusion, Lou. But I’m outraged that there was this 448 page smear operation against him. And you can see why the left was desperate to keep AG Barr under wraps and to suppress and actually try to stop press conferences… The Mueller team, I’m convinced, just wanted to drop this 448 report on him, innuendo, fake legal analysis, and Barr wasn’t going to let him do that… This president is attacked in this report for defending himself… The suggestion from Mueller is well that could be obstruction of justice, potentially. Don’t tweet at me because I’ll put you in jail

Anonymous ID: fe76e1 April 18, 2019, 4:53 p.m. No.6231710   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Israel: Zionist right arm of the Noahide World Order.

Saudi Arabia: Marxist left arm of the Noahide World Order.

US DS puppet state and enforcer of the Noahide World Order.

EU puppet state and the financial arm of the Noahide World Order.

Chinese Communists manufacturing/distribution arm of the Noahide World Order.

AUS CAN NZ BRA satellite states of the Noahide World Order.


Death of gentiles must occur continually. Most deaths are manufactured, poison food, water, radiation, vaccines, cancer, war, created crisis, FF and on and on……

We are cattle to them.

Find truth, reject their system.

The most high will watch over you when you seek the righteous path and avoid temptation.

Dig meme pray fight.


You matter.

